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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. It was a valid question, one that was often asked. It is common for people to think Shallan would associate Adolin to her father due to the anger he felt, but I think the reason being the murder is what matters. Ultimately, why did he did it? Though it is not improbable Shallan may react negatively, at first, I do think she would see the truth, eventually.

    This is kind of what I was thinking. Shallan can be somewhat. . . irrational when it comes to her father. She gets reminded of him, when Adolin tells her he wants to protect her. hopefully, like you said, she would forgive him of it though.

  2. q1zk6.jpg

    This is part writing prompt, part game. You basically just have to write a scene when your character's clock stops and falls off and they meet his/her soulmate.

    I know that I would think this is fun.

    Here's my scene:

    I walk through the bookstore, thinking quietly to myself. The watch on my arm is still ticking, always ticking, always there. I try not to look at it too much, but I caught a glimpse of it an hour ago.

    Soon, I would meet the one.

    Right now, I peruse the fantasy books. So hard to find a good fantasy story these days. As I look around, I see no one. It's all right, I tell myself, I still have time, before it comes.

    I put a book back with a sigh, I haven't read any really good ones since Harry Potter. Will they like books like me? I wonder, What if they can't stand the sight of them?

    I pull another novel off a shelve, then gasp as my watch beeps and clatters to the ground. I wildly glance around.

    What do you do when your watch beeps, but there is no human being in sight?

    With nowhere else to look, I read the title of my book.

    The Way of Kings By Brandon Sanderson

    I hope that gives you a good idea of how it's done! Feel free to be as creative as you like! (Obviously)

  3. I'm definitely an introvert, and a pretty strong one at that. To make matters worse, literally everyone else in my immediate family is an extrovert. I heard "Be more social" quite a lot growing up. Oh, yeah. Be more social. Okay. I'll do that while you go be a duck. <_<

  4. I. . . Still debating whether or not to post a picture. . . :unsure:

    Edit: okay, fine. I'll do it. (Wow, peerpressure really does work :blink: )

    This is me at Disney World last year:

    I will assume from the 7 upvotes on my post, that the rest of you don't think I look that bad?

    That's good.

  5. Now, normally, my username would be maggieharper47 or Nova_the_Super, if I didn't want people knowing my name.

    But when I came to this forum I looked and said, "Nova_the_Super is not Cosmere related. I need something cooler." Well, I like Sylphrena don't I?

    Bam! My username is born!

    I also have a few other accounts that I view as "extension accounts" such as one for imgflip (Sanderson meme purposes), one for Reddit (AMA purposes), and one for the Coppermind (Pretty obvious why). These accounts share my username, but besides that, this username is one of a kind. :D

  6. Apple's airplane mode is a ripoff, too.....but Siri gives the best answer to "What is 0 divided by 0?" :ph34r:

    I was just about to post what happened when I asked her that! :o :O

    "Imagine you have zero cookies shared by zero friends. And Cookie Monster is sad because there are no cookies. And you are sad because you have no friends." (That was from memory)

    What's even better is when you ask her why fire trucks are red:

    "Because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight is twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seven seas, and in the seas are fish, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always "Russian" around."

    Siri is the true master of being random. :P

  7. A question for you, why would Shallan associate Adolin murdering his father to her father? Her father tried to murder his own son because he tried to leave and marry the woman he loved. Out of love for her brother, she thus brought herself to strangle her own father... Adolin killed Sadeas out of love for his father and to protect him... 


    Adolin did the exact same thing Shallan did, except the man he murdered was not his father... Sadeas may not have been actively harming anyone at the time, but he had said he would not relent until he did so.


    So why would Shallan associate Adolin to her father?

    Hmmm. Good point. Never mind, I rescind that part of my headcannon.
  8. I like the idea of the Shalladin ship but there is one major problem with it.

    It's not gonna happen.

    What I can see happening is this:

    Shallan finds out about Kaladin killing Helaren and starts to feel hateful towards him, and even ever so slightly betrayed because she was starting to like him. Then she finds out that Adolin killed Sadeas. She feels confused because even though she can understand why he did it, it reminds her of something her father would have done. She eventually forgives Adolin starts courting him again or marries him. Kaladin comes back sees them together, feels confused, sees Shallan is being super cold to him, and hopefully starts looking elsewhere for a romantic relationship. Eventually, Shallan forgives him enough to fight with him against the Voidbringers.

    Now, I am definitely not a fortuneteller, and am most likely wrong, but this is what I expect. Not what I hope for, but what I expect.

    Rip it to shreds.

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