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Everything posted by ZeldaDad

  1. I like this idea a lot. My only thought is that each person will have to be responsible for editing their Espoused Theories within their sig if their theory is either confirmed or denied. Otherwise any new members (or members who don't follow theories too closely) might be misdirected. Otherwise, super plan. I especially like it because I am a little behind on the theories aspect of the 17th Shard and seeing the more supported ones in sigs will help me catch up.
  2. Thanks for the link. This is new to me.
  3. I hadn't heard anything about it until now. I think it could be very cool or very gimmicky. I'd honestly have to try it myself to decide. It really irks me when movies come out in 3D but have no business doing so. Alice in Wonderland should not have been 3D in my opinion. It made it just another 3D movie. So I don't know. I sold my DS and I doubt I'll buy another hand-held system again. i really don't play games enough to justify a new system. The one thing that keeps me wondering is Zelda:Ocarina of Time. Arguably the best Zelda title ever. I've played every Zelda title to exist and it would be really hard for me to know that I missed one.
  4. I first heard about Brandon when I started reading Wheel of time a few years ago. I immediately started checking into him and bought Mistborn: Final Empire shortly thereafter. I was hooked. I bought and sped through the Mistborn trilogy and then checked out Elantris at the library because my local bookstore didn't have it. I didn't know about the Alcatraz series until a few years later and I have yet to read any of them. I went to a signing for Brandon on his Way of Kings tour and got my copy signed. I eagerly look forward to anything he writes and I love discussing his work. This man is the author who inspired me to write.
  5. That pretty much made my day. Many thanks to you for posting this!
  6. So, I thought I'd go ahead and kick this forum off with it's first thread. I've been following Writing Excuses pretty much since the day I found out about Brandon as an author. Since then I have learned a great deal about writing. Creative writing is what I would love to do as a living, particularly writing novels. My question to you is, what is the best advice/most influential thing you have taken away from this podcast? For me, I'd have to say it is the discussions they have on publishing. This is an aspect of writing I hadn't ever let myself think about until I started listening to the 'cast. The Writing Excuses team has done a wonderful job of outlining exactly what steps you need to take toward this goal and how to go about taking them.
  7. Yea, I could see that. Your post on iron Misting almost converted me to the ways of pulling instead of pushing. You haven't turned me yet, but you might.
  8. I thought the same thing. I will likely be able to talk someone into paying for my ticket as it comes out a day or two before my birthday. So really as long as it isn't terrible I can't lose.
  9. Actually just started watching Biggest Loser. It is a lot better than I thought it'd be. Waiting for Parks and Rec to hit Netflix and watching tons of Survivor on YouTube. Has anyone heard much about Sucker Punch. It looks decent.
  10. The only two games I am playing right now are Left 4 Dead (PC) and Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii). You should hit me up with friend info if you play either.
  11. I am currently reading a book called Cold Sassy Tree (totally different genre) but as soon as I finish, I am going to read Name of the Wind followed by Wise Man's Fear.
  12. I would just like to say that I am currently reading a book that my wife recommended to me, but as soon as I finish it I will begin my reading of Name of the Wind. So, in the event that the thread grows stagnant before I finish, this is my fair warning that I will shamelessly use my talents in Thread Necromancy to reanimate it.
  13. Alright, so I think the concept of Twinborn is amazing and I'm more than glad Brandon went with it. I am tempted to say I'd choose to be a Twinborn over a Mistborn but I don't think I'll know the answer to that until I've read more about it. Were I a Twinborn, I think I'd have to go with the classic Allomantic steel and Feruchemantic iron. The idea of being way more effective as a Coinshot is appealing to me. However, it is likely that I'll change my opinion after reading some other people's ideas.
  14. Very nice! I saw a lot of interesting pumpkins earlier this year but these top them all. Well done.
  15. Hell yeah! These are ridiculous in an awesome way! Definitely two of my favorites.
  16. Holy crap! Nice info! I'm glad he talked about religions. I just posted a question about that yesterday. Thanks for providing us with this stuff, Puck!
  17. He did indeed. I remember this happening, though I couldn't tell you exactly when or where. That particular metal is a bit of a double-power in that sense.
  18. Haha, thanks! Proud to be a Sliver or your Shard. This site tops any other forums I've seen by far. I love it. And I may not out-post Chaos, but I will find a decent challenge for him one of these days. Thanks for the welcomes. You guys are very on top of things around here and I appreciate that. You don't find that everywhere.
  19. I would like to announce that I am super excited about this and the link(s) should be announced here once they exist!
  20. THANKS! You are right, I will need it. You just bestowed me with your own lurking-luck. Nice job dooming yourself.
  21. I would like to announce that I just saw that Silus was sick on his profile and I almost gave my sympathy but didn't and now I read the same thing in this thread and I feel compelled. So, my sympathy to you, Silus. Feel better soon.
  22. Hello everyone that reads this. It's good of you to do so. I have been a member of this site for... a few days *too lazy to open a tab and look at my join date*. I lurked for about a week and then joined here, TWG, and Dragonmount all under the same alias. I've been a fan of Brandon's for about 2 or 3 years, so relatively new. I've read all of his books except the Alcatraz series and I've loved them all. I'm just now beginning to grasp the concept of the Cosmere. My discovery of it is what prompted my initial lurky-ness (I plan to out-lurk Eerongal, though I doubt I'll outpost him). I think it's also worth noting that I recognized Miyabi from a random forum viewing from years past and I knew for some reason that he was well-known. So your reputation precedes you, sir. Well done. I give you all leave to ask me anything under the condition that I may or may not deny you an answer. Glad I found this place!
  23. I keep wanting to put a picture on here but my work blocks most sites that would serve me well in this purpose. >:(

  24. ZeldaDad


    I would have to say I'd be a coinshot, buring steel (despite what my member tag says). Although, Silus almost convinced me to choose Iron instead. I would love to use it for mobility purposes and, in the world we live in, there is plenty of metal around to be put to such good use. Imagine travelling down a busy highway, using the cars below you. Perfect situation. And it would be sweet to shoot things all around the place too.
  25. Ah, that's a possibility. Thanks for the input!
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