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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren


    3 hours ago, Voidus said:

    I was reading back through and noticed we'd created a new headmistress but according to wiki's at least, McGonagall should still be head until 2020, thinking we should probably decide what we're doing with this soon if people are going to be coming into the great hall so that we can describe it properly.
    @The Honor Spren?

    McGonagall stays head until 2020? :blink: Wow, she's old.

    Ehm, if I remember correctly, it was @Mestiv who created her? Wasn't she Viktor's aunt? I like McGonagall and we all know her, so it would be easy to describe her. But I don't want to erase part of Mestiv's backstory. Alternatively, we could just make her a teacher.

  2. On April 19, 2017 at 9:51 PM, strumienpola said:

    Purple faded faster. It was pink after one wash. Blue stayed longer and it was staying blue - only lighter shades of blue. But that was with toner, I'm not sure how would that be with a proper dye. 

    That's . . . Weird. Whenever I dyed my hair purple, it took at least 2 weeks - 1 month to wash out. Unless I went swimming. Never go swimming if you have dyed hair.

  3. 1 minute ago, Koldun said:

    I'm feeling sleepy. My eyelids are tingling, or at least the corners of my eyes are. The corner of my right eye actually. It feels as if there's something puffy balancing on the corner of my eye. Is this appropriate for this thread?

    As long as it's not hateful or nsfw, anything fits in here. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

  4. 1 hour ago, bleeder said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    I am the skinny

    You are the stick.

    Speaking of sticks, when I still had my I am a Stick T-shirt (I outgrew it <_<) A bunch of the older ladies from church would say things like "You are a stick, aren't you, dear." "(jokingly) No need to rub it in" and "That is so inspirational! I am a stick. I can become a stick, if I try hard enough."

    I didn't have the heart to tell them. :mellow:

  5. 1 hour ago, bleeder said:

    I... I don't think I'm aware of this one. 

    Sample it for us?

    I'll do you one better and recite it. It's not nearly as impressive typed out, but I promise I'm not copy and pasting any of this.


    Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Persished Miserably.

    By Hilaire Belloc

    A trick that everyone abhors 

    In little girls is slamming doors.

    One wealthy bankers little daughter

    Who lived in Palace Greens, Bayswater,

    (By name Rebecca Othendort)

    Was given to this furious sport.


    She would deliberately go

    And slam the door like billy-o!

    To make her uncle Jacob start.

    She was not actually bad at heart,

    But only rather rude and wild.

    She was an aggravating child.


    It happened that a marble bust

    Of Abraham was standing just 

    Above the door this little lamb

    Had carefully prepared to slam.

    And down it came! It knocked her flat!

    It laid her out! She looked like . . . that.


    Her funeral sermon (which was long

    And followed by a sacred song)

    Mentioned her virtues it is true,

    But dwelt upon her vices too

    And showed the dreadful end of one

    Who goes and slams the door for fun.


    The children who were brought to hear

    The awful tale from far and near 

    Were much impressed, and inly swore

    They never more would slam the door

    — As often they had done before.


    It's super preachy, but I like it anyway. :D 

  6. 1 hour ago, A Budgie said:

    Ooey Gooey was a worm,
    A very fine worm was he.
    He sat upon a railway track,
    A train he did not see.
    Ew, Ooey Gooey!


    Ooey Gooey was a worm,
    A mighty worm was he. 
    He sat upon a railroad track,
    A train he did not see.
    The train came roaring round the bend,
    The driver gave a squeal,
    The guard got out his pocket knife, 
    And scraped him off the wheel.
    Ooey Gooey!

    Oh hey, I memorized that poem like, 4 years ago for school! First one I ever memorized. Though I think my favorite one I ever did was Rebecca Who Slammed Doors for Fun and Persished Miserably.

  7. Just now, StrikerEZ said:

    I've got Elantris, The Alloy of Law, and The Way of Kings checked out. I'm not sure which one I should read first. I kinda wanna read Elantris first because it's a standalone novel (for now, at least). Which should I read?

    Follow your heart. Elantris is a great book for starting a reading spree. (b 0_0)b

  8. 50 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

    Mine doesn't have that. That was the place I expected it to be, and strangely enough it appears on other people's profiles with the message 'write a public messageon [blank]'s feed' but it isn't there on mine.

    If you click the + Create button up at the top next to the notifications bell (I don't think this works on mobile) then there should be an option to post a status update, as well as post gallery images and topics and such.

  9. 3 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    To hail the mighty Glow Cloud. 

    All hail.

    @bleeder I'm so jealous. I tried to get my mom to let my brother and me buy tickets to the one in DC, but we had something going on that day. <_< 

    Edit: @Darkness Ascendant You should really say the reason those are in spoilers, so people don't just click on it, thinking it's an image.

  10. Maggie gasps, as if suddenly waking up. "I-I . . . Am I alive? Opal, is this real? I thought we were dead."

    Opal rolls her eyes. "Dead people don't talk this much. Oh, and hey. You need to get around to reading Snapshot, you slacker. If you don't, it goes against your oaths."

    "But I've been busy lately!" Maggie groans.

    "Busy doing what? I thought you said we were dead."

    "Oh . . . Shut up."

  11. 44 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Oh man, I would love that. I've always wanted to go to Europe and see all the places my ancestors are (according to family history, most of it oral, so I'm not sure how much is apocryphal) from. So, Germany, Ireland, Wales, England, Denmark, the Czech Republic and….I feel like there's one or two I'm missing. :mellow: 

    I heard ancestry.com has a dna test you can do to see what your heritage is, if you're interested enough. 

  12. 20 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    I remember writing this. And I remember asking another member to at least credit me when they copy and pasted it. But I don't remember adding this to the wiki article. 

    Edit: Okay, I know it's just a silly little thing I wrote one day. But still, I wrote it, and it bothers me that someone just swiped it and used it without crediting the original author. Here's the original post. 

    I remember seeing that post around when I first joined! Ah, memories.

  13. 1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

    Honor Spren uses Summony Summon! 

    It's super effective! 

    I….could be up for doing this again. I don't know how important Shannon was to the overall narrative, though. 

    To be honest, Shannon was my favorite character. :ph34r:

  14. 3 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
    I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
    This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
    I love you all

    Please . . . Please tell me this is just a joke about tests or you're just being paranoid about the fact that death exists or you just want extra attention. 

    Please tell me this isn't actually serious. :mellow: 

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