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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. I was thinking that maybe the cryptics were considering him? But they decided he wasn't what they were looking for.

    There is also the fact that we don't know much about Elhokar's personal life before, or even during, the vengeance pact. There could have been something that broke him so that he could be a Radiant.

  2. Here is topic to talk about various fandoms, which one is superior, and to possibly try to convert people to the one you belong in. I have no clue about the percentages of this thing and would love to here from all of you!

    Sorry if there is topics on this already, we obviously needed another one.

  3. I keep telling people, he's actually Hoid. He's simply transcribing his adventures through the cosmere. And you all know what this means...

    Reckoners is cosmere.

    Before I knew about the Cosmere, even though I had read pretty much all of the books, I had my mind blown when

    Nightblood was introduced in Words of Radiance.

    I then found out about Hoid and Adonalsium; I was seriously convinced that Calamity was a shard and that Epics had access to a form of investure.

    And I have always had the suspicion that, even if Hoid is not real, that Brandon was at least writing himself into the books as that character.

  4. I am white, freckly, brown hair with blondish-green tips (used to be blue, but oh well), gray-green-blue eyes, normally pretty pale but tan skin as of now because I was dragged to the pool last week, 5'6" I think? Haven't checked in a while. For all I know I'm 5'8", I live in Florida and love the warm weather as long as it stays a low humidity, (though it usually doesn't)and I think that's about it. :)

  5. Hoid moved to an old west town and started a family. He had three little boys and one daughter. The boys liked to go play out in the street and get really dirty. The girl was the oldest sibling, at the age of 11. She was a proper little lady in every way. She wore the southern belle dress, her hair was all done up in curls, she dragged Nightblood behind her everywhere she went. . .

    My subconscious is trying to tell me that Nightblood can be proper like too, he'll just want to destroy evil every now and then, but besides that. . . ;)

  6. Wow. This thread is really derailed. If I can just find a random enough fact then maybe I can get it back on track. . . Hmm. . . I know the perfect one!

    In 1919 a very large (we're talking gargantuan here) container of molasses broke somewhere in North Boston. A wave of molasses rushed through the streets killing 21 and injuring 150 people.

    I am not making this up.

    Just imagine in the afterlife people sitting around talking, "I died defending my country. How about you Joe?" "I was killed by a bunch of molasses" " . . . "

  7. I'm thinking of possible context for how that could happen; would you consider Fable to be, in the eyes of society in general, good or evil (regardless of how Fable sees herself)?

    I see I need to put out more character details. Here they are:

    Fable deals with the underground, but she isn't exactly seen as "evil". She goes around with mistings/mistborn on their missions and what not. Her job is to make them more powerful with her allomancy (that is what nicrosil does, if you didn't know). She only excepts payment in the form of Stormlight or breaths, since she needs them to stay alive. She uses her feruchemy to store away extra Breaths/Stormlight for later.

    She always wears a hoodie with the hood drawn low, in an attempt to cover her hair, shadow her eyes, and conceal her age. She wears her metalminds as a head band and as a feminine looking bracelet. She likes boots.

    Edit: oooh new thought you hire me to help you rob the pottery exhibit that they are gonna visit, and that dude Ven attacks us while we are in the process of robbing it. :)

  8. This might be a bit late, but would it be possible for me to join?

    I also wanted to get in on this. Maybe Adamir's character and mine could be team of some sort? Since we would both be new? If its not too late to join of course.

    Character details in here:

    Name: Fablesinger

    Magic stuff: Returned nicrosil compounder.

    Aliases: usually something to do with stories. A few of her favorites are Saga, Fable, and Nova (short for Novella). She currently goes by Fable.

    Backstory: Fable became a returned at the age of 11. She stayed on Nalthis for 3 years, then learned of world hopping, and journeyed to Roshar. During her time on Rishar, she visited the Nightwatcher. Her boon was too remember her life before she became a Returned. Her bane gave her hair that changes color with her emotions (like the Royal Locks, but with zero control over it) and eyes that change color depending on how much pain she is in (again she has no control over it what so ever). When she found out her past, she was pleased to discover her mother had been a nicrosil compounder, that Fable had inherited her gift, and that it still worked though she was Returned.

    Fable is now 16 and lives in Cosmere City.

  9. Does anyone else do this?

    Sometimes I end up imagining things in books happening in places I know from real life. For example: in my mind this one battle from a non-Sanderson book was going on (in a very extended version of) my backyard. And it's annoying. And I know that's not what it's supposed to look like. But I can't get the freakin image out of my head! >.<

    Sound familiar to anyone else, or is that just my messed up brain?

  10. When you start looking down on your brother, because he has brown eyes.

    When you get super annoyed at your friends for not getting it, when you randomly say rutabaga.

    Hey Elsecaller, if you live here in Utah, you should come to the BYU cosmere club tonight! Here's the details.

    Urgh! I wish I could go to college 4 years early just for that!!!
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