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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. There's a surprising number of Mormon Sanderfans here, more than I expected.

    Once word got around that he writes clean epic fantasies, I just couldn't resist.

    I can't talk as much for other lds in here, but I will say this. Our religion teaches (among many other things) that knowledge and learning are very important, and so, generally, we tend not to be as daunted by dictionary sized books as other people.

    Oh yeah, and I also agree with Slowswift and Mistrunner. Loved that talk.

  2. She never did come back for him

    Underneath their masks, Everyone is afraid

    "And yet, you call yourself human?"

    They say skies were blue, once.

    "Lyra will be glorious!" "For you."

    "You mean he won't recognize me?"

    This is actually pretty fun, even if not all of these "stories" are super happy.

    Did my self portrait just blink?

  3. I sincerely doubt that Hoid is not a human.

    If any of you are interested, though this has probably been discussed before, here is a link to the first 6 six chapters of The Liar of Partinel. It takes place on Yolen and shows Hoid when he was young. It is going to be rewritten someday, but we can speculate off of that if you want. Be forewarned Midius is the one we know as Hoid. The person who is called Hoid in there is not the Hoid that we know. Make sense?


  4. "He lied to protect me"

    "I know."

    "That secret destroyed him. It destroyed our entire family."

    "I know."

    "I hate you," she whispered, staring into her mother's dead eyes.

    "I know." Pattern buzzed softly. "Eventually you will kill me, and you will have your revenge."

    "I don't want revenge. I want my family."

    Shallan wrapped her arms around herself and buried her head in them, weeping as the illusion bled white smoke, then vanished, leaving her in an empty room.

    So maybe this one isn't happy funtimes, but the feels it gives are incredible.
  5. Can't what? take the truth? the truth that you're one of the most loveliest and incredible people I've ever had the privilege of getting to know. and omh your writing; you're such a talented writer your words are so amazing so *flails* sooos soooo gooooood/ and then your fanfic is just so damnation heart wrenching and you definitely are the fandom monster you're incredible *cuddleswarms*

    . . . Is there some sort of relationship between you two?

  6. Be prepared for a long one. I just really needed to find and quote this.

    "Brightness Marakal! What a disaster that hairstyle is; how brave of you to show that to the world. Brightlord Marakal, I wish you'd have warned us you were going to attend; I'd have forgone supper. I do hate being sick after a full meal. Brightlord Cadilar! How good to see you. Your face reminds me of someone very dear to me."

    "Really?" wizened Cadilar said, hesitating.

    "Yes," Wit said, waving him on, "my horse. Ah Brightlord Neteb, you smell unique today. Did you attack a wet whitespine, or did one just sneeze on you? Lady Alami! No, please, don't speak-- it's much easier to maintain my illusions regarding your intelligence that way. And Brightlord Dalinar." Wit nodded to Dalinar as he passed. "Ah, my dear Brightlord Taselin. Still engaged in your experiment to prove a maximum threshold of human idiocidy? Good for you! Very empirical of you."

    . . .

    "I wouldnt see you dead by their knives; I see a fine man in you."

    "Yes," Wit said, scanning the platform, "he tasted quite delicious."

    . . .

    "Ah, Brightlord Habatab! How thoughtful of you to wear a red shirt with a sunburn like that! If you continue to make my job easy, I fear my mind shall grow as dull as Brightlord Tumul's! Oh Brightlord Tumul! How unexpected to see you standing there! I didn't mean to insult your stupidity. Really, it's quite spectacular and worthy of much praise. Lord Yonatan and Lady Meirav, I'll forgo an insult in account of your recent wedding, though I do find your hat quite impressive, Yonatan. I trust it is convenient to wear on your head something that doubles as a tent at night. Ah, and is that Lady NAVANI behind you? How long have you been back in the Plains and how did I not notice the smell?"

    Dalinar froze. WHAT?

    "Obviously your own stench over powered mine, Wit," a warm feminine voice said. "Has no one done my son a service and assassinated you yet?"

    "No, no assassins yet," Wit said, amused. I guess I've got too much chull sass of my own"

  7. Autumn's pretty darn cool, yes. I like the colors. When I got them...  <_< Around here leaves seem to turn straight to brown. In Oly there was a tree across the street we called the "Fire Tree." You can guess why.  ^_^


    It was also interesting in the point between fall and winter, because you saw things like frost tracing the veins of a brightly colored leaf. Those were cool.

    I used to envy you northerners for fancy color changing trees, but then I realized that it gets to cold up there for anyone to actually live properly. The three days in Florida that go below 50 degrees F are enough thankyou very much.

    I noticed you said that you liked the piano guys. Have you ever heard of Lindsey Sterling? Her song Shatter Me is amazing.

    How much do you look like your chibi picture in real life?

  8. I wondered the same thing about Axies the collector-  the guy cataloguing all the spren.  I get that it's part of the world building, but descriptions of him was so interesting- I'd really like to learn more about the Aimian and their "curse of kind".  The wiki says they aren't even human?  I guess it's similar to how the parshendi aren't human?

    I think part of the reason for that interlude is to show off that large spren Cusicesh. It will probably be important sometime.

  9. Lets pretend that the Everstorm is as bad as Hurricane Katrina; almost 2000 people died in that. I don't know enough about the size of the shin population to tell what percentage that would be. What I'm more concerned about is the aftermath. Sure a lot of shin might survive, but they will have NOTHING. I like the idea of that tiny pot of grass becoming the only shinovar grass left.

    Edit: spelling

  10. So, I was perusing the wiki, when I found this:


    And I know Sanderson has changed the flash back sequence, so that Dalinar's flashbacks are in 3 (most likely). But look at this part.

    Brandon has repeatedly asserted that the fact that the book shows his back story doesn't guarantee that Dalinar will be alive for the events of Highprince of War.

    This is very vague. However, now it is time to speculate.

    Do you think Dalinar will die before we reach book five?

  11. For me, I get really exited when ends meet. So basically, any scene where characters finally meet or get to know each other. Kaladin saving Dalinar's army, the "ho! bridge boy" encounter, Amaram coming to camp (that actually made me more apprehensive than excited), like every one else is saying: the chasms scenes, Szeth attacking Dalinar and failing because of our favorite wind runner, and of course: boots. Boots, for me though, was more then just a side splitter (though it was that too). I had been waiting for Kaladin and Shallan to meet ever since I saw their very first POVs and Sanderson made their meeting better than I had ever imagined it too be.

  12. How does it feel to be an Idrian monk, even though you're a spren from Roshar?

    Very strange. You see, I don't actually believe in Austre. I'm just filling in for someone else, until they come back from Pahn Kahl. Then I can go back to my radiant.

    To answer YOUR questions Mistrunner:

    The human I am bonded to's name is Eneless. You wouldn't know about her. She's young, but visited the old magic and is stuck with silver hair.

    According to the wiki the person who wrote the second letter is called Frost. (Though I have no idea who that is)

    The last one, umm. . . umm. . . RAFO?

    EDIT: didn't see Mistrunner's question

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