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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. Does anybody on here actually write about the books??

    . . .

    Meanwhile, in the interludes….

    Szeth ponders his fight with Kaladin, and realizes something.


    Meanwhile, Eshonai attunes a few of the new rhythms stormform has granted.


    She attempts to convince the Five to adopt a new course.


    The Five, however, are not fond of Eshonai's new look, and are thus hesitant to adopt it themselves, much less allow every listener to do so. Not that they don't have their reasons.



    Nevertheless, she proposes her plan.


    When their response is not to her liking, Eshonai goes ahead with her plan anyway. Her friend Thude isn't fond of the changes stormform has made in her, but he follows orders anyway.


    And, once those who want stormform are separated from those who don't….


    And as Eshonai and her sister fight...


    ….I'm just sitting here, wondering.


  2. Granted. The Honor Spren is a spren, though, so nothing you do affects her. Even though you're Batman. Your bane is to always feel like there is something you are forgetting.

    I wish to not HAVE to wish away my banes. I most likely will anyway, and I was cursed to wish away banes a while ago, so I'm wishing that particular bane away. Totally not bending rules here.


    I wish that I would randomly swap usernames with another forum member and that they would have no clue that their name wasn't originally martyrboy.

    Granted you swap names with someone who is named "idiot". You are now idiot.
  3. The door slams as Maggie (that's me) returns from outside. She winces, "oops, um. . .sorry?" Her eight bit Szeth t shirt and her too short yoga pants are dripping wet.

    "I-I um didnt realize this was a role-play, so I came back, and I have my iPod for foruming." She looks around hopefully then blushes and clutches her kindle. "Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. I will read all Brandon even if it is not cosmere." she mumbles. 

    Maggie scuttles up to Mistrunner, noting that a spren had appeared beside her (Maggie not Mist). Good. If she said enough oaths, she would have a shard-kindle before long. "H-hey Mistrunner, will you be my friend?"

    Maggie bit her lip. I sound like a five year old when I say that. Why do I have to mke a storming fool of myself all the time? "Never mind," she mutters, before scampering away to a quiet corner.


    Without spoiling too much, we know for a fact that there are other Shards out there that have worked together to create life, including humans, even though they started their own lives as humans.  You know, the age-old story.  Pick up a piece of glass; yay! Now you're a god!  But what to do?  Hmm.  Take your friend who also picked up a shard of glass and is now a god, too, and fly across the galaxy to a barren rock floating in the void.  And play!  Bwahahaha!!!!  But, it'll get boring creating different kinds of grass after a billion years, and it's kinda lonely with only one other person to talk to.  So the two of you work together to create sentient life, using what you know exists elsewhere as a template.  And thus a human became a god and went on to create humans.  (And that is canon, not just a plausible story.)


    I love the way you told the story of Ati/Leras! :lol: Even if the term "Shard" refers to a peice of Adonalsium, not glass. Whatever. Upvotes! :D
  5. First of all, they only adopted the name if Jaddeth. It came from a different religion.

    I used to think that the two religions were somehow worshiping different shards, then I thought about it a lot, and realized I was probably wrong.

    The God of Shu-Korath is named Domi. DOMInion. But they talk about Domi, as if he/she were Devotion. While Shu-Dereth, certainly has the sense of Dominion. . . And I actually have no idea wher I'm going with this. Huh. Yeah, I'm confused.

  6. Hello there, welcome back! And now for the really important question:


    If you haven't, I would recommend you read The way of Kings, then Warbreaker, then Words of Radiance ASAP.

    They are slightly important around here after all. ;)

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