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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 16 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    Faith in humanity +1 saw someone reading a book on public transport. 


    Faith in humanity -99999998

    (I just need to say this you probably don't want to read it)


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    seriously. We're talking major gross objectification I wish I hadn't seen.

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    okay so I was in one of those shops that sell bits and pieces of things, touristy merchandise, dress up costumes, notebooks, gardening tools etc. and up the back near avenger minions was.......


    squishy balls shaped and coloured like a human female breast. Complete with nipples. Marketed as 'squeezable'. I feel so sick. 

    I left the shop immediately but I now kind of which if stayed and yelled at the guy for selling such a monstrosity. 

    Like I'm actually still gagging at it. 


    Im sorry guys. I just couldn't keep this one bottled up. I feel so sick.



    I almost want to down vote your post. That is just so bad. I don't have adequate words.

  2. On May 28, 2015 at 8:30 PM, The Honor Spren said:

    What are cookies?

    :lol: I had to start with that. I was so young and innocent . . .

    So, I figure I've been here long enough, right? It's been over a year. I think people generally like me, or at least if they dislike me, they haven't told me so. Anyway . . .

    On May 29, 2015 at 4:26 PM, The Honor Spren said:

    My favorite Surge? Gonna have to go with either gravitation or progression (can't decide! :) ) 

    Oh! I just realized that I never put my favorite character!


    I mean he's awesome. You just cannot beat a funny, mysterious person who is older than he looks and travels through time and space . . . wait. :huh: Have I seen this some where before?

    Did I know the names of those surges off the top of my head, or did I have to check the coppermind?  But I give myself extra points for Doctor Who references. Even though I was still on season 2 at this point. 

    On June 1, 2015 at 7:15 PM, The Honor Spren said:


    Posted Yesterday, 03:14 PM

    I take it you enjoyed Alcatraz, then?

    Why yes, I am rather fond of Alcatraz

    "So instead of fighting, you can bribe the ninjas with some soy sauce, and send them to attack your younger siblings instead. That way, you can get rid of some unwanted soy sauce. See how easy it is to avoid violence?"

    I cringe. I'm cringing so much right now. Not only does this one have no quotation whatsoever (I couldn't find that button at the time.) But this is also the second post of a double post. Why.

    On June 2, 2015 at 8:40 PM, The Honor Spren said:

    So. . . I really need to know, is White Sands going to happen?

    I mean, I know that the graphic novel will be published someday, but will the NOVEL novel ever come out? I also know that you can send him an email asking for it. Also, is that an unfinished draft, or a story for only "The Most Elite of Cosmeronauts"?

    Those of you who know,PLEASE tell me, and refrain from saying any spoilers, because I know that Brandon has vetoed that. Thank you!!!!!

    I didn't know how to italicize. And why did I have that many exclamation points?

    WoR spoilers

    On June 6, 2015 at 2:46 PM, The Honor Spren said:

    What do you think will happen when Kaladin goes back home?

    I have a few ideas about what will happen, but I don't have any reason for them, other than my own fantasizing.

    • his parent(s) could be dead. That's just the way his life goes, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened, only devastated :(

    • Some sort of combination of these events: Roshone is dead of old age, Laral is pregnant with his child, or Laral is bonded to a spren.

    • If his parents are alive, will they be happy or disappointed in him? Probably happy, they are parents after all.

    Comment below with your theories! I don't really care how far fetched they are, I just want to hear them! Thank you!

    I think I was ending all my posts with thank you at this point. I still wonder about these things, but for some reason, I don't really like this first theory of mine. Maybe it's the bullet points. Or the bad capitalization. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Delightful said:

    Who was Charlemagne? He's in my mental list of 'names of important people I know nothing about". 

    Wasn't he one of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire?

    Edit: Nope! I was wrong.

    Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was King of the Franks. He united most of Western Europe during the early Middle Ages and laid the foundations for modern France, Germany and the Low Countries. Wikipedia

  4. 11 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

    How old is your niece? For some reason whenever people mention their nieces and nephews, I picture them as like 8 years old or younger by default until someone tells me otherwise. (Probably because I'm 21 and for people my age who have nieces and nephews, they're still pretty young.)

    I usually jump to assuming that, but then I remember my friends whose nephews are only 4 years younger they are. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Mailliw73 said:

    Does anyone have any idea what graphic novels are like on the kindle? I tend to buy my books that way recently, but I'm concerned about White Sand. Will it look good on a kindle?

    *raises hand* I once read some free manga on paperwhite (I regret it so much. Watching paint dry would have been a better use of my time than reading that stuff.)

    Anyway, I wouldn't recommend it. It's in black and white, for starters. (Though that part's kinda obvious) You have to turn the page way more often than usual, because they tend to put a panel per page. (Though not all of them do) And it takes forever for them to download. (#FirstWorldProblems)

  6. 2 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

    It's not. I was making a comment on what you said your dad said. 

    Oh, okay. 

    1 hour ago, Mestiv said:

    You say that the worst thing was to see pictures of piles of bodies etc. I think that much worse is to stand in a real gas chamber and see scratches done by human nails in concrete walls... this can be seen in Auschwitz. 

    And to think that there are teenagers that try to add more scratches to this wall using their keys etc. Trying to scratch their names. Sometimes the lack of respect for history shocks me so much...

    Oh my. :mellow:

  7. When I was about 12 or 13, I watched a documentary on both world wars. At first, I thought is was super interesting; I loved finally finding out how're First World War caused the second and how we can avoid those mistakes later. Super educational. But then . . . It got to the Holocaust. They included pictures, they didn't even have to say much to say very much to convey a sense of horror. They just showed picture after picture taken when US soldiers found the concentration camps. I couldn't watch, I felt sick, I wanted to find my little sister and hug her as tight as I could.

    But what really scared me was after it was over, when my extended family was talking about it. My grandpa said that it was a shame people weren't learning what they should from things like this, that history still repeats itself. I couldn't sleep well for a long time. I have an great imagination and all I could think was, What if there's another one? That is what terrifies me more than anything. My dad told me that he would take me to the Holocaust museum in DC when I was in high school, because things like this are important to know. Because we must prevent them from happening again. And now I'm in high school and going to Virginia soon. But I really don't want to know more. There aren't many things I'd rather be left in the dark about, but this is one of them. So, I don't know if there is a right age to learn about this, but I do acknowledge that it must be learned.

    I guess that's my two cents.

  8. So, I'm an extra in Grease. But I want to be one of those extras with an interesting character who steals the show. So, I need a character arc.

    I've already decided that I want to carry a fantasy book (most likely Lord of the Rings) everywhere I go, and if I can pull it off, dance with it in the musical numbers. Do you guys have any ideas on how to make her more engaging without speaking lines?

  9. 43 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

    Not true. That's a common misconception, but you're simply supposed to fast two consecutive meals in a 24 hour period on Sunday. Lots of families do the whole, 'start right after dinner on Saturday, go till monday' that most of my community does., but that's never been said by an apostle or prophet to be the 'correct way' to do it.

    Thanks for clarifying that for me! I've actually been wondering about that. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    You're Mormon? 

    Is that like....lent? I think?

    so does that mean you skip meals, or you don't eat or drink anything at all for the time of two meals?

    (I'm asking cause I was told as a kid that when most people say fasting it means drinking and sweets but nothing else and when Jews fast it means nothing at all. I am questioning this. And my only other point of reference, fasting blood tests, go better when you've been drinking water)

    Yeah, I am. :)

    It's technically supposed to be 24 hours of fasting. Start after dinner on Saturday, then go until dinner on Sunday. For us it means no food or drink, while praying for something that is very important to us. Like more self control or a mild hurricane season. Then we give the money we would have spent on those two meals to the church, who uses the money to give food to the poor. :) 

  11. 6 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    And apparently, Moana features songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. As if I needed another reason to see it. :ph34r: 

    I was just about to come and tell you guys that! Are you stalking me? :blink:

    1 hour ago, Mistrunner said:

    I've started wearing a bucket on my head. I look fabulous.

    Maybe I need to reevaluate my life.

    But I'll do it while wearing a fabulous bucket on my head.

    My own weirdness feels threatened! I . . . um . . . stayed up all night rearranging my furniture and making rice pudding? Yeah, not as cool as yours . . .

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