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Everything posted by Tien'sPetLurg

  1. It's mid day and I'm wearing pjs. So wrong yet so right!

  2. Take 2. Rowling, J.K. (1998) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets "Errol!" said Ron, taking the limp owl from Percy and extracting a letter from under it's wing. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I prefer it to the one above.
  3. I've never done this. I will play. Oh maaaan... this isn't good at all. The closest book to me is Frankl, Viktor E. Man's Search for Meaning. <edited due to sadness> I may need a do-over.
  4. (asked by Straff Venture) What do you think would be the most useful power to yourself and/or society? In terms of being useful, I chose soul casting so I could feed myself and other people. There are other benefits discussed one page back in this thread. As in real life, I think everything is a trade. There's going to be a downside. Based on the books, I'm a bit concerned about what it "costs" to gain access to Shadesmar. There may be a tremendous price to pay. 

I've read 15 pages in this thread. You all have so many interesting ideas. There were discussions about morality and how we justify our choices. I've learned more about metal than I ever thought possible. I will retain none of it as I have no metal mind, yet I distinctly remember a post that said "Squirrel" which will probably stay with me forever. This is the way my brain works. Ideally, a society would be made up of various kinds of beings with different skills and abilities. What is "best" for one, will not be the same as for someone else. Being different is Ok.
  5. When you begin each day with a visit to http://brandonsanderson.com
  6. I wish they could retroactively charge Spambots $20 a post. Nuisance fee. Hey---that would be good for trolls too. The internet could become a much better "place".
  7. It's time for mine crafting.

  8. I'll let y'all sort out who gets the drop in the bucket. As one who used to work for the devil, a.k.a. media/marketing, you have a fairly niche crowd here. The eyes on your site would be of value to specific vendors. I'm all for people being able to pay their bills. I'm crossing my fingers that y'all keep it classy.
  9. Re: Cthulhu. It's ok. The ancient one got old. It happens. He was a major hit with H.P. Lovecraft fans. I'm already ready for the 3rd volume of the Stormlight Archive. I'm ready for whatever he has in store for Elantris. There's so many things I want to have explained.... I'm on pins and needles. Firefight is going to give me the stamina I need to continue waiting. hahaha This is the first fiction author that has made me want to re-read his books. I have Never felt it necessary to do that until Sanderson.
  10. I should have put the "basically" in another spot in that sentence to modify the word Kelsier rather than married. The marriage part is as real as it gets. (For better, then worse, then better...lather, rinse, repeat! We've completed our shift in the Pit of Hathsin and are in a "for better" phase. ) Maybe I can convince him to join the 17th. Real life and virtual life worlds colliding.... whoa. We would be like world hoppers. I can't take it. My brain just exploded. Anyway, I never thought I had a "type" until I read Kelsier. Strong, kind, charismatic, and somewhat stubborn but not completely unwilling to see another point of view. He might have been slightly too secretive for my taste, if I really think about it.... but that could have been fixed. Ok /swoon.
  11. I learned there's a donate button. I can contribute a little something. But it almost feels like a joke. I mean, I can't give "change your life" money. I feel dumb saying here's 20 bucks. Lol
  12. mmmmmm lies. If we take away the cool mistborn abilities, I've got Kelsier. Actually my guy can do some pretty impressive physical feats without allomancy. I think if you know the *kind* of person you really want in life, you can find them. Be picky. <- That's my best advice. I guess Marasi can make a bouquet last for as long as she wants.... Cool trick!
  13. Ah. I'm about to do 23 days on the road. Still trying to wrap my head around it. Hopefully you will have a good Q3. Safe travels! (I had to remove the Potter Puppet Pal..his repetitive head banging was killing my eyes.) Thanks for the awesome map!
  14. I'm like you: if it's not fantasy, I'm a book cheater. Now I feel guilt. I have wished for many extra pairs of eyes so I could read everything all at once. I read paper or screen. I buy audio. Often if I start something on audio and Love it, I have to go get a physical copy of it. There's something about touching a page.... (not to mention knowing the spelling of all the weird fantasy names!) My first step into fantasy was Wheel of Time. I went straight through that series. I tried another series and quit after 1 book because I felt like Wheel of Time already did that... Which one came first? I have no idea. There's something about your first fantasy series.... Now that I'm reading Sanderson's stuff, when I get caught up in a series, it's hard for me. I'm not good at waiting. I got spoiled to having the next one ready and waiting. It's a little strange be spread across a few series. My brain is adapting. The concept of the Cosmere actually helps me keep it together. Cthulhu was our cat's name. RIP little freakshow buddy. Seriously though... it was the perfect name for that cat.
  15. I basically married Kelsier. Sanderson, keep your pen away from my man. I like him with a pulse. And welcome! (I'm pretty new too.)
  16. Here's what Pandora has just served up: Miike Snow - Burial "don't forget to cry...at your...own burial" Sung to some very happy sounding music Rooney - When Did Your Heart Go Missing? mmmm sadness sung to happy fluffy 80s-ish Flight Facilities - Crave You (Adventure Club Dub...) Oh...a little dub step goes a long way...careful now... Blackmill - Let It Be Ah a teeny bit of dub step buried into ambient. I'm now in a trance.... which I enjoy so switching to full on ambient. Off to paint some skies now....if I can force myself to move....
  17. Aliens are mowing the lawn in the rain. 1 mystery solved. 9,999,999,999 more to go.

  18. Up late working. And eating. This does not bode well.

    1. Tien'sPetLurg


      OOH my time stamp is off. This was posted at 2 a.m. my time. hmmm

  19. Both. I'm a fan of High Imperial and the idea of what you hoped would be discovered. My brain will never be the same after reading that thread about the map secrets. I need an aspirin the size of a gemheart now. I thought we were going to play a hidden image game like on the back of those kid's magazines... Highlights?! ( http://www.highlightskids.com/hidden-pictures ). I'm on a strict media diet. The conscious decision to cull as much advertising out of my life as possible has been transformative. When I visit a web site without ads, it's like stepping into a library---quiet, calm and possibly conducive to clarity of mind. Whereas most sites are like a giant 3 ring circus of stimuli and my eye doesn't know where to look or how to mentally focus. That said, I do buy things. I got my husband a bridge 4 shirt from Brandon's store recently. It's awesome. In this way (for once) I'm like most people: I hate to be sold, but I love to buy.
  20. I'm staring at a stack of books. I recently finished Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. I did not like it. This is making his A Farewell to Arms move down to the bottom of the pile. I have 3 books regarding Florida travel. (we leave next week) 3 books on Depression/Anxiety. Wheat Belly and Grain Brain sit somewhere in the middle of the pile. The Emporer's Soul and Warbreaker sit unopened and taunting me..... But I promised I would read The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn last night. I played Candy Crush and sat in a bubble bath instead. (my secret shame is out) So I'm about to crack open this book---The Seasons of Life----it's practically a pamphlet in terms of length. There's a drawing on every page. Maybe it will be 45 life-changing minutes..... I see lots of marks and highlights inside. Someone is trying to tell me Something. Storm it. Now I need that anxiety book. ha!
  21. Watching such great Sanderson interviews on YouTube. He's making me <3 him More. No!!!! Quit it.

  22. OOOH green arrow (wait that sounds super hero-ish... up vote, is it?!) for the kindred spirit appropriately named Delightful---but even more so for the glorious words above your Newcago crest. I'm quite fond of clicking the green arrows. Good times.
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