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Everything posted by ZeldaDad

  1. I just started Leviathan. Haven't read enough to know if I like it yet, but I think I will. I also started the Septimus Heap series like 3 years ago and got through 2 and a half of them but stopped. Thinking about picking it back up from book 1 at the library. Anyone read them?
  2. Very true. Thanks guys. I was just reading through Warbreaker and forgot that Hoid was the guy who told Siri the story. When she asks where he learned it he says, "I learned it many, many years ago from a man who didn't know who he was, Your Majesty. It was a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died." I just thought this was really interesting and goes along with the whole guide thing. I'm just really curious who "the man who didn't know who he was" is. Interesting description. Also, "a distant place where two lands meet and gods have died".... Shadesmar??? I don't know. Just thought the whole thing was interesting because I didn't even know the Cosmere existed when I read Warbreaker.
  3. Someone mentioned Szeth's oathstone as possibly being a Shard. Maybe he is the Sliver in your theory that's holding the Shard?
  4. I haven't been more scared in a long time than I was while watching that video.
  5. Then it will be months worth of awesome!
  6. Yea, that's sort of what I expected. If I read it, I will go into it expecting little more than an entertaining story that I may have heard 100 times before. Then I will be happy either way.
  7. I'm very pleased that I now have a Reputation as a Mistborn.

  8. Now I'm an even 10! You returned the favor!!
  9. I completely agree with this. It's the same thing I thought.
  10. I'm ready for these kinds of matches to occur in the actual books. Also, this cage match was a good plan.
  11. Not sure. I am pretty sure that they had to work together to create life, but I might be wrong. It's been years since I've read the series.
  12. I have never read any of them. Trying to decide if I should or not. What do you think?
  13. Haha, it might not indeed. But I don't know, I don't really do anything at work so... it's possible.
  14. I think I'll save that one for another rainy day at work.
  15. So, I didn't know exactly where to post this and it didn't really seem worthy of its own thread but I was wondering, how do you think Brandon will handle the "big revelations" of the cosmere in terms of casual readers who may or may not ever read more than a few of his books. I mean, say you were reading a Mistborn book in the third set of trilogies. You have only ever read Mistborn books by Sanderson and you have never looked at forums like these. You will have no idea about Seventeenth Shard or Odium or Endowment. So what happens if Rayse comes to Scadrial to try to kill Sazed and you are like, "What? Who the hell is Rayse?!". Obviously he wouldn't do it just like that, but how would he do it? Like I said, didn't think it was worth its own thread, but it might be.
  16. Haha. My mention of his free time was in complete sarcasm. It's just a little hard to convey tone of voice through type. This man sounds like the busiest person I can think of.
  17. Well, I like this idea too. Too many good ideas.
  18. Just now got around to reading this whole theory and all its replies. I've been to intimidated to do so until now as it is huge. Anyway, I espouse this threory. It makes way to much sense to me so I have to espouse it. I also really like this talk of Cultivation and Old Magic. Sounds very possible to me.
  19. Oh also, I have wanted to learn to play the lute or the oud for a couple of years now. This book did nothing but increase that desire in me. Has anyone ever played either?
  20. I want that class! But I suppose it would be an empty threat. I wouldn't use it on him, considering my respect for him. But threats are within my power.
  21. Very nice. It's quite the state..... and yeah, I'd take a course like that in a heartbeat (maybe ten) considering Brandon is essentially the reason I started writing.
  22. Okay, so I know Brandon teaches one class per term or so on writing at BYU. That is awesome. I would die if I could take that class. But alas, I live in Missouri and have no hope of making out there for that long. I think it would be awesome if he could put together an online course. I am doing my undergrad in Creative Writing online so I know this type of course can be taught in this type of class setting. Would anyone else take a class like this? It would obviously cost money and all that. But you know, he could throw one together with all that free time he has, right?!?!
  23. Yeah, that's a good bit of information. I am a believer now.
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