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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. Fable looked down at his hand gripping her arm. This was bad. This was very bad.

    The man sat up, slowly and probably painfully, and downed a vial of metals. He then proceeded to pewter kick her in the chest.


    Her eyes were now deep blue, her hair as white as possible. She remembered that when she was younger her hair was always red and her eyes always green and gold. It was before she was cursed and--Her mind was wandering. She wasn't thinking straight. What could she do? Her allomantic powers were useless if she was the one fighting! All this thought happened in a short moment, then she knew.

    Drawing upon her metalminds, she touched her cloak. "Protect me." She reached into her bag and pulled out a rope. "Grab things that aren't me." She threw it at the man. It was the best she could do.

  2. I'm going to just state a few theories, random thoughts, and Cosmere songs I made up. Discuss, make fun of, and praise down below. Or don't. B)

    Concerning shaped cities. (Elantris spoilers)

    I was re-reading The Way of Kings, and when I got to the part about the symmetrical shaped cities (like Kholinar and Thaylena) something struck me as déjà vuish. I thought about it for a while, then I realized, this isn't the first time we've seen specially shaped cities. In Elantris, we have seen that Elantris was shaped like Aon Rao. I'm certain this is important.

    Odium reigns

    We have seen Odium referred to several times as "The Broken One". To surgebind, you need to be broken, and let Stormlight fill the cracks (something like that, I don't have a hard cover copy of WoR.) Is there a correlation there? Something to do with the Oath Pact?

    Why 10? (Mistborn spoilers)

    I'm pretty sure you have made the connection by now, that there are a lot of tens in Stormlight. Ten heralds, ten surges, ten orders, ten fools, ten books I the series. . . And a few others. But why 10? We know that at the beginning of mistborn people thought there were only 10 metals, when really there was 16. But there couldn't actually be 16 orders, with new surges and new heralds?! There were 99 desolations! You'd think someone would notice if they needed a few more orders!

    So obviously, there are only 10 orders. Ten. Tien. Ten. (What?) how many shards has odium killed? 6? That would explain a few things if he has. . .

    Take a peek:

    Made you look! :P

    Now to close with a song (kind of)

    To the tune of shake it off by Taylor Swift;

    I stayed up to late

    Doing reread eighty eight

    That's what people say mm mm

    It's true that thing they say mm mm

    Besides me eating,

    All I do is reading.

    It's like I got this blue spren in my mind saying one more chapter tonight. . .

    (That's all I got :/ )

  3. Fable:

    Fable had many names.

    Novella, Laila, Saga, Fablesinger the truthful, foolish girl . . . the list went on. By now she didn’t care what people called her, names were just more words, and colors knows they had enough of those.

    Not that that had stopped her from wanting more.

    Fable slunk down the alley, head bowed low. A man was prowling around there. Was he this Das person she was supposed to meet? She drew closer, noting the distrustful look in his eye. Definitely not her new employer. It wouldn’t be a good idea to stick around. Judging from his expression, he probably thought she was a pickpocket, or something like it.

    She stared at the man a second longer, then scurried past him and turned left, stubbing her toe in the process. As she grabbed her foot, she felt her eyes go from green to blue. They did that when she was in pain. It was part of her curse. Looking around, she noticed that Das wasn’t in the alleyway.

    This is where I’m supposed to meet him, she thought, I hope he doesn’t make a habit of being late to our meetings.

    She checked her hair. It was still black. Good. When she was cursed, she had learned quickly that her hair was about as controllable as her emotions; barely restrainable.

    There were shouts coming from the next alley over. Fable stiffened, feeling her hair start to bleach white. “Colors,” she swore, “What now?”

    Fable peeked around the corner. All she saw was an old closet, left on the side of the street for the waste disposal crews. She walked up to it, opened it, and looked inside. There was a man, covered in blood.

    If there had still been any black in her hair it was gone now.

    Fable glanced around, bewildered. There, in the distance, she could barely make out the forms of men fighting. She fished out a telescope from her pouch and peered through it. A person with a shardblade, someone with metal whirling around them, they were obviously an allomancer, and the man from before, he was holding knives.

    Fable’s gaze dropped back down to the man in front of her. I wonder if he has any stormlight.

    She started dragging him into her alley. If he had spheres, she wouldn’t take them. She would just suck out the stormlight and replace the gems. No harm done right?

    As she started going through the man’s bag she froze. His hand was clenched around her arm. Fable’s eyes shifted from hazel to green.

    Is this good? this is my first RP. :)

  4. Alright, let's be my regular flavor of garbage -- Dragon Age

    What's Dragon Age?

    I would also guess not many other people have heard of it, because, as of right now, there are about 75 views and only three posts.

    (Please don't see this as mean. If it is as cool as the title it sounds, it would be pretty awesome)

  5. I just didn't. Especially since LotR wasn't on there and that was the one I would've gone for. =D Buck the system and don't vote!

    Oops, I had that one in originally before the poll didn't work, but I forgot it this time. I'll add it back in.

  6. I wish for Nightwatcher to love me enough to never give me a bane.

    (And since she loves me, I wish for Dalinar to remember his wife, if that works. Who knows, if Nightwatcher loves me enough, maybe I get two wishes? And if not, then somebody else should wish this.)

    (So, what's everyone's favorite perspective character?)

    The Nightwatcher hates you for that wish, and sends you home with two emerald broams and a constant hunger no matter how much you eat.

    I wish to have Brandon give me a list of the names of all the sixteen shards and their worlds.

    (Also Willshaper, my favorite POV is Rysn's)

  7. Did you remember to make a suitable sacrifice to the Forum Gods?

    Oh dear, I suppose I didn't. I do hope I am not burnt at the stake for commiting such a heinous act of heresy.

    So I could ask my Lord Google this question but I would rather not waste it's time. What exactly is a fandom?

    Basically a fandom is a group of geeks who are all fans of the same thing. Some of them are: Harry Potter, Dr Who, My Little Pony, Legend of Zelda, Infinity Blade, Gravity Falls, Hunger Games, Divergent. . . The list goes on and on. :)

    Edit: yay I just got away with an even bigger act of heresy. And now it's a poll! :D

  8. Hello! Welcome! Have an upvote! ;)

    How long have you known about the Cosmere? You seem better informed than I was, at first. Near the beginning I seriously thought Reckoners was Cosmere and that Calamity was a shard of Adonalsium. . . <_<

  9. I would say the similarities are just because magic in the Cosmere is all done with investure in some form. The shards were once part of Adonalsium. There are other similarities as well. Elantrians are like Returned in some ways. Using allomancy and becoming a Radiant both require being broken in some way. Soulcasting is remarkably like soulforging. Again, I think this is just because all of the magic systems were one once.

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