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Everything posted by Stark

  1. In the interests of full disclosure, many of the elements of this story are similar, yet entirely different to Shallan's story. However, it is joyfully Grim and a worthwhile read. But, take head of the gold foil sticker that comes with it, proclaiming that "This rust is not for kids. Seriously." to heart. I would not recommend reading this to young children, or at least not your own, despite the joyful exterior and friendly looking pictures.
  2. You may be remembering the story from a not so recent Rothfuss work, that is in spoliers in case you have not read it.: Except for the rushed ending of "now storms came and everything was awful" - there are some interesting parallels here. But at the end of the day, there are number of parables, or moral stories where the POV character judged someone else only to find at the end that they too were judged to be monsters by someone else. It is an important lesson on perspective for children to learn.
  3. Maybe. I was under the impression that they were golden, not orange. But they are supposed to be little globes, so it could fit. I'd never thought to associate gloryspren with the Bondsmiths though. Still not entirely convinced it fits though. @Argent No idea why a second thread was started for the same topic. It is not ideal having to watch two locations for the same info. Is there a way for the mods to merge both topics?
  4. Also worth noting, people have commented on the windspren around Jezrien, but I think we have spren around them all... Vedel is surrounded by green motes that could be lifespren. - Which fits Edgedancers Ishar has those orange blobs that could be.... orange spren? I don't know, I think the only spren we know of that have been described as orange are painspren, and those look like hands. So these are a different orange spren. Jezrien clearly is be swarmed by windspren. - Which fits Windrunners Shallash does not clearly have a spren near her, unless the fragments floating above her masks are the spren - creation spren are supposed to be silvery, right? And take the shapes of things,, like the masks. I admit that is a push, but it is the right colour spren to appear around the created masks - and artistic license allows them not to look like random objects, but facets of the masks? - Which would fit Lightweavers
  5. I notice his buckle actually seems to match the stain glass behind Vedel almost completely - one Gem for each of the orders, with symbol. The three interior gems seem to correspond to the moons to me, based on colour and size, green-medium, blue-large and violet-small. Edit: So others got to the point before I did that the inner gems match the moons. But to keep going, on Vedel's window, between the circle of orders and the moons, each order has two coloured gems/stones/glass touching them, a different colour than the order. I guess that represents the surges the orders have access to? It is hard to tell because we can't clearly see all twenty. And I'm already thinking of axing this, as Bondsmith seems to be right next to Windrunner, and the two orbiting colours do not match at all - and they both have adhesion. So what are those little gems on the border between circles representing?
  6. Other useful tips to get the upvotes: Wear pants. Some of the most highly upvoted members of this site are among the most skilled pants-wearers you can find, though some have begun experimenting with more advanced lower body coverings. Realistically, wearing any lower body covering will get you a few upvotes, but pants tend to be the easiest to master. Pants wearing is a stepping stone into the really high level reputation earner (750+ rep) of having hidden, pattern-shaped speakers on your wall, rigged to exclaim "No Mating" any time someone walks past them. Pattern, and his chaperoning skills are like clickbait for upvotes. Having mastered pants just lets them no you're serious. Other than that - art. Win at art. Everybody likes to give upvotes to the artists on the site - upvotes are kinda like money, only you can't use it to feed yourself. So exposure? Or have a new insightful WOB from a book signing that was written down, and therefore un-snipable by the recorders - those get upvotes to. Making funnies, especially on trending threads, seems to help. But I really do think the secret is pants. I wear almost pants everyday, and I'm pretty happy with my reputation level - admittedly, some days I experiment with shorts. But shorts days tend to have me away from the computer, and not posting, so shorts do not help your reputation. So there must be a correlation, right?
  7. I bought it. It was smaller than I expected. Like 5"x 3" 12.5cm x 7.25cm. Its small and cute. Looks weird among the giants that is the rest of Stormlight. Which kinda sums up Lift, so it works.
  8. Would the title of the show be RAFO and consist of him mainly shaking his head asking "Why would anyone think that? Or be curious about that? Do I have to worldbuild an answer to this now? Peter! We need another assistant who specializes in <insert obscure topic here> to make sure I can answer this/don't flub the answers too much and have to rely on Cosmere Ex Machina!"
  9. I think you are confusing the unmade with the Dysian Aimians... One is evil spren, the other is what we saw in Edgedancer and a bunch of other places.
  10. The other thing worth noting is hat there are two sides to every story. In this case there may be three, only one of which we are exploring - the one where the girl's village was the evil to be kept out. While we can agree that the wall was likely built by the other society, due to the fact that nobody puts stairs on the side of a wall designed to keep someone out, or spikes on the friendly side, we can't say much about the conflict that caused it. It seems long enough ago that the youth of the girl's village take it for fact that the wall was always there. Long enough for salient details to fade into the mists of time. And the villagers say the wall is there to protect them from things that would kill them. So the wall is ancient - old enough that both sides of the wall forgot exactly why it is there, or why it was built. But it ended a conflict, and there are two sides to every conflict. And if the other side of the wall was advanced enough to be a city of light, and build such a wall, it is unlikely that the other city did not inflict casualties on the girl's village during the conflict. And the good guys rarely concern themselves with making the outside of their walls look scary - that's usually what the orcs do. So I see three options, with a tinfoil hat fourth. 1) The girl's village was the evil, the other society built the wall to end a war and keep them out. Something, something tranquiline halls. 2)The other village was evil, but losing the war. Peace was negotiated, and a wall was built to keep the girl's village out of 'mordor.' This allowed the evil society to advance with stormlight tech, but the wall still served to protect the girl's society from the evil within. Walls work both ways. When the girl steals the light, evil rekindles and sends the storms, banishing them as the wall clearly was not doing its job. (Who builds a climbable wall anyway) 3)We have a "Wall in the North" situation from ASOIAF. The wall was built to keep evil out thousands of years ago. However, in that time evil seemingly disappeared, and some small societies went beyond the wall to escape rule they did not enjoy, becoming Wildlings. They remembered that the wall was designed to protect, and the stuff on the other side was supposed to kill them, but forgot which side was the deadly side. Over time, both societies began to think the wall was there to keep the other one out, with the true evil forgoteen (Last Desolation? Tell them they've won, its over, this was the last. For all we know, that could even be true.) 4) Aluminum hat time! So we have a wall. One one side, light. On the other side, everything in darkness, no light. A light side, a dark side, with a difficult to penetrate band between the two as far as anyone knows. Does anyone else think that sounds like Taldain? The telling of the story would lead the listener to believe the girl's village was the evil one. It could be a story of someone sneaking accross the barrier to the Tranquiline halls to steal from the Heralds, and they were punished for it with storms. It could be the story of humans coming to Roshar, and stealing the spren's love from the listeners. It could be a tale from Taldain, trying to use mysticism to explain why the planet is tidally locked. There are so many options for how to analyze such a short story. It is truly fascinating. I don't know which optiion I like best.
  11. I wonder, is there any way to get prints of these? Or gaming playmats? Cause they would be awesome. And while some people would say that yes, you can have too many playmats, even if that is true, I'm not there yet.
  12. I don't know about that. Can she really hate him for the despicable act of murdering her brother with a broken spear and no armor when Heleran used Plate and Blade? Having gotten to know Kaladin as a fellow tortured human before this reveal, it may help her get closer to him. Besides which:
  13. I almost got excited when Adolin fed stormlight to the lift. Then I realized it was an elevator lift, not the Lift everyone is waiting for. Well, I assume some people were waiting for Adolin's lift, but not any of the sharders.
  14. I actually kinda thought about Shallash - from the endpaper painting. With the white hair. While unconsciously filling the details with things she did not know, or had not drawn before. So what was filling the gaps for her? What was fueling the images? Spark! That's not going to make people think of Duatbringers and firespren at all, is it? Nope, not even the teensiest bit. But hey, likes to take things apart and see how they work? So, surgeons and engineers? Or just people who are to interested to see what's inside to do it slow and careful so you can reassemble after? It would be cool if engineers were ideal candidates for Dustbringing. And no real hint of Spark's gender, yet. This was hilarious. The only thing that would have been better would be Brandon hard core trolling the people asking if non-cosmere works are cosmere by have her spren being named Alcatraz....
  15. Oh man, where to start. The story Shallan told Pattern, in the amphitheater? The little girl on the other side of the wall? Who climbed the scary spikes only to find many years ago that her people were the evil the wall was built to keep out? I wonder if that was originally a Listener story? I also wonder at the ending, it seemed a little too rushed to be the real ending, it felt like a lie. IT built and built, with no pay off. I wonder what the story would have been if she had not been overwhelmed by her memories of her childhood. Then creepy kandra-type spren shows up and is creepy! But more telling, she sends out many of her images. Shallan in a dress, Veil in a coat, Shallan as a child, wearing Radiant, as a youth, as a soldier, as a happy mother, a wife. That is at least eight different versions blazing out from her as she is infused with light. Almost nine, just saying. Mix that with the unconscious darkness in the next chapter. Drawing a twisted pattern? Twisted Pattern? Something mistwraith-y and Lovecraftian consuming horses, and the void. damnation Shallan, you're scaring me. Plus, Amaram is Sadeas now, that is messed up. Kaladin will not be happy. Also, Adolin, you idiot. "I hate him because he has my brother's shards, he totally killed my brother." "Uh, no, Shallan, actually he didn't. Kaladin did. You hate the wrong guy." What the hell, where was the smart, sensitive Adolin from last chapter? Also, NOT ROCK'S COOKING HAND! He needs that, for stew. Did I mention that creepy spren is creepy? Definitely not a Kandra, the bones would not have worked through that passage. So how far into the physical realm are the Odiumspren? Blackthorn killing horses and his own men. Not cool. Nice to see him swear to never be king. Speaking of being king, nice of Elhokar to show up to the meeting, but after making a big deal of being King and overseeing the politics of Alethkar independent of Highking Dalinar, it would be nice if he actually showed up, rather than just being reactionary. Why are the cities going dark? Are they just ignoring Dalinar, like the Highprinces did, or is it worse? And how did Kaladin mange to sneak the spanreed? Let's see, what else, what else, what else? The copy cat is committing the exact same violence, the exact same way. But it is worth noting that Shallan was wearing Veil's face when she approached Rock, and he did not accuse her of stabbing him. So our copy cat spren is copying the exact same victim type - build and injuries, but not the face of the killer. That is interesting. Does it attempt to copy the killers face? Was it not able to copy Shallan's because she weras so many? Does it always wear the same face? Does it have a face? Amaram. Common courtesy dictates that you do not walk through the projection on someone else's projection. Not cool. Also, better good? Screw you - lamest justification ever. That's it for now till I read everyone else's comments, and the chapters again.
  16. If she doesn't take the time to steal Lopen's chouta, Rock's stew, Adolin's chicken, Shallan's Horneater White and Navani's patience, her trip to Uritiru will be wasted in my opinion...
  17. I think it would come down to which of them surges first. We saw her slide through a window that she should not have been able to fit through in Edgedancer by, I assume, flexibility and awesomeness. So if she reduces her friction to zero, I don't see Dalinar being able to stick her to anything, much less hold her to do so. However, Dalinar gets her with Adhesion before she activates Friction, she is stuck. She's a little like the juggernaut - if you can immobilize her, it doesn't matter how immune to friction she is if she is stuck fast. But, if she can get moving, at all, she is unstoppable. Edgedancer exception: As for using someone else's light, I think it is keyed to the surge binder. I think it would be like trying to access someone else's metalmind. She'd detect the light, but not be able to use it. In addition to the fact that I don't think she can inhale light, she has to eat to get stormlight - I think there is a WOB to that affect. But if Dalinar stuck Kaladin to a wall, even though they have access to the same Surge, I don't think Kaladin could absorb Dalinar's light. He'd have to expend his own to counter and break Dalinar's. And then it becomes a stormlight style atium battle, where whover runs out first loses.
  18. Thank you for articulating this for me. I could not find the words. This depiction of Ishar fills me with dread, as he appears like the cult leader at the head of his congregation, framed by the moons. It is disturbing. On another note, if anyone hear receives a copy of Oathbringer, but Ash's face is scratched out, do you return it because it is damaged, or keep it as the ultimate fourth wall breaking collector's item?
  19. Never mind Dalinar or Shallan, I'd love to see Lift interact with Navani. That would be storming entertaining. I see her getting along quite well with Adolin. Her and Kaladin would be interesting. She is an underprivileged child, so she will instantly trigger his protective 'Tien' instinct. And then she'll talk. And steal Rock's stew. And cause so much trouble with Bridge Four that it will conflict with Kaladin's oath to protect those who cannot defend themselves, as she can defend herself, but Bridge Four will be defenseless against her. It will be interesting for sure. It would be fun to see Dalinar lose his patience with her and glue her to the wall like he did the ardent in the training circle. And I can totally see Lift, Adolin and Shallan having a very, very frank conversation about the occasional necessity of defecating in Shardplate, much to Wyndle's horror.
  20. No, I think more of the masks that Shallan wears. Each one representing a different personality she can adopt. I counted, 5 masks on the floor, one in hand... So no hints there. As for Dandos... Didn't he die 300 years ago? And Tezim is now? Why would Dandos know about that, unless these are Dandos paintings? I'm a little confused. I am interested by the focus of the moons, with blue Nomon in the forefront. Violet Selas and green Mishim are not given colour, but there may be some significance to the moons?
  21. Whelp, with that culty-worshippy shot of Ishar, I may have to join the Ishar is Tezim bandwagon... Also, damnation Ash. A garment woven of light for the original Lightweaver, with discarded masks... So much to deconstruct from that photo.
  22. I now find myself deeply curious if anyone from the fandom has brought him a cleaned up stick to sign? One approximately the right size to scribble Aons on the floor in the dust with, or attempt to soulcast into fire with.
  23. From a cognitive or spiritual perspective, would you consider lava to be the blood of the planet? Especially on a planet like Sel, where the land itself seems to contain the Investiture? If the scarring of the land during the Reod was enough to block Elantris' magic from working, would a Volcano not be considered an open wound on the planet's surface? I get what you are saying, Hemalurgy requires blood. It's in the name, hema. But a giant planetary sized spike on the one planet that is covered in geo-locked Investiture that may be on the road to gaining its own Sapience independent of a host after two shards were shattered? Stranger things could happen than the Cosmere's own Ego the living planet, right? And if a planet became a sentient entity, would the magma not be its blood, flowing beneath the surface?
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