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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 1 hour ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    You know what dysorothowhatever is. I don't know what that means, and I must say my verbatim is quite...spread out.

    And I...found a pic of myself. Back from training and I actually had a half-smile on. Low res tho.

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    Like. really low res.

    Wow! The resolution is so low, it's like there's not even a picture in that spoiler tag! :o 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Delightfully Smoak said:

    Never heard of it before like a day ago. What's it about?

    It also goes by the name Kimi no Na wa. It's about two high schoolers on opposite side of Japan who randomly start switching bodies one day and that's just the first half. I won't say spoilers, because those types of people are despicable, but there's some major plot twists. And the animation, HOLY COW. I am in awe of this studio it is so beautiful.
    I'll just put the English dubbed trailer down below:




  3. 14 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

    Are... Are you still accepting new players? If so, I could work up a character to join with pretty quickly; This place sounds rather fun! ^_^

    If you want to, sure.

    Also can anyone who's joined recently post their character profile here? 

  4. 35 minutes ago, The Flash said:

    I met my girlfriend because of Brandon sanderson. Met her at a dance because I was looking for somebody who liked Brandon sanderson and within minutes we were nerding and now we are saying and it's a great relationship  oh and when Brandon met us I got a fistbump because of a bondsmith shirt she gave me (which in and of itself was amazing, me getting of school and my parents taking us 6 hours away to Boston for the day). 

    You are a lucky, lucky guy.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

    Me: Okay, brain, I know there's little time left but if we focus we could do some revising before the test.
    Brain: Yeah, yeah. Hey, remember that loose idea for superhero story?
    Me: Not now, brain. We gotta study.
    Brain: Right. So, that backstory for the protagonist would be...
    Me: Dammit, brain.

    This. I can relate. :lol: 

  6. 2 hours ago, Mestiv said:

    I think that the fact that Brandon is Mormon makes it less surprising. :) but also I don't know how wide spread Mormonism is in the states so I never made any assumptions. 

    This made me curious, so I looked up statistics and stuff about the percentage of religions in the US and found these:







    But in regards to the lds church, there are roughly 16 million members world wide. :)

  7. 10 hours ago, cloudjumper said:

    Hey, so today I was reading over my old PoVs, and I found that not only had I contradicted the HP canon, but I also created an bland, one-dimensional character. So I was wondering that because I did both of these abhorrent things if I could edit my post a little to change my character's personality and to not contradict the thing with the tech barrier. I'm not going to rewrite it, just alter it a little.

    Go ahead. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    So, @Quiver and I were talking/ranting about Harry Potter, and I wound up mentioning that, according to Pottermore, a Malfoy ancestor had had designs on marrying Queen Elizabeth I. Quiver pointed out the connection to the Tenth Doctor there, and while I'm not entirely sure how all the ancestry stuff would work out, but….well, I wrote a thing. 

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    One minute Draco was staring at the Vanishing Cupboard, seemingly damaged beyond repair. The next, he was stumbling back from the giant blue box that landed on it. 

    There were a few things he could say to such an event. Oh God oh God oh God was one of them. The box had utterly obliterated what was left of the Cupboard, purchased at such great expense, and now it was gone—and with it his chances of pleasing the Dark Lord. What the bloody hell was another one, but at the moment, his mind was too rattled from the big blue box suddenly appearing in a school cast with so many anti-Apparition spells he was surprised Apparating wizards weren't automatically repelled into the sea. So what he stammered out was a good deal less coherent than anything he might have otherwise said. 

    Just as he righted himself, and just before he began to gather his thoughts, the door swung open and a man's head poked out. That it was actually connected to the rest of him struck Draco as only slightly odd, though not at all unwelcome. His brown hair looked a bit mussed, his blue suit a tad rumpled, but his face broke into a grin when his eyes snagged on Draco. 

    "Oh, good. There you are. Come now, get in. We don't have much time." 

    Somehow, by some miracle, Draco found his voice, if not the words to match it. "Get…get in?" 

    "Yes, into the TARDIS. Like I said, we haven't much time—" 


    The wide and bright smile dimmed. "What, you're saying your parents never told you about the TARDIS?" 


    Now the smile was gone, replaced by a furrowed brow and a frown of consternation. The stranger stepped all the way out of the box—the TARDIS, apparently—and stepped forward until he was close enough that Draco could've seized the buttons on his suit. He didn't, though. When a powerful stranger stepped that close, you kept as much distance as you could. "You're saying that your parents never once told you about your great-great-great-great-I'm-really-getting-bored-listing-all-these-greats grandfather?" 

    Draco Malfoy was sixteen. His voice had broken years before, repairing itself more quickly than those belonging to some of his peers, though still too slowly for his liking. But when he spoke, it was in an ungodly half-tenor half-soprano combination not heard since he was fourteen. 

    "My what?" 


    I want this to be a full fanfic. It's genius.

  9. 1 hour ago, Clockwork said:

    Mine starts with 'E', but I think there are others before that. There certainly used to be.

    EDIT: Mistrunner's and TwilightsansSparkles' character's last name's both end with letter before 'E' (A and D respectively, I believe.)(I think)

    Well, Twi's is like 16, so hers doesn't really matter. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

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