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Everything posted by ZeldaDad

  1. I would like to announce that I have spent far less time on this site in the last week than I would have liked.
  2. Unfortunately, I am not. I will be doing NaNoWriMo, if that helps...
  3. Just encountered the set back to "watching" every thread you comment on: 43 notification.

    1. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      yeah, watching is overrated, best just to do it for 'someone quotes you' and stuff like that. Or curate your watch-list more.

    2. Puck


      or just develop the habit of checking every single modified thread once an hour :D

    3. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      heh, indeed >.> or every ten minutes >.>

  4. Just voted on 2 home computers and she is DOWN by 236 votes(5.45%). Time to pull our the stops! I don't know what they are, but they need pulling!
  5. @borborygmus I really like this! Nice job. The facial features and expression are very excellent.
  6. I like and agree with this theory. This is what I have thought from the beginning, in terms of spren. Many think the spren are parts of Honor's body as well(if I remember correctly). I think the storms are part of Honor's body. Maybe then connection is there. Maybe it's totally different. Continue discussion.
  7. Could be. Though, he doesn't kill everything, just.... ruins it. He doesn't necessarily seek to destroy everything, just make it terrible for everyone involved. But hey, he's pretty dang close.
  8. I mean, the mists killed people too.
  9. Haha. No, I'll allow that. It is all really good. For me, publishing was just the aspect I never dwell on so hearing it really helped. However, I see a cast about Rewriting coming up and.... I really need to majorly rewrite my current project so we'll see what happens.
  10. So this topic is for anything and everything surrounding the phenomena of highstorms. Obviously, if you haven't read the Way of Kings, you probably shouldn't read this thread; spoilers will follow. As The Coppermind states: A highstorm is a particularly fierce weather system on the planet of Roshar. They happen every few days and move from east to west,starting at the Origin and continuing across the entire continent, though they weaken gradually as they cross,and are mostly broken by the mountains east of Shinovar. A highstorm has three general stages, the leading edge is called the stormwall and is the most dangerous part of the storm, being a wall of water, dust and other debris picked up by the storm, and extremely high winds, the main section of the storm has less debris although the powerful gusts of winds can still pick up large rocks on occasion, as the storm passes by it gradually calms until the trailing edge, called the riddens is simply light rain mixed with occasional relatively mild gusts of wind. At some point during the main part of the storm spheres left outside, usually in baskets secured to the undersides of roofs, are infused with Stormlight. So that's a highstorm. Clearly not completely "natural" but the inhabitants of Roshar have found ways to deal with them. What I would like to know is what you think caused the storms? Why did they start, what is their purpose, will they ever stop, etc.? A key aspect is the infusion of Stormlight that occurs durring the course of the storms. Why is this? Is this possibly an effect of Honor's shard similar to the mists in Mistborn? Or is it something else entirely unrelated to Honor? I personally think it is much like the mists in Mistborn. They provided the power of a god to Vin. Stormlight is much the same, if less selectively used. Ready, set, discuss!
  11. I will! I don't have anything better to do! I mean, I'm just sitting here at work so.... why not?
  12. This makes sense to me. I mean, could the storms be like an after-shock/embodyment of Honor's power? The storms are full of power; they charge gems with stormlight. Or have a missed a crucial discussion that tells the cause of the storms?
  13. ZeldaDad

    Metallic Jobs

    Hm, good stuff. I believe it has been mentioned in another thread that iron/steel burners would make good mail dilivery workers. Feruchemical steelminds could store speed for this same purpose. I supose on a very obviously practial level, pewterarms could work construction in place of some mechanical labor. And then there could be the Magic Olympics with four classes determined by your art (Allomancy, Feruchemy, Hemalurgy, and mixed [Twinborn]). Of course savants would have their own subdivision.
  14. So, he says the people have already been guessing at Szeth's abilities. Does anyone know where this guessing has been occurring mainly? I have yet to see it and it sounds interesting.
  15. Haha. And I'm glad that you didn't resist. Also, since I couldn't think of any better place to ask this question, my intro thread seemed suitable. Is there any way to see which posts of your own have been up-voted? Like, I have 3 reputation and no idea how to go about finding the posts that earned that. Thanks!
  16. Yeah, I haven't really gotten down to the technical (or even basic) aspects of the theory. That's why I have no theory. It was mostly that I liked the idea.
  17. Very nice observation.
  18. At first when I heard Kaladin's name I was like, "Woah! Kaladin, Kalad... same person!?!?!?!". So... that's my whole story I guess.
  19. Thank you very much, sir!

  20. I plan to see it but I've heard it isn't what most people have expected. I have taken that to mean that they thought it was more "pure action" and instead there was a deeper story that you had to infer based on your own interpretation. This makes me want to see it. I always go to movies with low expectations, just in case. This one will be no different.
  21. Possibly here: Brandonothology And I quote: Jon wrote: "My burning question for Brandon is did I miss the explanation, world building moment or historical gem that explains why women have a safe hand and why they must keep it covered?" No, you haven't missed it. People have asked about this. There will be more explanation in-world as it comes along, but it's for much the same reason that in some cultures in our world you don't show people the bottoms of your feet, and in other cultures showing the top of your head is offensive. It's part of what has grown out of the Vorin culture, and there are reasons for it. One of them has to do with a famous book written by an artist who claimed that true feminine pursuits and arts were those that could be performed with one hand, while masculine arts were those performed with two hands, in a way associating delicacy with women and brute force with men. Some people in Roshar disagree with this idea, but the custom has grown out of that foundational work on masculine and feminine arts. That's where that came from. One aspect of this is that women began to paint one-handed and do things one-handed in upper, higher society. You'll notice that the lower classes don't pay a lot of attention to it—they'll just wear a glove. As a student of human nature and of anthropology, it fascinates me how some cultures create one thing as being taboo whereas in another culture, the same thing can be very much not taboo. It's just what we do as people. There's more to it than that, but that will stand for now.
  22. Agreed. Alos, if you are one of the people that is super annoyed by the White Tower chapters through the first 10 books, even that gets better in book 11 because they are finally called out on their woolheadedness. Any way, I won't say more for risk of unnecessary spoilers.
  23. @Finallity I love your sig. @This thread Yeah, a Sazed viewpoint doesn't seem likely but I wonder if we will get any indication of his awareness of events (external signs, voices in heads, etc.). Also, Hoid seems like he'd be a good train conductor. Whatever he is, I'm ready to see him (or any plantet hopper) and be able to recognize him. The only book that I have read with any knowledge of the cosmere is WoK. I learned about it shortly before/when I first started reading the book.
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