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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. I could see Jasnah worldhopping. She has the surge if transportation.

    Not exactly o topic but. . .

    I have a favorite headcannon, in which Kaladin somehow gets to Sel. He's looking around, noticing how strange it is here, when he hears a shriek from Syl. He turns sharply towards her, only to see that she has become a seon. Aon Mai, symbol for honor.

  2. I wish to sleep. I know now why you do what you do, and I hate you for it. I will not speak of the truths I see.

    -Kakashah 1173, 142 seconds pre-death. A Shin sailor, left behind by his crew, reportedly for bringing them ill luck. Sample largely useless.

    I think this one could refer to Shallan. Maybe. I see parallels between it and the chapter where she finally faces her past in WoR.

    (Sorry if this has already been said; I didn't have time to read the whole thread.

  3. This has been gone over in some old posts, but one of the main arguments for Shallan/Kaladin is that they're essentially the living personifications of 'opposites attract'. Besides the obvious, they're from opposite orders (Lightweavers and Windrunners are opposite sides on the Radiant diagram, which is also reflected in the reaction between liespren and honorspren).


    Another interesting observation is how they react to the weather:






    Kaladin is a morning person; Shallan is a night person:



    Shallan is a heavy drinker (I've postulated that she might be a proto-alcoholic), Kaladin is not:






    Everyone else has had multiple drinks, while Kaladin might not have finished his one if not for Moash's business (also his disinclination to go out in the first place).


    Somewhat more abstractly, Shallan is bright on the outside while hiding some serious darkness inside, while Kaladin is pretty scary outside with a very idealistic center. Shallan personifies the traditional female arts (probably the best artist in the world barring maybe Heralds, one of the best scholars, at least passable schemer) while Kaladin personifies the traditional male arts (possibly the greatest warrior on Roshar at the moment when factoring in Stormlight). There's probably many other details where we find them to be complements of each other. It's very much as sun-and-moon thing going on between them.





    Kaladin compares Shallan with Tien, arguably the single most person in Kaladin's life (the reason he joined the army, the reason for his breaking in the first place). This is a surprisingly apt comparison given that at the time of the observation, Kaladin doesn't know about the role Shallan had in cheering up her brothers. Incidentally, there was speculation that Tien might have been a proto-Lightweaver as well due to (bold mine):



    As mentioned above, what Tien does to Kaladin is very close to what Shallan does with her brothers. In a sense, they've been practicing their complementary roles their whole lives.


    That said, I fully expect that in Book 3, their relationship will stall due to distance and being out of communication with each other, compounded by Kaladin not being around to defend his role in Helaran's death (remember, all the bridgemen, Dalinar and Adolin at the minimum know that Amaram stole the Shardblade from Kaladin due to the confrontation near the end of WoR, which Shallan was conveniently not present for). But in a way the roadblocks are indicative of the route the story will take - if it wasn't moving in that direction, the barriers would pose no narrative purpose.


    Yes, Shallan likes Kaladin.  Yes, Kaladin likes Shallan.

    However, Shallan does not like Kaladin as much as she likes Adolin, and Kaladin would never steal Adolin's girl.  Or hook up with a lighteyes :P

    I pretty much agree with Seloun and Patrick Star.

    They do like each other and they seem perfect for each other. But Shallan likes Adolin more, and there's also the whole Kaladin-Killing-Helaren thing.

    Patrick, I'm not so sure that the light eye discrimination will be a thing anymore. Kaladin is rapidly becoming one of them.

  4. Imagin if Tarangavian had a wife like Frozone from the Incredibles did.

    "Honey, where are my syringes? I need to take the life of an innocent child."

    "I-I put 'em away."

    "Where is away?"

    "Why do you need to know?"

    "Roshar is in danger!"

    "My evening is in danger!"

    "It's for the greater good!"

    "The greater good?! I am your wife! I am the 'greatest good' you're ever gonna get!"

  5. Current Name: Maggie

    Gender: Female

    Original (if any) name: Margaret Susan

    Faction: The Knights Awkward

    Position: Referencecaller

    Backstory and History: Erm. . . Maggie is me. I'm not sure if I want to tell the story of my life here. I'll just do the Cosmere conversion story. Maggie picked up a copy of Mistborn at the age of 11. From there it was a slow meander through many of his books. Until the beginning of 2015 she got a hold of The Way of Kings. Part of the way through Words of Radiance, she found out about the Cosmere, and proceeded to devour every single Cosmere book she could find. She joined the 17th shard soon after.

    Powers: Referencecaller stuff and. . . Duraluminum misting? Sure, why not.

    Weapon(s) of Choice: Shardkindle

    Likes and Dislikes: Likes: Cosmere, Gravity falls, Legend of Zelda, Dr who, and Harry Potter fandoms. Singing and many kinds of music. Arranging cups by color. Solitary reading.

    Dislikes: large crowds of people. When people use 'geek' or 'nerd' as insults.

  6. ((I feel like I should include a physical description here. I couldn't fit one into the RP. Chin length brown hair, gray-green eyes flecked with brown, pale skin, freckles, and a slender build. She is fourteen-ish.))

    Maggie picks another bookie off the plate and takes a bite. She chews contemplatively on it for a moment, then gags and spits it out.

    "What is it?" Asks Opal, looking concerned.

    "Sadeas. Disgusting." Maggie shudders, then walks back into the beanbag room. She picks Alloy of Law off the shelf, then stops.

    "There's people here now," she whispers to Opal. "What do I do?"

    "Just act like human normal?" Opal looks perplexed.

    Maggie takes a deep breath, then nervously hurries towards a purple beanbag.

    I won't trip, she tells herself, everyone else, always falls over around here. I won't-- Maggie trips and falls face first onto her beanbag. She shrugs, sucks in booklight, and starts reading.

  7. "So," ventured Maggie, "I guess you're my spren now? What's your name?"

    "Opalescenda," came the reply. Maggie looked up at the spren. She looked. . . Exactly like a fairy. She had a dress made of orange petals and green vines, butterfly wings, pointed ears, and a golden glow. She left a trail of shimmery green leaves behind her as she flew.

    "How exactly, are you awkward? You look beautiful to me."

    Opalescenda blushed. "I'm still not sure," she confessed, "my memory isn't fully recovered. I still don't know what type of awkward spren I am."

    "Hmm, makes sense." Maggie absentmindedly chewed on a bookie as she walked. It tasted awesome, it was Lift after all. "Can I call you Opal?"

    Opal nodded

    "Good. Now I think we. . ." Maggie trailed off as she saw the room they'd come to. Beanbags. Beanbags and no people and books on shelves that were so tall she couldn't see the top. "This place is. . . the most wonderful place I've ever seen." She ran through laughing, Opal whirling around beside her, "This place has everything! Defending Elysium, Dragonsteel prime--"she cut off, then looked at Opal, eyes wide. "The Elantris 25th edition."

    Opal's eyes gleamed. "We need to get this to Mistrunner."

    They both took off in a dash.

    "Mistrunner! We found it!" Maggie called.

  8. Why did the chull fall out of the tree?

    Because it was dead.

    Why did the second chull fall out of the tree?

    It was lashed to the first chull.

    Why did the third chull fall out of the tree?

    He thought it was a game.

    Why did the tree fall down?

    It thought it was a chull.

    How did the chulls get up in the tree?

    Nobody knows. . .

  9. Granted. Your curse is to forget the password to your 17th shard account.

    I wish my Parshen will be immune to voidbringerizing (or how do you call it? to desolating?)

    Hah! Good thing my password is saved to my iPod and I don't even need to remember my password! :P

    I will give you nimble form spren trapped in gemstones and have the Parshmen know how to bond these spren. I cannot, however, give you a highstorm within the next hour. Sorry.

    Hmmm. . . My bane is to see the world upside down. Give me a suitable boon.

  10. Welcome to the 17th shard! (Even though the welcome I gave you on The Knights Awkward was pretty spectacular) Have an introductory upvote! (Every should have at least 10 of those) Don't except cookies, they are usually hermalurgically spiked around here (and don't be fooled by claims that they are high in Iron and other essential minerals). Be prepared for the mass of WoBs (words of Brandon), pony and pug memes, (mostly from TwylightSansSparkes), Reckoners RPG madness, and excess of parenthesis! (but only from me, on this post ;) ).

  11. Maggie looked up from her kindle--she was reading Words of Radiance. Again--and saw a sandy haired boy bow before Mistrunner. She went back to her book, this stranger wasn't nearly as interesting as the crazy-potato-man. Then she froze and slowly turned her gaze back up.

    That was Link. And next to him was Fi.

    Maggie felt her eyes go wide. The master sword was a shardblade. Fi was a spren. Every thing was clear now.

    Before she knew what she was doing, she was dashing up to him.

    "Ohmygosh!" She exclaimed, "you're Link! And that's Fi! And-and where's Zelda? Is she up in skyloft? Or did you already save Hyrule? The legend of Zelda is, like, my third favorite fandom! And--oh, I'm Maggie by the way."

    He was looking at her like she was crazy. She thought. She didn't really know facial expressions that well. That required spending time with people.

    "Oh, um. . ." A way out of this conversation. That was what she needed. "Convenient excuse to leave!" She exclaimed.

    Good job, she told herself, you maneuvered out of that like a pro.

  12. What does he still need to learn? First, he needs to learn he can't work alone. Being a leader implies having to share responsibilities and, more importantly, it means listening to advice and decide if they are worth following. So far, Kaladin has been the leader of a one-man's show, one where he was the star and nobody else was worthy of having a decent advice. He needs to learn to listen. Right now, he doesn't. He thinks he knows best, always. He needs to learn he may not always be right.

    Are you sure, you're not talking about Dalinar here?
  13. I. .. Do not agree with you on this. One thing you are forgetting, this is HONOR we are talking about. Shardic intent bends you eventually, you can't resist it. And is it Honorable to sentence thousands, maybe millions to their death? Just to eliminate some hate? It goes completely against the first ideal of the Radiants.

    I'm not buying it.

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