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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 26 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Just randomly thought of this, so may I present….How Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Should Have Ended.

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    VOLDEMORT: So, let me see if I have this right. You, Older Draco, are married. 

    OLDER DRACO: Yes. 

    VOLDEMORT: And you have a Time-Turner. 

    OLDER DRACO: I figured that was obvious. 

    VOLDEMORT: You used that Time-Turner to bring your wife back with you, even though Time-Turners aren't supposed to work like that, and even though I treated you like something I stepped in for two years straight. 

    OLDER DRACO: Uh-huh. 

    VOLDEMORT: And now, instead of killing me or telling your younger self to, I don't know, flee to Greenland or something, you're asking me to do the do with your wife, who you are married to, and who I am not married to and do not find attractive, as I have never shown a romantic interest in anyone, no matter how much they might throw themselves at me. 

    BELLATRIX: But my lord! 

    VOLDEMORT: Shut up, Bellatrix. And put some clothes on over that bikini! 

    BELLATRIX runs off sobbing.

    OLDER DRACO: That's about the size of it. 

    VOLDEMORT: You don't want me to go forward in time and lay waste to the future?

    OLDER DRACO: Nope. 

    VOLDEMORT: You don't want to tell me how to win the war? How to keep Potter from destroying my—er, from discovering my secret to immortality? 

    OLDER DRACO: That's not half as good a plan as this. 

    VOLDEMORT: Wow, Malfoy. If you weren't such an idiot, I'd assume this whole thing was a ploy to get me into a vulnerable position so that wife of yours could stab me with a poison dart or something. 

    OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA trade glances. 

    ASTORIA: Heh heh. 

    She grins sheepishly and hides something behind her back. 

    VOLDEMORT: Waaaaiiiiit a minute, that was your plan! You were going to have your wife kill me! Naked! 

    OLDER DRACO: I really don't see how the nudity is the worst part of this. 

    VOLDEMORT: You lying little snake! I have had enough of you! Avada Ke—

    IRON MAN: Tank missile! 

    VOLDEMORT is vaporized in the explosion. The dust clears, and OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA straighten, their dual Shield Charms having protected them from the fire and debris. IRON MAN lands, his face plate sliding back. 

    IRON MAN: You know, I really don't see why I couldn't have just done that from the beginning. 

    ASTORIA: Yes, but watching You-Know-Who be an idiot was just too much fun.

    IRON MAN: Is there, uh, anything else you want me to explode? I got a whole sleeve full of these things. 

    OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA look at each other. They grin.


    Send this to HISHE. It's brilliant.

  2. 8 hours ago, Morzathoth said:

    Have you ever realized how weird/meta the written language is? We have arbitrary squiggles that are symbols for arbitrary grunts that are symbols for concepts.

    Reminds me of something I saw on Pinterest the other day: 



    And while I'm posting stuff from Pinterest, here's something that I relate to in every way: 




  3. The weirdest thing happened to me today. I was at diving lessons (in my whole 13 years since we moved to Florida, I'm finally learning how to dive) and my teacher was trying to get me to do a back peel. I'm irrationally scared of that, since it's just standing on the edge of the board and falling backwards. Then I mentioned that I still wasn't very good at a front fall, so he let me do that. 

    I was still shaken up from my near death escape (or at least that's what it felt like) and when I started to come off the board, it looked like the water wasn't even there. I completely forgot where I was in midair, and I still didn't see the water until my face hit it in a flailing mess.

    I'm still not completely sure what happened. But I reeeeaaally hope that will never happen while I'm learning to drive. :mellow:

  4. What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?


    I don't know and I don't care.

    A farmer counted 196 cows in his field, but when he rounded them up he had 200

    The Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life."


    But John came fifth and received a toaster oven.


  5. 43 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    "Coming up next hour: Do your friends actually like you? New research suggests most of them probably don't." 

    Gee, thanks, NPR. Like I needed that bit of paranoia fuel in my life. <_< 

    I want to listen to that one. O.O Is there a place online where you can find stories that have already aired?

  6. 23 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

    Another quote from my mother:

    "Don't die in my kitchen. You'll ruin the pie."

    If you're wondering why I was dying in the kitchen, it has something to do with a summer project for English on Lord of the Flies.

    That sounds exactly like something my mom would say. 0.0

    20 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    So, my question is: How can I portray a happy family dynamic well, especially without making it saccharine? I've got dysfunctional family dynamics down pat, but I'm trying to write a happy family and not only is it stumping me, but….I find it kind of boring? Yet the happy family is central to the story and its themes, so I can't just go "Screw it, here comes Dysfunction Junction." 

    So if your family is a happy one, what's it like? 

    There will be bickering, but it won't matter after a little while. Also, don't forget about banter. Steelborn and I trash talk each other on a regular basis, but I'd consider him to be my best friend. Brothers will still pick on each other and the youngest child will still throw tantrums, but after an hour or so, they'll go back to playing together. 

    19 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    What about when one or both of the parents get angry with one or more of the kids? Again, I know what happens in a dysfunctional family—there might be shouting or lectures, but the kids get blamed for the parent's bad mood and a slew of other things, the kids are probably cried at, accused of trying to upset their parents, accused of lying when they refute the charges, probably bought to tears and yelled at for crying, punished for fighting back, etc., etc., and when it's all over, the kids are expected to forgive and forget as soon as the parents want to see the smiling faces of their offspring. But in a healthy family…..it's hard for me to imagine a situation with an angry parent having a happy ending. :mellow: 

    When a parent gets yells in my family, its almost always for one of these three reasons: 1. The kids refuse to do what the parent asks (get ready for bed, help clean the kitchen, etc.), a kid is throwing a fit and the parent has had enough, or the kids are bickering again and the parent has had enough. Parents still have bad days and does get mad at their children over something that doesn't matter very much, but the difference is that afterwards the parent apologizes for snapping at them and one of the kids tells them it's fine or apologizes in return. They share a hug and go on with their day. Because in the end, silly disagreements don't matter. What matters is that they love each other.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

    My fingers are annoyingly stubby, and store-bought gloves never fit me right without alterations because the fingers are always way too long.

    Oh that's so annoying! I have the same problem in reverse; my fingers are too long and nothing fits.

    Welp, might as well post a picture, since I look different from the last time this thread was open. Me in full stage makeup after a performance of Grease:


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