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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 7 hours ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

    Did you do yours yourself? Did you buy the dye? Did you go to a hairdresser?

    I did mine myself. And I bought the dye. I've bleached the tips of my hair, but dyed the whole head. The purple won't be as vibrant on the non-bleached portions, but it will show up a little bit and make it look more put together. Basically what Kaymyth said, you'll be fine if your hair is already healthy, and bleaching the ends is the way to go.

    Doing your hair at home is fine and costs less. But I recommend getting someone to help you (in my case, my mom) with parts like the back. For brands, I recommend Manic Panic. Their bleach kit works well and comes with a tinting brush you can hold onto and use to apply the dye. They have a variety of colors, but for I like Blue Moon and Violet Night the best. They're on Amazon and also have their own website.

    Hope that helps. :) 

  2. 1 hour ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

    Im considering either dying tips or getting highlights of purple or blue. (My hair is black/brown) (Firstly I don't have the knowledge or money to do so but I'm dreaming). Or even a short term dye that'll wash out in a couple weeks. My hair just takes forever to grow so I don't want to mess up and have to cut a bunch off. 

    Do it. :ph34r:


  3. I feel like I post on this thread a lot, but I dyed my hair purple again, and I feel the need to share it. (I'm not narcissistic, I swear.) 



    I get annoyed when people are so surprised by "then and now" photos of actors and actresses. Yes. People change. Any normal person does it. So, as an example, this is the last time my hair was this color. July 2015:



    I'm different from the person in that photo. I'm taller and have shorter hair, but there are changes you can't see. The girl in that photo was a new member on the shard, with only about 300 posts. She could play the ukulele, but it was painfully obvious that she was a beginner. She didn't know anything about amine. She'd never had a crush on anyone. She wasn't aware of all the social injustice that exists in the world. I've gained so much since then, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  4. Ha! Internet is back up! :D  

    Last night, I went to someone's house to babysit for a little girl that was already asleep. Her parents basically just wanted someone to sit on their couch, eat some of the chocolate that they told me was okay to eat, and make sure no one kidnapped the girl in her sleep. Easy. I would have been happy to do this for free; reading Arcanum Unbounded for a second time in a quiet house is a fun way to spend a night. But the mom was so grateful that I could do this on short notice and said she and her husband aren't able to get out much, so she insisted on paying me. I'm thinking, "Okay. I'll get 5 dollars out of this. It'll be great."

    She gave me $40. :mellow: I feel like I somehow took advantage of her.

  5. 4 hours ago, Jedal said:

    I appreciate someone with a broad taste of music! Personally, one of my favorite bands which I just discovered is called Vinyl Theatre, and I found Panic! through one of their covers. If you are so inclined, these are the ones I would recommend on their page:



    "Breaking Up My Bones"

    I'm listening to Vinyl Theatre right now and I like what I hear! My favorite band is Of Monsters and Men. Have you heard of them? If not, I recommend all of their songs, but some of my favorites are, "Slow and Steady," "From Finner," "Yellow Light," "Slow Life," and "Organs."

  6. @Jedal I like 2 of his songs (Nine in the Afternoon and Death of a Bachelor.) The other stuff . . . Meh. It's okay, I guess. I'm not going to request it, but if someone is playing it while I'm around, I won't make them turn it off. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

    I have a broad range of music that I like: from indie rock, to video game sountrack, to top 40, to classical, to songs that my dad bought that none of my friends have heard of and don't fall under any specific category. I like lots of stuff.

  7. 2 hours ago, Quiver said:

    I saw the first episode of that at an anime club a few years ago. I take it the rest of the series is good and well worth a watch?

    I'd say I need to watch more anime, but that's a lie. I have a huge list I need to watch, the problem is finding the time to do so.

    (Actually, only anime I've made it a point to watch weekly these days is Dragonball Super, which I'm enjoying.)


    Yes. It's definitely worth your time. It's not even that much of your time at only 13 episodes long.

  8. Welcome to the shard robardin! I hope you like this lovely corner of the internet we call home.

    And don't take any of those so called "cookies." Take a bookie instead, courtesy of the Knights Awkward. They're shaped like books and taste like different characters. For instance, the one I am offering to you is a Sylphrena bookie; it tastes beautiful and articulate and not at all odd.

    Also you should listen to me. I outrank all of these guys in both seniority and rep. :P

  9. 51 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

    Really? I just happens that her left eye (our right) isn't the problem. Its her other eye. Bring it a lot closer to the nose because she isn't a dinosaur.  With eyes on the sides of her head lol 

    Ohhhhhh, you're right, I hadn't even noticed that. I used to have a habit of making eyes too close together (which in my opinion looks even worse) so I guess in trying to fix that I've started to do the opposite. Thank you for the critique. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

    Her eyes are off center

    Part of that was on purpose, since her head is at 3/4 view, but you're right. Her right eye (our right, her left) is kind of misshapen. Thank you for pointing it out; I'll fix that next time. :)

  11. On December 7, 2016 at 8:39 AM, Mesa the Ookla said:

    Your rough drafts are pretty storming good! I know a tonne of people on devart who doodle in the same style as you, and guess what?? The people love it!! Maybe u should come join devart!

    Thanks! I might join deviant art someday.



    Here's my final draft of Thiglena. I like how I colored it, but something about her face seems off to me. Maybe it's her chin?

  12. 14 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

    I think I just annoyed one of my aunts by daring to curse on Facebook.  Seriously, woman, I am 39 years old; do stop pretending like I am still a wide-eyed innocent.  It's not funny anymore.  The cursing wasn't even that bad*.  There are too many spheres of my life where I have to filter myself; I am NOT going to be shamed into making Facebook one of them.


    *like would have barely made the Shard filters twitch

    Fun fact: You're the same age as my parents! More proof of why you're a forum mom, I guess.

  13. 15 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

    It's a Mormon rule... And if we're being technical, it means she can go on group dates and group dates only, now and forever, ahmen! And aaaaahhmeeeeen!

    Actually, that's only while we're teenagers. Once we're older, it's actually encouraged to date more seriously and get married. But dating while you're younger is more to get a sense of what kind of people you like.

    @Mestiv, one of the biggest reasons I wouldn't get asked out is because I don't even know enough people IRL.

    Sorry for derailing . . .

  14. 6 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

    It was twelve degrees out this morning.  Twelve.  Fahrenheit.  It's not quite to the point where the dog is giving me the "are you kidding me?" look, but I had a hard time coaxing her off of the back porch and onto the grass to do her business.

    I'm wearing my snow boots, not because it's snowy outside, but because they are the only shoes I have that can possible even pretend to try to keep my feet warm.  And my toes still feel a bit cold.

    I was not built for this weather.

    I dread this. Virginia hasn't quite gotten that front yet; it's coming in tonight. I don't own adequate clothes for this!  Give me back my Florida weather, where your hoodie and winter coat are the same thing!

  15. Reminds me of a meme I saw:


    John: And the end will be announced by trumpets?

    God: No, Trump/Pence.

    John: Yeah, trumpets.

    God: . . . They'll understand when the time comes.

    But in all honesty, I'm trying to have more of an optimistic view for 2017.

    • Oathbringer probably comes out!
    • Miraculous season 2! (I know none of you watch that show, but I'm still excited)
    • Series of Unfortunate Events gets a TV series on Netflix! (It looks really good.)
    • More Marvel movies, including a second Guardians of the Galaxy!
    • Nintendo Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Finally.
    • Plus I turn 16 and will be able to do stuff like drive and go on dates. (Not that anyone would ask me out, but I'll be able to.)

    I'm making myself feel better just typing it. :) 

  16. 1 hour ago, skaa said:

    That makes sense. Sorry, I just got used to seeing kids on Facebook that it never crossed my mind that some parents might have problems with it. In any case, have fun with FB, @ShadowLord_Lith!

    Edit: By kids on FB I only meant early teens--tons of them where I live-- though I do have a cousin who lets his 9-year-old son have an account.

    I have a friend who lied about her age when she got an account. (You have to be thirteen.) So when her 15th birthday came around, I got a notification saying "Wish her a happy 18th birthday!"

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