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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. On July 13, 2016 at 6:22 PM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    I have had "Famous Last Words" stuck in my head for the past three days. 

    That I turn it on every time I listen to music hasn't helped drive it out.

    Because I don't want it out. 

    Maybe I'm going insane. An insanity fueled by MCR. :mellow:  

    At first I thought you were talking about these videos . . . 

  2. I want to write some Reverse Falls fanfic. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a Gravity Falls AU where everybody's positions are swapped. (The Pines twins are evil, Gideon and Pacifica are the protagonists, etc.) RiaFire on DeviantArt has my favorite headcanon for this.

    In writing their character descriptions, I feel like I nailed Dipper and Pacifica. I'm having some trouble with Gideon, but I think I can get through that. The character who's really hard for me is Mabel. She's just too sweet and happy for me to make her evil! Also, in most of the Headcanons I've seen, she's really twisted. I want to stick with the TV rating the original Gravity Falls had. (Barely getting away with TVY7)

    Anyone got ideas for me to get past this block? ((I'm sort of looking at you @TwiLyghtSansSparkles :ph34r:))

  3. One of my friends (let's call her Eva) just had surgery to get a tumor removed. When I first heard that she was going to get surgery, I wasn't too worried. Something similar had happened to Eva's mom and though her mom can only hear in one ear because of that, Eva's tumor was on one of her salivary glands, not her eardrum. She said the only problem would be that she'd have a dryer mouth. 

    But the tumor wasn't benign like we thought. It turned out to be malignant. Eva might need chemotherapy. 

    I'm really scared for her.

  4. 5 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

    Probably. It's not on Netflix, though. Where do you watch it?

    (It looks really good, in any case. :ph34r:)

    I alternated between watching it on YouTube and the website KissCartoon. Yay for illegality I guess? 

    (It is good. Never did I think I would have such strong feelings for a French Children's show.)

  5. 2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    I just heard about Dallas. They had snipers. Who the hell does that? 

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    Edit: Wanting to know more, I turned on NPR. With the other two shooting deaths in the past couple of days, the coverage had been very detailed, memorializing the victims and thoroughly describing what good people they were. I expected the same for the Dallas victims.

    Hahaha no.

    They gave a quick rundown of what had happened, emphasizing again and again that it had been a peaceful protest. Fair enough; if it began peacefully, that just makes the ending all the more tragic. But then, after those bare facts had been shared, they went back to describing the Baton Rouge victim! Five police officers were shot in cold blood, and they're not worth a eulogy? The only thing that matters is the victim of a shooting a thousand miles away? You realize that those men and women had families and lives and were probably also good people, just like the men shot in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis? Why don't they get the benefit of an on-air funeral, NPR? What the storming hell?

    Maybe the coverage will improve later. I don't know. Right now I'm too angry to see.


    Maybe they were still gathering information? I was listening to NPR last night and I never heard about it, even though they talked plenty about the other two. So I'm assuming this happened very recently. I'm sure they will do much more for All Things Considered tonight.

  6. On June 30, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Queen Elsa Steelheart said:

    I wish it was 32ºC outside here. I'm freezing and I hate the cold :D

    Do you want to come up here? I've been getting weather forecasts like this (Celsius in parentheses):
    Temperature: 95° (35) Humidity: 90% Feels like: 108° (42)
    And I thought the cold would never bother you anyway. :ph34r: 
  7. 9 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    While we're on the topic of cliched argument shut-downs....

    The best response I've heard to "Eat your dinner. There are starving children in Africa" is "Here's twenty bucks. Mail it to them."

    When my Momspren was a kid she had that conversation with her babysitter:

    "Eat that apple! There are children in Africa who are starving and you're just going to throw rest of that thing away because your stomach is full?!"                                                                                                                                                                                                           "If they need it so badly, send it to them!"

  8. Cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon in front of them volleyed and thundered. Stormed at with shot and shell. Boldly they rode, and well. Into the jaws of death. Into the mouth of hell.

    (I've memorized the whole thing, but I won't bother you with more.)

  9. 8 hours ago, Stormgate said:

    Starting officially on August 10, I will be on a two year hiatus from the Shard. I am an interesting person, I admit, with my one year anniversary on the Shard coming in September/October/whatever, but my post count and ranking are that of a seasoned veteran.

    In any case, I will be going to Long Beach area of Southern California for two years, and if any Sharders happen to be in the area, I'll try to drop in, if you want.

    You're going on your mission! :o Congrats! Even if we will miss you here . . . I'm glad you're going. :)

  10. 3 hours ago, sheep said:

    And because Sylphrena was mentioned earlier, one last piece of Kaladin and Syl art.

    It’s an older one that I left plain because I thought the minimalist look was better for a desktop background, which was why I originally drew it.  That and the fact that I rarely draw Syl outside of her pocket sized mini form. 

    This was inspired by something in WoR that made me feel sad.


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    I draw big Syl with floating Rapunzel hair to mimic her “ribbon of light” appearance when she’s in her windspren-like form.  It must be very weird for people to see Kaladin talking to the air like that.

    Super big desktop background version HERE.

    I really like that Syl you have there. Do you have any sort of separate image with just her that I could possibly use as my profile pic . . . :ph34r:?

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