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Everything posted by Tien'sPetLurg

  1. If there are headache spren, I have them. I need a spren swatter.
  2. Maybe you could draw Shallan-style the cards you want people to see Or you do it Elantris style. Dang, now I want this all in my real life!
  3. Mmmmm sleep spren. I need some.

  4. Fear spren. Glory spren. It would be hard to play poker there.
  5. Well this notion of vibrations across all the various worlds led me down an internet rabbit hole. (It's ok. I get stuck in those ALL the time. I'm used to it.) I crawled through some things about Chladni's law. http://didel.script.univ-paris-diderot.fr/claroline/backends/download.php?url=L1N1amV0c19TZW1lc3RyZTFfMjAxM18yMDE0L0ZpZ3VyZXNfZGVfQ2hsYWRuaS9BSlAwMDAyNzEucGRm&cidReset=true&cidReq=36UPPE36 So I was thinking about the Mistborn series and the metal flakes.... I came upon this site all about tuning forks and essentially, I need a nap or an aspirin. Too many thoughts. http://science.howstuffworks.com/tuning-fork1.htm Sometimes the patterns remind me of crop circles. *begins folding tin foil hat to wear during the nap*
  6. Thanks for the recommendation. I listened to a few samples on Audible. I don't know if it's my genre exactly. It might make for a fun, summer read. I was trying to find something with a bit of a time travel element to the story. It could have romance in it...or not.... I'm going through Elantris a 2nd time on audio. This is the first time I've gone immediately back over a story once I've finished it. I'm confused and think I may have missed some things that answer my questions. Once again, I need to order the printed copy. It seems with world creation stories, I need a bit more than just audio to really process the information. (It could be because 2 characters have names that sound similar) If I'm listening here and there, I can't hold the details in my memory as well between listening sessions. I wish I could get a bigger hard drive and RAM for my brain.
  7. A brain break is needed.

  8. Ha! I was just coming over to post about cymatics. Glad I checked with the search button so as not to start a new thread. I think it's really cool. It reminds me of something mentioned in Elantris as well as Pattern in Stormlight Archives. Anyway, I guess you know you're a fan when you see book elements all the time. I've definitely got the fever. At least I'm not glowing, splotchy or bald....yet.
  9. Alloy of Law is my suggestion. As was stated, it's many years into the future from what you just finished. Book 3 got pretty deep toward the end. Alloy feels very light in terms metaphysical stuff. It has fun references to the past which you will catch easily since you just finished the others. It has an old west meets Sherlock Holmes vibe about it. I thought it was kind of a fluffy, fun cute story when I read it and then The Ending had me all Whoa!!!! It just got really interesting!!!!!! Ha! Brandon sucked me back in.
  10. Feeling some form of Bothered Lite. Flustered, maybe?!

  11. Listening to Elantris. Again.

  12. I need to look Shan's character description back up. I was thinking she had light hair. Eva could have any color hair. She can definitely bring some intensity to the camera and I think she can play a broad age range. born: 1980
  13. My husband loves this feature. Both of us read text faster than the narrators speak. He prefers to double the pace. I tend to listen a little more leisurely. I like to really imagine stuff. I think of the sentence structure and the words being crafted, almost like how a sculptor physically adjusts his base material. Once in a while I hear a sentence that just blows my mind for the way it was constructed. But you're so right: If you listen to it faster, soon your brain catches right up and it seems "normal" to your ear. It's really given us a lot to think about in terms of the various ways our brains process information. I'm glad you have a way to maximize your time. I do love audiobooks for allowing me to get out of my chair. For me, Sit + Read + Eat = Big Book Butt
  14. Spook: So much growing from 14-16. By the time this show would be filming, these guys might look just right or too old. Both guys have enough in them deliver his personality in the series. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n170/neurobucket/mistborn/2ee4fc22-779c-4105-bb31-17d33a7c14f5.jpg Kelsier's Crew: I'm not suggesting these are the only people who could fill the roles. Just a collection of possibilities. In my dreams, Patrick Swayze is alive and the right age for Kelsier. And Phillip Seymour Hoffman is also alive and at the right place in his life to be Breeze. But -- such is the disappointment of space/time/reality. These choices are all alive. (at time of post) Some of them (perhaps all of them) would be expensive to hire. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n170/neurobucket/mistborn/crew.jpg Here's some characters like the Lord Ruler, Reen or Zane, Papa Venture ;-) http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n170/neurobucket/mistborn/family.jpg I do love my Lord Ruler choice. He's a great character actor and has a look that says he could be part Terrisman. (head shape, longer neck, height) Warren Christie is probably a familiar face to SciFi fans. I don't "know" him from the shows but his voice is a bit of an issue. I find it a bit high pitched.
  15. Some Vin thoughts. A few mentioned Chloe M. I found a picture of her with short, dark hair and thought it was worth including. This selection has a wide variety of ages of actresses. My favorite out of this batch is Samantha Barks. She has a many different looks. I don't know if she can do action but she seems to be able to sing and dance so I assume the coordination might be present. Eva Green came to mind based on 300 work. If not for Vin, maybe a flashback for Vin's mom. (if Portman won't do a cameo) Here's some for Elend. The first one looks like a baby in these pictures, but he's at that real life age of rapid change. I think he's about to be shown in several big films. I'm impressed by Jack O'Connell's versatility. I'm not British so I don't have any ideas about his real life personality but he has many looks for the screen.
  16. If you're into this sort of thing, I've got pics and names for most of the characters in an album here: http://s112.photobucket.com/user/neurobucket/library/mistborn
  17. I'm kind of confused about Kelsier's age. I've seen the quote that he's 38. Could that have been a joke? Or maybe the Coppermind is incorrect? It says Kelsier was born in 997 FE. It says Vin is 16 (at the beginning of the story) and born in 1005 FE. That's a difference of 8 FE. Is FE measured in 365 days? Is a day 24 hrs? Is an hour 60 minutes in this world? Elend, per the Coppermind, was born in 1000 FE. Spook is about 2 FE less than Vin. At her age, those 2 years make all the difference in terms of taking a boy's interest seriously so that "fits" with the impression I got in the story very well. I'm also thinking an all star cast would not be within budget limits. There would need to be a mix of knowns/unknowns for financial reasons. I know it's just for fun...but I think too much.
  18. That moment when you get excited about chocolate cake only to find out someone put pumpkin pie spices in it. Barf spren?!

  19. Now I have to go find a sample so I can hear exactly what you mean. I believe you. I'm just weird like that. ;-) I wonder how much input a new author has in terms of selecting the audio book narrator? I mean, if a book is your baby, you can't just hand it off to just anyone.... Whoa ~ I almost got enveloped by tangent spren. Ok I opened the sample of Cristofer Jean reading the Black Prism. Wow. I "see" what you mean. It's like his voice is missing a few notes in terms of inflection. Sometimes he ends a sentence with his voice going up like he's asking a question. This makes it sound like he's reading the book for the first time. There's a lot of nasality. Well I only made it through 2 of the 5 minute sample using it as background noise. Poor guy. He's recorded 2 other books now. Once I got past the foreword on another one, I can hear improvement. By the 3rd listed, a short book called You Can Do, it sounds like he's worked at that infliction problem. Good for him. I love when people improve with practice. Now if only someone else would record that 22 hr+ Black Prism book. I bet that's part of it. He probably didn't want to spend time reading the whole thing and then going back to do the work. Swatting away judgement spren.
  20. I need some memory spren. Then I could attract more glory spren.

  21. Just a quick thought on red eyes. Forgive me as I'm new and I am beyond blown away with how smart people here are on this site. I'm way out of my league. Seriously. So far everyone has been kind and tolerated me. But I was thinking, and it's a simple-minded notion, that perhaps red eyes were semi-reserved for the Parshendi who went into War Form. (if for no other reason than to keep it distinct and simple--not very Sanderson-esque though, right?!) This form change involved the Stormfather and Kal sat out there being "judged" by the Stormfather so that might play into it somehow. I sort of assumed the Parshendi War Form eye color had more to do with the particular spren within the fabriole used...but... that's not necessarily correct.
  22. Finished Elantris and.... immediately Re-reading Elantris. Such is the life. You get your money's worth with a Sanderson book.

  23. When you experience the immediate emotional whiplash upon finishing one of his books. "Oh my! That was So Amazing!!!! Whoop! Whomp whomp whomp. Oh no! It's over. Now what?" *1 one thousand...2 one thousand* "I know! Let's read it again!"
  24. Just finished Elantris and came here to check...and 2 of my questions were listed. Score! I wanted to know how the Shaod selected people and why it happens at night etc. I also wanted a bit more explanation about what the pool was about. So you guys are on the right track with Noob questions. (So sayeth one noob.)
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