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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 4 hours ago, Morzathoth said:

    The new Zelda looks great as well. So hyped!

    Eek! I saw that too! The graphics look amazing. I just wish they'd hurry up and release it all ready. 

    1 hour ago, Kobold King said:


    "The Honor Spren is following you."


    Does this mean I get to become a Windrunner?

    Yes. Go forth and stick one-armed Herdazians to walls.

    1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    The Honor Spren is following me, too. 

    Huh. If anything, I thought I'd be a Truthwatcher. :mellow: 

    But now you can fall with more style than ever before!

    53 minutes ago, Chaos said:

    She's not following me :( I only have one follower. Rip.

    She is now! I had no idea I'd be in such high demand. :P

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

    Ah, well. A phone isn't really necessary anyway. I don't have one either. I feel like I would either have a dumbphone and not use it enough or a smartphone that I would use too much.

    Go ye forth and act! What play is it? :)

    I'm 98% sure the play is Grease. But I'll double check, just in case.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

    Do the play. It's a more rewarding experience, and I'm assuming you still have an old phone, right?

    I'm not biased at all, not at all

    No, I don't have an old phone. But doing the play does sound amazing, even if it means I miss mutual for the next 6 weeks.

    41 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    @The Honor Spren do you want a new phone in a particular timeframe? Are you regularly earning money? Like by paying for the play, can you say that means putting off a new phone for a couple weeks or months, and are you ok with that wait? 

    If you really want the play, it's ok to spend the money.  If it was an impulse buy I'd say save, I think this is a matter of weighing priorities.

    Yeah, I get $15 dollars a week and am expected to pay for my own clothes and haircuts and stuff.

    31 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

    The perfect solution is to buy a book. Specifically, you should buy The Wind in the Willows.

    My family already owns that one. :P. 

    Thanks for the advice, guys! I'll do the play. :)

  4. That terrifying moment when you receive a PM from an Admin you don't interact with labeled 'Sorry and Congratulations.' What does it mean? Am I in trouble? What did I do? Did someone pass away and leave me their account? Nope! Apparently I won a contest. That's never happened before.

    Yeah, same here. :lol:

    Also, my front yard is a lake/mosquito breeding ground.

  5. Do you ever find yourself laughing at something funny or generally feeling content with life when out of the blue a really sad song starts playing in your head and you want to curl up in a corner with a blanket and a tub of ice cream for no reason whatsoever?

    "Ha, that's a funny..."

    "You have torn it all apart, I'm watching it... buuuuuuuuurn..."

    "Never mind, I'm going to go lie down and contemplate human existence."

    Yes. That happened to me just the other day with This Isn't the End by Owl City.

  6. Woohoo! Now we have the same length hair, it sounds like!

    Although….I do hope you had a professional cut your hair. Trust me, it's better when the professionals do it. Even if you're twenty and are sure you know how to cut your own bangs evenly. :ph34r:

    Um, nope. Just me and a mirror. Pull my hair into a ponytail and snip. Heh heh . . .

    Edit: Aaand now she knows. We're going to go get it repaired tomorrow.

  7. Okay, I need some advice on stuff. ( <-- That should be my slogan.)

    I want to be a writer, and I have so many ideas for stories. But every single time I decide that I want to write something, it takes every ounce of willpower in my body to finish it. Whatever I've written is so bad that I feel like it doesn't deserve to be finished.

    And I know nothing will ever be perfect the first time and I know that I am my harshest (and only) critic. 

    But . . . how can I make myself write more?

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