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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. 12 hours ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

    That doesn't hurt? :o

    I used to crack my knuckles but my hand joints got really sore. So I stopped and the pain went away. Funny how that works :P

    Nope. :) I can also do other weird stuff, like bend my thumb so that both joints are at about a 90 degree angle, but I'll spare you the pictures.

  2. I crack my knuckles a lot. As in, whenever it's possible to crack them. I've gotten to the point where I don't just do the joint connecting my hand to finger, but also then second joint on the finger. Because I crack my knuckles so much, I've developed some very flexible fingers.



    As a downside, I have a hard time drawing hands, because looking at my own for reference doesn't help me draw normal looking ones.

  3. I think I may have put this on this thread before, but I can't stand the things that are like "share if you're against child abuse, ignore if you're a heartless creature." "If you don't share this post in 10 seconds, tomorrow will be the worst day of your life. If you share it now, it will be the best day." "Share if you like [insert fandom name here]. Ignore if you like Justin Beiber"

  4. I got ENFP (campaigner), but I've taken this test twice before and both of those times I got INFP (mediator). I got pretty close to 50% on the extrovert/introvert scale, so I guess that means I'm an ambivert?

    Edit: reading through the personality descriptions, I definitely identify more with INFP.

  5. I think that you should put Jonathan and his sister in a morally grey situation that also involves someone who thinks ghosts are all evil. That would be something I'm interested in reading. On that note, when you finish writing this, could you post it here? I'd love to read it.

  6. Lucinda was 13 when she discovered her cat had a British accent. Her family had bought Angel as a kitten two years ago, he was now fully grown. He had gone through all of the normal stages of growth, like being weaned off of milk and onto crystals, or his eyes starting to change color when he heard music. Lucinda could have sworn she would have noticed if he had made any of the typical signs of speech development, but apparently not.

    "Hello there," Angel greeted when he padded into the room, as if he said this every morning. "What? Why are you looking at me as if I sprouted another head?"

    "The lady who sold you to us said cats don't start talking for another 3 years."

    The cat gave her a look that seemed very much like a smirk, the emotion spines on his back indicating smugness. "Clearly, I'm smarter than your average feline." 

    Lucinda could accept that. If there was a range of intelligence in humans, then there could be a range in cats. And yet . . . "Where did the accent come from? We live in the US."

    "Lots of Doctor Who."


    "Folks say there used to be a glowing thing in the sky at night too. Called it the moon."

  7. I finished this one two nights ago, but I keep forgetting to post it. . . .



    I think this is my first time drawing two characters in one picture. (if you don't count the stick figure drawings of my family that I did when I was a child) It's also a good example of perseverance, because when I first started this one, I hated it. But when I finished it, I realized it's probably my favorite thing I've ever drawn. (And then I stared at it till I hated it again, but I do that with everything I make.)

    Things I'm proud of include their hands, the shading of everything except their skin, their magic, and Thiglena's clothes. Things I'm not so proud of include the shading of their skin, Thiglena's front arm, Nithgil's face, how stiff he looks, and the fact that I parted Thig's hair on the wrong side. Oops.

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