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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. Yeah, this is the sort of thing that goes in General Brandon, but meh. :P 

    I think I relate most to Siri, personality wise. There's some of Sylphrena in there too (hence the username) but I'm not nearly as truthful. So throw in a dash of Shallan. 

    Also I'vealways felt sort of a connection with TenSoon. But I don't think we have much in common. Make of it what you will. :P 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Riversong said:

    I'm a Mormon. It's a bit weird, though. I don't dress like most Mormons do. Not immodest or anything, I just prefer dark, subdued colors to the vibrant hues preferred by my peers. That's actually gotten me a fair bit of ostracism, but I figure if someone really matters they'll look beyond my favoured colors.

    That's ridiculous. No one should be judged by their favorite colors of all things. There is definitely a stereotypical "Mormon look," but as long as your clothes are modest, it shouldn't matter how you dress. Whether you wear a black hoodie and jeans or purple pig tails with rainbow socks, (I've done both) just dress for your self, not for your peers. ;) 

  3. I didn't know whether to put this on the good news or bad day thread, so I'm sticking it here. My family got a house here in Virginia! We should be moving in sometime in May.

    I mean, on one hand, I'm leaving behind the place I grew up and all the people I've known as long as I can remember. But on the other hand, I'm going to get my own personal bathroom. You win some, you lose some.

  4. On 3/26/2017 at 1:45 AM, zandi said:

    Yeah I hear ya Sunbird-but since I'm rereading for the umpteenth time in anticipation of Oathbringer I thought it might be fun to have a specific appropriate playlist...maybe it's just me. If not- suggestions welcome! I can't be the only one? Yes? No?

    In the past songs I was listening to while reading something that greatly affected me have become associated with those books- by chance- so why not on purpose? 

    *crickets chirping *

    made by Brandon himself ;) 

  5. 1 hour ago, kenod said:

    Is it based on something? It looks interesting.

    Oh, they're two characters I sort of have planned. She's part faerie, and he has a contract with a spirit that allows him to be possessed. . . . It sounds kind of stupid when you say it that way.

    57 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    A little feminine but not female, if you get the difference. 

    Yeah, I get what you mean. -_- 

  6. 24 minutes ago, kenod said:

    I don't really think he looks female, why does he look like that to you?

    He just sort of. . . does. Part of it might be that I chose sort of an androgynous hairstyle. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

    23 minutes ago, bleeder said:

    Make the chin a tad longer, the jawline a tad squarer, and the facial features a bit more angular.

    Thanks, bleeder. ( n_n )

  7. 1 hour ago, Quiver said:


    I mena, thanks. I'm sure that's an interesting book! I just hate the ide of imitating someone elses work, even if I didn't know that the idea already existed. Guess I'm putting Solfege on the back burner projects wise, too...

    I know exactly what you mean :lol: I had the idea for music being magic a few years ago too, and when I saw that you'd thought of it, I was super disappointed. 

    But with humans having been around for thousands of years, there's not many stories that haven't been told. Just make the idea yours and have your own spin to it. You'll do great. :) 

  8. 1 hour ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    Bard has been busy with rl work and problems according to the SE community.

    @The Honor Spren I for one would like to volunteer. I'll send a PM if you would like.

    If you want to, sure.

    1 hour ago, Clockwork said:

    That's why I said near Dayton. I don't quite live in Dayton- I'm in one (or two) of the cardinal directions from it. About 15-75 minutes away. (I'm not giving a close number... That would be asking for trouble.)

    *has actually moved her marker so that its closer to her address*

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