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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. Maggie glances down at her iPad, then around at the rocks with faces on them that are now a permanent part of the Halls of Awkward. "Hmm," she remarks. "I meant to put those in the 9th Treasure Trove of Random Stuff. But they'll do well here." She shrugs as she picks up the unhappy rock. "Opal, let's name this one 'Pebble.'"

  2. 11 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    That's the same podcast as Pacific Northwest Stories, isn't it? I think I remember seeing that on a cursory search….

    *reads as Pacifica Northwest* *is really confused as to why there's a podcast about her*

    7 hours ago, bleeder said:

    Me too. I stopped after about 5 episodes of Tanis. Never tried Black Tapes or Pacific Northwest.  Now I'm lost in Night Vale (Thanks, @TwiLyghtSansSparkles)

    Hey, Shard family, thanks for putting up with me and being my friends! 


    Gah. I started Nightvale today. I'm on episode 11 . . . Send help.

    Oh, and this is for all you guys who've watched Hamilton. And maybe for people who haven't. It'd be funny either way.




  3. *finishes the book* *screams internally (and a little bit externally)*


    Yeah that's pretty much my reaction. :lol: When I got to the fist ending I was in shock. And denial. And other words that mean I couldn't believe it. 

    And then I read the second part and literally skipped around saying, "yay." 

    Also, after reading this, I think I'm going to pull out Actaraz vs the Meming Librarians again. 


  4. 21 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

    I've been trying to find this one song I heard once for months and I couldn't remember enough of the lyrics to look it up and it was driving me crazy but recently I remembered this band @The Honor Spren recommended and how I'd liked what songs I'd heard by them and lo and behold the song was by them.

    Bless you, Honor.

    Bless you.

    This doesn't sound very exciting but finding a song you can barely remember is the equivalent of digging up a treasure chest made of solid gold filled with chocolate bars and distilled happiness.

    I feel blessed. :D

    (Just curious, which Of Monsters and Men song was it? :ph34r:)

  5. Drove a car for my first time today! :D It was a nerve wracking experience. . . . We were driving in a parking lot at sunset, and there was one guy parked in the back corner. Right when we were about to leave, he pulled up ridiculously close to the car and started yelling at us for shining our headlights at him while he was sitting there. ಠ_ಠ What do you want me to do? It's getting dark. We kind of need those headlights to see? 

    But yay for driving!

  6. 6 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

    But you do agree that the movies were rubbish right? (I like calling them 'kachra' {my language for garbage} )

    What Percy Jackson movies? I've never heard of any Percy Jackson movies. But I'm sure if they made them, they would stick to the storyline and cast actors that actually fit the part. 

    It's not like the people in charge of book adoption movies are stupid or anything. :rolleyes:


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