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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 20 minutes ago, bleeder said:

    Excellent! ^_^

    I dabble in uke, but mine is trash. Literally, it was bought at a Wal-Mart when I was about five. It sat in my closet until the guitar-and-other-string-instrument bug bit me. 

    Do you play often?

    Yes! I play almost every day; it calms me down and helps me relax. I've even made up two songs . . . But they're both super short.

  2. 8 hours ago, Quiver said:

    I choose to interpret Trixie saying they are "Best Friends" to same way Lyra and Bon Bon were "Best friends", so. :ph34r:


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    ...Though the episode actually is kind of terrible in that regard because part two? Trixie and Discord, same room. The results are hilarious, and I kind of want to do a fanfic where Trixie, Discord and Starlight Glimmer put on a magic show together.

    This is especially unwieldy since I already have a preferred Trixie shipping and show,s top making me choose a Great and Powerful Ship.


    Have you seen the new Equestria Girls movie yet? I think it's the best one so far.

  3. Sooooooo . . . Hurricane Matthew is hitting the space coast (area of Florida where my house is) directly. If you haven't really heard about Hurricane Matthew, it's that one hurricane that keeps going between category 4 and 5. 

    I mean, at least I'm not there? And someone in our ward put up our hurricane shutters for us? But . . . I'm still super worried.

  4. Chuck Norris climbed Mt. Everest in 15 minutes -- 14 of which he was building a snowman.

    Chuck Norris can pick oranges off of apple trees and make the best lemonade you've ever tasted.

    Chuck Norris actually died 2 years ago, but the Grim Reaper was too scared to tell him.

    My brother told me a bunch of those tonight, I'll spare you the rest.

  5. 28 minutes ago, The Potato said:

    ((I apologize for necroing, but I actually would like a question answered.))

    Thom here, from the necromancer's guild. Who on earth (or aemudi, as you call it) are you, and what do you do? I am completely unfamiliar with the topics you are discussing, and would really like to learn. It all sounds fascinating.

    ((Hey there! Thanks for coming here. I thought this thread was dead for good, so thanks for bringing it back. :)))

    As I told you, my name is Eneless. My parents are part of the nobility in our capital city. I and my sister, however, are still students. As part of our studies, I travel with a small team of four students to other realms and complete different training missions. This team consists of me, my sister Thiglena, Erif, and his brother Nithgil. Once, on a mission we had to retrieve a song stone from Lyra. The people there fuse them into their musical instruments and this causes them to be able to use magic when they play the instrument. We were caught stealing it and had to escape in a . . . strange manner. But overall, the mission was a success. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

    Traditionally speaking, Halloween is known as Samhain (pronounced sowwen) in Pagan circles. The lore says that this is the day out of the year that the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the thinnest*, allowing various levels of crossover shenanigans. Properly, it is a time to honor one's beloved dead, work divination rituals, and other bits of magick that involve chatting back and forth with folks who wouldn't normally have such an easy time communicating.

    Somewhere along the line, certain subsets of Christian culture started equating it with devils and demons and such. Mostly because Christian theology generally teaches that any contact with friendly spirits is impossible, blah blah Satan something bippity boppity boo.

    In practice, I've done guided meditation spirit walks to the City of the Dead during this time of year. The place was lit up like freakin' Mardi Gras, man. Why? Because the spirits of those who passed on are excited. The ones who are there are people who have chosen not to move on yet; generally they're either just not ready yet or they're specifically waiting for someone. This is the time of year when they can easily slip over to check and see how their loved ones are doing without kicking up too much of a fuss.


    * It also thins up quite a bit around Beltaine, which is at the opposite end of the calendar year.  But while Samhain revolves around honoring the dead, Beltaine focuses a lot more on fertility and the waking of life in springtime.

    Thanks for answering that. :) I like that idea much better than just an excuse for cosplay and candy. Especially since my religion also teaches that spirits of the dead can occasionally make contact with us here on earth. I love seeing similarities between different religions. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

    That is at least the subtext of it. Majoras Mask is dark... probably why I love it so much...

    Nintendo should make a horror game. A really weird, surreal horror game. We all remember that one cutscene from Twilight Princess, right? Right. Nintendo should make a horror game.

    The one after you free the last light spirit?

  8. 58 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

    There's actually a kind of party game where you get what's essentially Bertiee Bots every flavor beans where one good and one gross flavour look exactly alike. If you have to eat one the chances of getting something disgusting is there until you take a bite. :ph34r:

    Ah yes . . . the beanboozled challenge. Black is either licorice or skunk spray, so you know it'll be bad no matter which one you get.

  9. 1 hour ago, Delightful said:

    To me she looks a little Asian but mostly anime. 

    Yeah, my drawing style is very heavily influenced by anime. Her ethnicity would probably be more obvious if she was in color . . .

    1 hour ago, Zathoth said:

    Malon? Did you cut your hair?

    Okay, so my outfit may be based off Malon's, :ph34r: but there are some differences. :P


  10. 25 minutes ago, Slowswift said:

    Can anyone else do that thing where you basically memorize voices? Like if I hear a voice enough, I can then read anything in that person's voice, despite never actually having heard them say that thing.

    Seriously. I could go spend five minutes in the Voice Thread right now and then go read the Declaration of Independence entirely in, say, Zathoth's voice. :mellow: 




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