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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. I'm half Jewish, half UU. I agree with both religions, and also find things I dislike in both. I don't pay much attention to religion.

    More head in books than in prayer :P

    I thought you were Mormon, for some reason.  :blink: I have no idea where or how I got that into my head.

  2. (I'm sure not sure this is even allowed, so you can just let this post stay as a joke or something, if it's not.)


    Faintly at first, but getting louder, a whooshing noise was carried on the wind. A few heads turned as something started fading into existence. It was box shaped. Now they could see that it was blue. And now they could make out the words on the top of it.

    Police Box

    When the police box had fully materialized, a man stepped out of it, wearing a suit.

    Fiddling with his bowtie, he announced, "Hello, I'm the Doctor."

  3. And I still really want to see Zootopia. 


    YES. It's the best Disney movid I have ever seen. Go watch it. Now.

    I prefer bad movies that know they're bad and don't care. Like Hotel Transylvania.  :ph34r:


    I never saw Eragon, but I still know about the "I suffer without my stone! Do not prolong my suffering!" line.

    But…But… I liked Hotel Transyvania


    Speaking of other bad movies...Percy Jackson.

    No. That movie was just a bad dream. It NEVER happened.

  4. Why hello, Honor Spren! Don't we look lovely today! :P

    Also, I've decided something. We're not only part of the forum quintuplet, we're also the forum immature younger sisters. *highfives other Honor Spren*

    I know! I love what we've done with our dress! *highfives back*  :P  B)

  5. Pretty much what the others were saying. It's a biannual meeting held in Salt Lake City that's broadcast to churches throughout the world (and live on the internet!) where the prophet, apostles, and other church leaders give talks on things that are of importance these days. For example, this conference so far seems to be focusing a lot on the family. There's also a lot of hymns sung, of course. It's awesome. :)

    ...except when the internet cuts out.

    I couldn't have said it better myself, me!

  6. We're still accepting players. :) I don't know any roles that need filling. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are both underrepresented. There aren't any 7th years. Having s teacher PoV might be nice. Pick one or more of those if you want, but just doing anything that makes an original character is fine.

  7. Is 120 lbs considered too skinny?

    We weigh the same amount!

    *makes things awkward*

    But, it's weird, because I actually weigh more than my two friends (they're twins). I was always the small one in our little group, but now we're all about the same height and build. And I'm still smaller than them in some ways, yet I weigh more. I think I must be denser or something.

  8. Heeeey! Welcome!


    Joining the guild of arts I would definitely recommend. Some members that are pretty dedicated to art off the top of my head around here would be Botanica, grantmhansen, CarolaDavar, and sheep. There are a bunch of others too.

  9. I know what you mean.  <_<  Oathbringer needs to come out soon.

    Welcome here! You seem pretty cool. I think you'll like our lovely corner of the internet.


    If you're looking for more books to read that aren't Sanderson (Though I would recommend every single obscure novella he's published  B)) there's a thread in the general discussion subforum for that.  :)

  10. Wow, this is one Epic thread! (har har). 

    If you think this is something, you should check out the reckoner's RPG. :P

    Warning: It's full of ponies,pugs, and insanity


    Edit: And you seem like you'd be a good fit for the Knights Awkward! Come join us!

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