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The Honor Spren

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Posts posted by The Honor Spren

  1. I mis-remembered this. There is an imbalance, though.


    How is Harmony balanced when a part of Preservation's power is expended on human sentience? Isn't that what caused all the trouble to begin with?


    Indeed. Hm... What could Sazed be doing with that extra power

    I mis-remembered this. There is an imbalance, though.


    How is Harmony balanced when a part of Preservation's power is expended on human sentience? Isn't that what caused all the trouble to begin with?


    Indeed. Hm... What could Sazed be doing with that extra power

    Do you think he is making more atium with the stuff, and that's what The Lost Metal is about?
  2. I mis-remembered this. There is an imbalance, though.


    How is Harmony balanced when a part of Preservation's power is expended on human sentience? Isn't that what caused all the trouble to begin with?


    Indeed. Hm... What could Sazed be doing with that extra power

    Do you think he is making more atium with the stuff, and that's what The Lost Metal is about?
  3. What do you think will happen when Kaladin goes back home?

    I have a few ideas about what will happen, but I don't have any reason for them, other than my own fantasizing.

    • his parent(s) could be dead. That's just the way his life goes, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened, only devastated :(

    • Some sort of combination of these events: Roshone is dead of old age, Laral is pregnant with his child, or Laral is bonded to a spren.

    • If his parents are alive, will they be happy or disappointed in him? Probably happy, they are parents after all.

    Comment below with your theories! I don't really care how far fetched they are, I just want to hear them! Thank you!

  4. Maybe Pattern's name is his "perfect truth", and his name is literally his entire life truthfully retold.

    Woah, that makes A LOT of sense.

    nd as far as Pattern is concerned, I see something more like binary or something like that for his actual name, so it wouldn't have a y, but then that is just my own perception.

    Would it be his life retold in binary?
  5. He wants to destroy all other shards as fast as possible, before arises sonething that can stop him, like a double shard with an intent that doens't enforce non-intervention. Maybe after he destroys them he will make the cosmere his personal damnation.

    Does anyone else think that if someone is going to stop Odium, it will be harmony(a.k.a. Sazed)? 

  6. I saw a topic like this on The Stormlight Archives forum and thought, "Hey! We should do this for Alcatraz, because even though Stormlight is Brandon's best work, Alcatraz is the funniest! Think how many people would wet their pants and spit all over them self from laughing!" (As you can tell I'm not a very nice person. I think I'll be a novelist someday)

    ANYWAY, please comment below with your favorite funny scenes from Alcatraz! I'll try not to take them all, so I'm restricting myself to only 5 *sigh* it's so hard to be me.

    1. This reference:

    "I think I'll go for a walk. . . ." Grandpa Smedry said cheerfully.

    "Wasing not of wasing is," Quentin added.

    2. New words! Someone! Quick! Add it to the dictionary!

    Definition of "crapaflapnasti": "Adj. Used to describe an item that is as disgusting as fish sticks." (Note: This word can only be used to describe fish sticks themselves, as nothing had yet been found that is equally crapaflapnasti. Though the unclean, moldy, cluttered space under Brandon Sanderson's bed comes close.

    3. In which we learn how awesomish and manlyish Alcatraz is.

    I glanced to the side, then jumped as I saw an enormous reptile crawling along the sides of the buildings towards us. Like a spider crawling along the front of a fence.

    "Dragon!" I yelled, pointing.

    "Brilliant observation, Smedry," Bastille noted from beside me.

    I was too alarmed to make an amazing comeback. Fortunately, I'm the author of this book, so I can re-write history as I feel necessary. Let's try that again.


    I glanced to the side, whereupon I noticed a dangerous scaly lizard slithering its way along the sides of the buildings, obviously bent on devouring us all.

    "Behold!" I bellowed. "'Tis a foul beast of the nether-held. Stand behind me and I shall slay it!"

    "Oh Alcatraz," Bastille breathed. "Thou art awesomish and manlyish."

    "Lo, let it be such, I said.

    4. Violence is not the best solution to problems.

    For instance, the next time you get attacked by a group of angry ninjas, one solution would be to kick the lead ninja, steal his katana, and proceed to slay the rest of the group in an awesome display of authorial fury. While this might be fulfilling--and a little bit fun--it would also be rather messy, and would earn you the ire of an entire ninja clan. They'd send assassins after you for the rest of your life. (Having to fight off a ninja in the middle of a date can be quite embarrassing.)

    So instead of fighting, you could bribe the ninjas with some soy sauce, and then send them to attack your younger siblings instead. That way you can get rid of some unwanted soy sauce. See how easy it is to avoid violence?

    5. (After telling you to act out this book)

    We burst out of the room into a hallway, where I hopped up and down on one foot three times, then punched myself (softly) in the forehead. After that we flapped our arms like chickens. Then we twirled around, smacking our brother if he happened to be near. Then we stuck our feet in our mouths before dumping pudding on our heads while singing "Hambo the Great" in Dutch.

    There is NO MORE NUDITY. You can proceed with acting out the rest of this chapter if you want.

    I stood on my head while singing "The Star Spangled Banner" and juggling live trout with my feet.

    Oh, wait. I hope you weren't wearing only a Mokian wrap like me. Sorry about that.

    Again, please comment below with your favorite funny Alcatraz scenes! Thank you!

  7. NO READ THE STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE FIRST. #BestCosmereBookEverAndNotSayingSoIsBlasphemyAgainstTheCosmereUniverseEvenThoughTheAlcatrazSeriesIsAwesomeToButItsNotCosmereSoYeah

    (We are competing for the longest hashtag right?) Welcome and have an upvote!

  8. Okay, does this count? One scene in particular stood out to me after I read the Alcatraz series.

    "You!" he said, pointing to the driver.

    "Me!" the King's Wit replied from where he sat holding the reigns.

    I find this unnaturally funny, because in Alcatraz they have a very similar scene that goes:

    I froze in the middle of the hallway. "Kaz!" I exclaimed.

    "Me!" he exclaimed back.

    "Idiots!" Bastille said, pointing at both of us.

    That's not good enough for you eh? Okay, here are a few Wit quotes that HAVE to make you laugh. If you don't you're soulless.

    ". . . Does the king know you're back?"

    "Nope! I'm trying to think of a properly dramatic way to inform him. Perhaps a hundred chasm fiends marching in unison, singing an ode to my magnificence."

    "That sounds . . . hard."

    "Yeah, the storming things have a real trouble tuning their tonic chords and maintaining just intonation."

    "I have no idea what you just said"

    "Yeah, the storming things have a real trouble tuning their tonic chords and maintaining just intonation."

    "That doesn't help Wit."


    "What your implying I HURT the poor fellow?"

    "Well, no," Adolin said.

    "Exactly. Besides I'm quite certain he's got the ropes undone by now."


    "No, I'm Wit. But I understand how easy a mistake that is to make."

    And last but not least:

    "Has no one does my son a service and assassinated you yet?"

    "No, no assassins yet." Wit said, amused. "I guess I've already got to much chull-sass of my own."

  9. 1. Does Hoid have a favorite food?

    2. I've noticed that on Roshar men's food is usually spicy while women's food is mostly sweet. Are there any types of deserts that men are allowed to eat? Are there any unisex foods?

    3. Do they have bacon on Roshar?

    4. Will Shallan ever learn that not all birds are chickens?

    5. Will we ever see multi world interaction in a book? (Besides Hoid)

    6. Is it possible for shard-holders to have children?

  10. So. . . I really need to know, is White Sands going to happen?

    I mean, I know that the graphic novel will be published someday, but will the NOVEL novel ever come out? I also know that you can send him an email asking for it. Also, is that an unfinished draft, or a story for only "The Most Elite of Cosmeronauts"?

    Those of you who know,PLEASE tell me, and refrain from saying any spoilers, because I know that Brandon has vetoed that. Thank you!!!!!

  11. 1. Double posting is frowned upon.

    2. You can quote posts by clicking the button in the bottom-right corner of the desired post. The quote text will pop up in the text box, and then you can write in front of, below, or in as desired. You can also multi-quote by clicking the "multi-quote" button on as many posts as desired, and then clicking the button at the bottom right of your screen. If you knew this stuff already, you have my apologies.

    Thank you for telling me how!
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