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Everything posted by natc

  1. It must be pretty important then, if they assumed that Hoid would be there. Not that we know why, but surely these guys aren't just choosing at random. Best way to make a false trail, in my opinion, is to just not follow the kind of trail you normally would follow otherwise. Gotta learn to predict yourself or it wouldn't be convincing.
  2. They can't exactly just run one off the printer or anything. They're in a hurry, and they also can't write. Unless they had a stack of them ready for emergency money-lending in the middle of a war.
  3. He could've made a big Atium spike at some point, spiked someone with it, reforged it into bracers, then cut them into himself and healed around it. Once an object is invested, with pieces of someone's soul no less, surely melting the thing won't completely get rid of the stuff? Though what actually happens when a spike passes through multiple bind points anyway?
  4. Seems like a massive leap of logic to me, but it does raise an interesting point. Why ten? Sixteen has always been the number focused upon in Scadrial in part due to the Shards. With a culture and economy that used to be founded on allomancy it's unusual a religion that presumably existed for a long time would switch it up on a whim. The only Shards that use ten frequently that I recall are in Greater Roshar. Odium included. Something doesn't look right with this picture.
  5. We'll need a unit for investiture to even begin to determine push strength won't we
  6. You know, speaking David-is-an-Epic theory, I wonder if they've ever had an Epic with a weakness that is completely redundant, like explosions, or getting shot. Like, the weakness would still shut down their powers like normal, but by the time you use it there'd be a good chance they'd be dead anyway. If they're sourced from trauma and fears, then a potentially lethal weakness is totally possible no?
  7. If she didn't expect a trap she wouldn't had set up the gun in the first place. Still can't let him die in case he's really there.
  8. Regalia was surprised just saying no actually worked though. Presumably people have tried that or she wouldn't have that reaction. Might just be people who can overcome their fears, since that is already the Epic weakness-eliminating trigger. Assuming he really is the source of Epics other than himself.
  9. Great victory, sure, but it would effectively just serve to put them back into the game. Their leader and founder who just betrayed them now appears to also one of the deadliest Epics in the world Well, better a regenerating force field master than a walking nuke that precognitively teleports I guess.
  10. "Oh hell, the secret is the power of love. I'm going to be sick."
  11. Well, if Calamity is an Epic then it already begs the question of where he got his Epic-creation powers to begin with. Be it an actual ability to turn people into Epics, or just being a gifter with essentially almighty powers. Something funny is going on here . . . Storms, this is mystery is shaping up to be more confounding than seeing an Idrian in bright pink standing in a field of sunflowers. Or . . .something. Stupid language doesn't work well with metaphors. Guess I'll have to stick to similes now.
  12. They're pretty much going "You know, you're not actually bad at metaphors . . ." "Thanks!" " . . . because most of the things you say are similes. Those are really what you're bad at." "Nerd." I was silently fistpumping the air going YES when I read that.
  13. Instant mashed potato in a minefield! Now that would be really Instabam!
  14. Ever since I've read Steelheart I've been thinking that very same thing. Most of David's lines were similes!
  15. Are we really just calling him Oblit from now on? It actually sounds cute that way. A little.
  16. Which raises a question. Is Calamity actually trying to kill us all by doing this, or is he doling out powers left and right just to see if people would be brave enough to overcome their fears? They'd be even more afraid of their weaknesses now than when they were human, since the things have become . . . you know, weaknesses. I mean, David has a point here, if something is trying to end the world this is about as efficient as trying to fish with a stick of damp dynamite.
  17. Part of that technological advancement goes towards inventing better ways to kill large numbers of people quickly and generally wrecking things with high efficiency, but you do have a point.
  18. Too much water also actually drowns plants, just saying.
  19. But if you put them in order with respect to that 1-10 list then the negatives would actually be HIGHER than Kaladin and Wit!
  20. Considering that Nale is so hell-bent on justice that he had paperwork prepared in advance just to execute Lift for trespassing , I would think most of the Heralds aren't really of sound mind right now. (Conveniently, the room she actually trespassed in really does invoke a death sentence for some reason, but what were the chances of her being caught there of all places?)
  21. pulls out a cigarette lighter Who needs ardents or Radiants! 'cause this place isn't big enough for so many sticks! One of us needs to be fire.
  22. I don't think he's talking about that kind of external at all.
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