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The Honor Spren

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Status Replies posted by The Honor Spren


  2. What ever it is that you guys have to say, I'M LISTENING. ;)

    1. The Honor Spren

      The Honor Spren

      It's a pony version of Sylphrena I made. I made a lot more SA ponies, if you feel like checking the gallery.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Professional Chouta chef

  4. What ever it is that you guys have to say, I'M LISTENING. ;)

    1. The Honor Spren

      The Honor Spren

      Whoever I'm currently watching, which is 11 right now.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Old McDonald had a TARDIS, DOO WEE OOH WEE OOH! :D

  6. Can I just say how weird it feels to have only been on here for 5 months, yet have as many posts as some who've been here for 2 years?

  7. *pokes 17S with a stick* DO THIIINGSSS

  8. *pokes 17S with a stick* DO THIIINGSSS

  9. Currently making it a very Brandon-themed Halloween

  10. Oooooh Kandra. I could be anywhere . . . (trust no one)

  11. *aggressively yays everything*

  12. *aggressively yays everything*

  13. I just realized that I say "yay" a lot. Not sure what to think about that.

  14. No power in the 'verse can stop me.

  15. No power in the 'verse can stop me.

  16. Introducing as my new avatar: Crazed Ten!

  17. May the drunk monkeys have mercy upon my soul.

  18. stormlight archive

  19. I say we burn the homework to cinders and use them to light campfires!

  20. I'm joining the Knight's Awkward. Sorry, Stick!

  21. I'm Truthless now, that means I can get away with any of the most heinous lies? Very well then. . . This website is awful and I hate it.

  22. Apparently I'm famous for my waffle recipe. Who knew.

  23. Allomancy! I love your new profile pic!

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