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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. English course: For your next assignment you have to write a prequel to the story of Hades sorry, Pluto (we only use the inferior names here) and Proserpina. It's not like the origin story of Pluto is already well known and therefore requires little to no creativity to write down. But that's okay, because to make sure you get your creative time in, you get to fill out an incredibly vague and unhelpful prewriting sheet! Featuring delights like separate boxes labeled "feelings" and "attitude"  and a box in the conflict section labeled "character" even though there's already a section for that.  And of course we're not going to give you a student example that shows you what in damnation we mean by these vague labels! Because storm you, student that has better things to do with her time.

  2. So . . . I used to have a thread for this stuff but I don't feel like resurrecting it. Meh. 

    After moving I found a bunch of only folders of drawing and realized that they really sucked and I can do way better now. So, I decided to redraw this picture of myself from about a year ago:



    I was super proud of it when I made it, but now . . . Not so much. The line art's bad, and the proportions are off, so I look like a seven year old . . . Yeah. 

    So I redrew it. I decided it would be fun, instead of basing it off of the clothes and hairstyle I had a year ago, to go off of my clothes and hair now:



    I did it in a drawing software called krita, since I havent found all my art supplies yet. Besides the fact that I made myself too pretty, I'm really happy with it. ^_^ 

  3. When older folks assume that all teenagers sound like idiots in their messages.

    For example, this was used to compare different kinds of diction in my English course:



    Do they really not realize that the only people who type like that are adults who are trying way too hard to sound cool? I mean, there are abbreviations and emojis used, but not to that extent.

    Also it annoys me when teenagers are called millennials. Millennials are people in their mid-twenty's to mid-thirty's. Teenagers as of now are part of generation Z.

  4. So, I'm searching mens fashion for inspiration on a character design, and I came across this:


    Related image

    Ah yes, the classic "I just escaped from prison" look. one of my favorites.

    Edit: ooh, heres another one: the "when you're going to the beach, but you have prom afterwards"


    Related image


  5. 18 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

    I didn't know you were doing a Who/Potter crossover. :o I have to look into this.

    You really have start spending time around here again, Korn Kob. :P 

    Edit: about the asdf movies, it was only recently that I watched them all. I used to think this one person I knew was really funny, but turns out they just quoted asdf movies all the time. :mellow: 

  6. Things I've learned while moving:

    If you set up your living room the exact same way it was in your old house, you'll feel a little sad every time you look at it. 

    Apparently, not every family has our amount of baking supplies. (Three 9" cake pans, three 8" cake pans, two bundt pans, three pie plates, three cheesecake pans, and a tart pan. And that's only the stuff specifically for desserts.)

    You never realize just how bad at art you used to be until you find old pictures you used to be super proud of and your eyes start to bleed.

    Why the storm do we have four bottles of coriander in our spice drawer??


  7. 53 minutes ago, Jedal said:

    I don't think that Attack on Titan is nearly as good as FMA. I find Attack on Titan to be boring, honestly. Its too dark, and the story is just grim. FMA had some humor, some hope, and in the end it was about brothers.

    I haven't seen FMA and I had to stop watching AoT after 10 episodes and two nightmares :rolleyes: but I'm sure someone will enjoy this:




  8. 17 minutes ago, Delightfully Smoak said:


    An OVA is an episode irrelevant to the plot of an anime that's released with the DVD. They're usually just for fun and fanservice (by which I mean having characters pop up that the audience loves, teasing them with their otp, or harkening back to jokes from other episodes, but it can be the other kind of fanservice too.) But sometimes it's an episode featuring and/or showing the backstory of a side character that there wasn't room for in the series.

    I generally find them enjoyable, especially while I'm waiting for the next season to come out and really need something to tide me over. As an example, if The Stormlight Archive was an anime, Edgedancer would probably be released as an OVA.

  9. Quote

    It seemed to me that every adult did something terrible sooner or later. And every child, I thought, sooner or later becomes an adult.


    We are all told to ignore bullies. It's something they teach you, and the can teach you anything. It doesn't mean you learn it. It doesn't mean you believe it. One should never ignore bullies. One should stop them.

    ~ Lemony Snicket, Where Did You See Her Last?

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