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Everything posted by Tien'sPetLurg

  1. Wow. These sites must be quite the labor of love. I have noticed (and appreciated) the lack of advertisements. Now I will say 2-15,000 things that age me greatly: 1. There's something about these sites that reminds me of the early internet days----when people built resources for free just because they were passionate about them. 2. I wish we'd had things *like* the copper mind wiki (for other authors, series of novels, etc) when I was in school. That sort of resource would have blown away "Cliff Notes," or what the youth were calling Spark Notes, years ago. (3) I've watched the world become a place where many won't hesitate to type up an ugly review, but they seldom think to type up a positive remark. Most people think web sites happen by "magic" without much regard for the time and financial expenses that go into having that "spot" on the web. Maybe we all occasionally forget that there are human beings who require energy in order to continue to give that effort behind the scenes. I don't know that this sort of thing goes on Here amongst sharders. I sense a lot of good collaboration. But I believe it takes no longer to type something that is positive and possibly helps boost energy than it does to type the opposite kind of message. Those who are, by nature, givers don't tend to do it for praise. But a little bit of appreciation and recognition of the effort you expend, can put a little wind behind your sails. To those of you who are investing your time and energy into these sites, I say "Well done!"
  2. I enjoy clicking those up arrows.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      I approve of this past time.

    2. Tien'sPetLurg


      Aw. There's no little up arrow for that remark. I cannot up-vote or whatever the term is here for the FB version of "like" your approval. Not that I dislike it. I just can't make it official. ;-)

  3. We have a music room full of things. My favorite is the steel drum. But I'm best suited for a triangle. My husband and son can make anything sound decent. I just make a ..um... Joyful noise. (Politest description ever)
  4. Turns out I'm in the same general area as Awesomeness Summoned. I thought I could feel the Awesome in addition to our regularly scheduled stifling heat & humidity.
  5. When you look at this web site and think you read a section as "Events, Signings and Spikings" instead of "Events, Signings, and Stalking"
  6. I suppose, in the land of fiction, anything is possible. The Kandra exhibited some snobbery. As much as most of them hated humans, it seemed a great offense to be asked to become a dog. I'm not sure they would be enthusiastic to assume the form of an object. I like that your mind questions such things. Sometimes I give objects around the house "personalities". We make our own fun here in the world of Lurgs. The cocooned life demands it. Now I will graft your Kandra notion into my daily experience. They will probably keep all the spren company. I'm going to need a larger cocoon.
  7. It's not raining but I'm coming out of my cocoon anyway. Will an unprotected lurg dry up in the sun?

  8. I don't know who is in charge or where to post (or much of anything really) but I wanted to say Thanks! This site is great and clearly takes a lot of effort. To those who have had a hand in it, Thank You!!!! I reference the Coppermind wiki multiple times a day. (Did I just admit that?!) Anyway, in a world of complaints and grumbles, I just want to let you know what you've done here is awesome.
  9. I was thinking we could attribute some of Raoden's well being possibly to his biological mother, (which is a major assumption) as well as the idea that wealthy children are surrounded by staff who are influential but mostly attributed his character to his special relationship with Duke Roial. There is a moment in the book when Raoden thinks back to a time when his father seemed like a better man. We can give Iadon the tiniest bit of credit based on that commentary. But we don't know how the mother passed away (unless I've forgotten) or how long his dad had his special "hobby." *shudder* When we think about Shallan, having Lin (of all people--yuck!) and of course, the *tiny* bit we know of her own mother... It's amazing she has managed so well thus far. I give a little credit to Lin to damage his own reputation and social standing in an attempt to keep things going at home after such an incident. That doesn't excuse his behavior by any means. In future books we may find that the ultimate reason for that protection may have had everything to do with his group affiliations over the well being of any family member. One thing I like about Sanderson's awful characters: often their antics are based off some kind of misguided idea that they're doing something for the greater good. For me, Lin and Iadon are almost neck and neck in the race for who is the most awful parent. I just gave Lin a teeny boost because we have evidence of him occasionally trying to give his daughter a slight comfort (creepy foreshadowing lullaby) and protection. Shallan and Raoden could world hop and have some majorly emo chats about Dads, for sure. Neither of the won the parent lotto. ;-)
  10. I'm sorry to creep out the vegans but I think whipped cream should come with everything. YUM. Having a sugar/dairy high.

  11. There have been many. Kabsal springs to mind. I really liked him.
  12. I loved Shallan and Adolin's first date when she asks him about the realities of wearing shardplate. That was a brilliant example of socially awkward people going "off script" and meshing quite well. Shallan singing that lullaby back to her father was pretty haunting. I may or may not have allegedly performed a fist pump when I read Dalinar's private "conversation" with Elhokar. I was so ready for someone to Speak to that whining little $#@%%&!. I also like how Shallan finds that sketch of Bluth (wasn't it?) and realizes he had kept it.
  13. Good things come in cocooned packages.

  14. Lin, at least, tried to keep a secret to protect his offspring. I can't find a redeeming quality of Iadon. (maybe in the sequel?!) How could I forget Straff Venture?! Ugh. What a scumbag. I LOVE this. Can something be Super true? If so, this is it! Clubs kind of became a father figure to Spook. He came across as a little emotionally ill-equipped, but I respect the effort. I think I'd want Kiin for a dad. I respect a lot about Dalinar but we'd bump heads in a father-daughter dynamic. I'm giving this way too much thought.
  15. I'm not sure who my favorite is just yet. My Least favorite is Iadon (Elantris). My 2nd least favorite is Lin Davar (Stormlight Archive).
  16. Time to show our son another episode of Star Trek TNG. Make it so! Family bonding on the Enterprise.

  17. BS has put some interesting father figures on the page. Who's your favorite? Who would you hate to have as a dad? Happy Father's Day to all of you who are dads, poppas, grandpas, uncles, godfathers, and/or father figures out there!
  18. *crossing my fingers I don't kill another thread by posting in it* (Is it my lurg slime?!) In The Way of Kings, the codes that Dalinar adheres to, much to the disdain of others in his community, are mostly about chivalry. Often these codes are seen as nuisance and unimportant to those who do wish to follow them. Over time, the value of the practice must be proven (usually because something goes wrong since they Didn't follow them) in order for the current generation to conform to the customary behaviors. Dalinar, himself, was a convert after tragedy occurred while he was drunk on the job. Adolin doesn't enjoy living by the code, especially when it comes to fashion, but he has a semi-chivalrous nature. He rescued the prostitute from violence. But he also, cluelessly, flirts with women in front of the woman he is courting. That is anything but polite. Adolin Is fond of dueling for "honor." /And now my mind goes into a tangent about honor vs ego./ <- disregard When we look at the larger definition of chivalry, the qualities of courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak, we see that most cultures in Sanderson's books fall short of equal treatment/justice for all. There is a huge "chasm" (forgive the term) in equality. The treatment that is unacceptable for one group is completely over-looked in another group. Parshendi? Bridgemen? Slaves? Who cared what happened to them? Overall I think Sanderson presents people as they are: we want to pick and choose which codes to follow, when we want to follow them and extend courtesy and grace only to those whom we select are worthy of receiving it. And most of the time, we do it without any thought whatsoever. Some authors may glorify chivalry to the extent that it's not realistic. Others may take the opposite position. Sanderson hits it square in the middle. He shows the reality of fallible human beings trying to live up to ideals. We don't get often get it right, but the heroes sure do try. I hope that helps you in some way. Good luck with the essay!
  19. I'd want Lopen to teach me how to maintain a decent attitude under unpleasant circumstances. It's quite likely I'm his cousin. Vin would make a great self defense instructor. Tien for Geology.
  20. I wish I had 7 sets of eyes. So many books, so little time.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Don't just WISH for seven sets of eyes. Make it happen!

    2. Tien'sPetLurg


      I'm a lurg. My back can only hold so many!

  21. I'm back in Shadesmar.

  22. There was this kid on Roshar named Tien. He found me and changed my life. Way of Kings Ch. 16.
  23. I should have named myself Thread Killer. OOPs

  24. I think in terms of desk objects or things to put on a shelf a.k.a collectibles and dust catchers. I would like some spheres. Maybe with different "gems" in them and of course, no sphere collection would be complete without the ever elusive black sphere. Hey maybe a board game where you use spheres as the currency.... LIFE/Monopoly but with a Stormlight Archive theme. A soul caster. Axehounds. Cremlings. Chasmfiend. You know what? A Chasmfiend plush toy. Why not?! I could cuddle it with my little soft Star Wars DeathStar. OOOH build your own Chasmfiend like Build-A-Bear and drop your own gem heart inside. It's like Care Bears on steroids! Ok I need to go check my bloodsugar. My first thought was Shardblades. Most of us can't have a house full of giant objects that are sword-like. I could see images of shardblades being made into pretty cool bookmarks though. Low cost/high profit/easy to ship/makes sense being in the business of Books.
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