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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. I keep having nightmares where all the lights are on in my house, but they make no light. You look at them and they're on, but the room is still dark. I keep flipping them on land off, but they won't work.

    And the door is open. It's night outside, and the door is open. Someone is creeping up our walk way. It's not someone from my family, because my family is all asleep. I try to close the door, but the door won't budge. I can't run. I can't speak. I'm so tired I can't do any thing. And the floor starts to go soft like I'm standing on a water bed. I try to gather enough strength to run, but I just fall over and I can't seem to care enough to get up.

    The figure or whoever it is raises something that looks like a shovel. They swing it down to my head. I wake up just before it hits.

  2. In the three minutes since you posted this, nine people have checked the thread. I'm not sure which is more disturbing - did all of you drop everything and log on simultaneously, or did you keep clicking refresh every .5 seconds? Memes of Radiance is starting to feel like a cult. :P



    In this installment of ​Memes of Radiance….


    Kaladin is going to have one heck of a war story when he returns. 




    Of course, now that the chasmfiend is dead, there's still the highstorm to contend with. Roshar's Mother Nature isn't very nice. 




    In the dark, Kaladin and Shallan need to keep talking, so Shallan shares her past. 




    Once that's done, Kaladin receives a visit from the Stormfather. 




    They return to Dalinar's warcamp with a surprise for the Highprince. 




    Their story—that they found the chasmfiend dead and rotting—does not fool Dalinar. 




    Shallan is given a hot bath, which after her ordeal, feels like heaven. 




    After having Pattern relay Dalinar and Navani's conversation to her, Shallan is told that there might perhaps maybe be a way for Kaladin to make Syl less dead. 




    In the next interlude, we're introduced to Lhan, an ardent working for the queen. 




    Pai, a newcomer, is not impressed with his welcoming speech. 






    Lhan urges Pai to keep quiet and do what good she can. Seeming to relent, Pai stays in one of the halls as Lhan goes to the kitchen for some snacks. 




    Then the sun rises, and Lhan realizes the folly of trying to tempt an ardent with principles. 




    Meanwhile, Eshonai comes to a startling realization about her sister. 




    Taravangian, King of Kharbranth, has a nickname that I will be using from now on. He also has a gift from the Nightwatcher. 




    On his most brilliant day yet, Vargo created a Diagram that can, for all intents and purposes, predict the future. Unfortunately, since he wrote it in a language he made up for that express purpose, people—himself included—have a tendency to look at it and say….




    Per the Diagram's urging, Vargo is in Jah Keved, where the succession war has not been going well. 




    The Veden king names him his heir. It's….not as pleasant as it sounds. 



    I followed the topic, so I was notified when Twi posted.

    (And also, so you know, I was the first to upvote it :P)

    Basically when I saw it:


  3. Raven coughed. "It's complicated. It's more than he recruited me...or I recruited myself. Not too sure on the details."

    She paused, then shook her head. "That doesn't answer your question, though does it?" If Ien was here, he'd be frowning.

    "So I guess the answer to your question is yes? Sort of? We're partners. That counts."

    A voice off to the side causes her to turn, and she smiles at the newcomer. "We're talking about books, and Bortholemew. He's off somewhere again, I think. Anyway, Stormlight Archives are my favorite books, but I also enjoy Alloy of Law, and Warbreaker. Always Warbreaker. You?"

    Maggie's eyes become unfocused as she speaks, "The Stormlight Archive is life, the universe, and everything." She shakes her head as she remembers where she is, "But I also like all of his Cosmere novellas. Oh, and I'm Maggie, by the way. Though my full name is Margaret Susan, you can call me Maggie. Or Maggie Sue. I've even been called Maggie Moo before. And this is Opal." Maggie gestures to Opalescenda, as the spren flips her auburn hair. "She's my Awkward Spren."
  4. Hmm. . . I've been avoiding this thread for a long time since I'm not all that interesting in real life. :unsure: Ah well, here is my meager offering.

    My hair has been blue, green and purple. (But not at the same time) I'm now back to my normal brown.

    I'm homeschooled. The way my family celebrates the first day if school is to go to the beach or pool. Just 'cause we can. :P

    I live in Florida. 20 minutes away from the beach, hour and a half from Disney, 2 hours from Lego Land, and 30 minutes from the Kennedy Space Center. It's pretty nice. ^_^

    Warm weather is wonderful! How could you not like it? When it gets below 50 F, now that's harsh. ;)

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