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Everything posted by Alfa

  1. I think if it's somehow possible to break a dead shardblade, it will regrow like shardplate, given enough stormlight
  2. You're right, it's not stated that he changes the direction; IMO the change of direction is implied when Raoden asks his his seon where sarene exactly is. Its also possibble the Seon showed the direction to Sarene from the very beginning, so the first number would have make Raoden crash into a tree or house.
  3. Alfa


    Necroing that out, but does anybody have an actual Idea where in the alleyverse the beyond might exist?
  4. The Aon itself does - but you can "fire" it in different directions. So, for example, I am standing in Berlin, and let's assume I want to go to Hamburg. IIRC thats about 220 kilometers in a straight line.Thеn i change my mind and want to go to, say, hannover, which is (IIRC) about 200 kilometers away. If i go 200 kilometers to Hamburg i'll likely land somewhere in the Elbe river, but about 100 kilometers to the north of Hannover - since they are in pretty much different directions.
  5. I think there's a problem about the Elantris-map as a whole: it's at least partly a "HIC SUNT DRACONES"-kind of map: we have no idea what is to the west of Arelon - and I am pretty sure there won't be any marcant topografcal borders, such as mountains or oceans - or they would be likely "coded" into AonDor. The Fjordellian map shows mountains, but these mountains marc half of the western edge of the map from "ROSE BARBARIANS?" down to duladel and may be painted there only for design purposes. So, to the west we have...emptiness. Edge of map. Ignorance, probably willfull ignorance. To the south we have a strangely big desert. A third (or fourth, fourty-fourth) empire to the south is at least possible. East is just as bad. we see Fjordell does not even take it's parts east of Geant on the map... if the cartographers ignore that part, they can ignore everything behind it even easier. The worst direction is north: they painte the title of the map in an uneccessary big box to hide more than a half of a continent that's right in front of them. Parts of it even almost touch the Svordish cost and the northern Fjordellian peninisulas. This parts are ven nearer to Fjorden than Teod...they are even nearer than Hrovell. And are ignored. The northern continent is big, and I'm also sure, that it can contain at least around five or six of Arelon-/Teod-level kingdoms in addition to the Rose Empire. I guess that is to make the interpretation about the Fjordellian "conquer-the-worl-and-Jaddeth-will-return"-mission easier. If you paint the world small, you don't have so much work to do. What i don't understand is why everybody else seems okay with this - Teod, which could profit from trade with the Roseans and needs every help it can getr especially.
  6. Page 617: "One million, fifty-four thousand, four hundred and fortty two," Adien repeated "That is how many steps it is to teoras. Measure my stride, and use half of that as your unit."+ That makes sense, since 2 steps = 1 stride. Also @The One Who Connects, 20 steps are not necessary the difference between Teod-centre and Teod-docks: that would be the case if they would be in a direct line behind each other. It's reasonable to assume that they are not, which means the distance is a bit larger. Judging by the state of the world and my Imagination of Teod resembling northern German port-cities five hundred to two thousand five hundred are realistic,
  7. Not quite. The Dark One is very close to the devil in the Judaeo-Christian sense, being only short of omnipresent and omnipotent, while Shards resemble the powerfull but far-from-omnipotent and absolutely not omnipresent gods of ancient Greece or other cultures at that time. Well, the Shards may be an order of magnitude stronger, even two, but neither omnipresent nor omnipotent.
  8. Just a reminder, and I think maxal will disagree, that a year on Roshar is about 1.1 earth/scadrian years long, making the 3.3 and a little bit the shortest possible age gap, and 5.5 minus a bit the greatest. I tend to think 3.5-3.6 in earth years is relatively likely.
  9. As much as I like them both, put Wayne and Adolin in one room for about five minutes, and you'll get at least three dead people.
  10. Inform Taravangian. Immediately. The Thrill is confirmed on earth.
  11. It's also quite possible, that worldhoppers - instead of being anchored in the physical realm, like normal people do - take a part of the physical realm with them into the conitive.
  12. Quite difficult, since such things as books require a lot of breaths to become awakened, i guess somewhere around 100-200 would be required to make it torture people. To use that many breaths in a long-term investment (pun unintended) to gain the occasional breath of one or two people is not very efficient.
  13. Taking involuntary baths goes along with Red Panther.
  14. And also because you see yourself as a Vorinist woman, obviously.
  15. @Laryna 1. For the Reader I suggest Ri, the metalcatcher girl. Last time we saw her she was facing an Anarchist, so why shouldn't she "snap" at exactly that moment? 2. Let's just assume that there are no wizards or justicars there. I had the Image in my head, that all justicars are assmbled in some kind of an temple, or hall, and standing there, frozen in stone, waiting for the day the city will be whole again (actually, that was even part of the original dream). And the wizards all died during the shattering (we need another name for that event). Probably there are still some wizards and or justicars, but not more than once per generation - the statues' powers are to weak. For the current generatrion both powers manifested in Arem. 3. Let's say the powers of one particular statue comes on around one in a hundred people. Its not random, but it looks like that.That makes that in a set of hundred people there should be around one Sire, one Wizard, etc., meaning give or take 7%. And let's assume that these distributions are unrelated. That makes the probability of a Sire-Anarchist about one in ten thousand. Since there are 21 possible combinations of two powers from seven, we have about 21/10,000 ~0.2% of two-powered-cloudsmiths, making them the Mistborn here. Behind that, the chances are growing thinner and thinner: A three-power-combination has the probability of something in the area of 35/1,000,000 - kind of a cloudpriest-Mozart, so to say. The probability of a seven-in-one is one in (one hundred trillions), being the next best thing to impossible. 4. Maybe @Perrin Aybara has some ideas? 5. You fall. And you fall. And you fall... And you have quite a lot of time to learn flying. Probably also an interesting thing for Ri to find out, when the Anarchist woman blows the construction under her to shreds. 6. Probably some kind of a middle-scale street war, with Courage/Honor being the main opposition against Anarchy. 7. Here I just got an interesting idea. I'll explain below. It changes some of the things you said in the "last wizards letter", if you allow so. But lets say that as a general rule liberals turned to anarchists. 7. the second: I had the idea, that we name some things after cloud names, like Cirrostratia or something alike. 8. Scope - lets start in a moderate scope, say a project for four to eight people to complete in 6-12 months. These things tend to get bigger and biggrer over time. To point 7 the first. I thought, that probably when the city was divided, the turning of Libetrty was incidential. Wisdom and Justice had to fall (or so the Writer of the letter assumed), but probably he or she didn't grasp all of his consequences. Liberty should not have been allowed to run amok, but only to be set free of the influence of wisdom and justice. We can make it sound like the turning was wanted, but never mention Anarchy, and make somebody realize, that the turning was an accident, and both sides worked under wrong premises. For the reader I suggest, that he or she is the part of the plan that worked right, probably the only real Liberal who was created after the Turning of Liberty. The technical explanation could be, that Arem's first usage of poower turned Anarchy a minimal degree. Now the Reader has the powers of Liberals and Anarchists... which could be an incredibly strong combination, but also a great pain to deal with.
  16. State the Ideas, for there is usually a great lot more of good ideas than bad ones. Especially in worldbuilding. Arem is not my character, but could be one of the main cast in the saving-the-city-story. Or he can be a kind of a... good antagonist, so to say. Somebody who tries to restore the city to the status quo; like it was before, before the Wizards broke it.
  17. Possible, but Biblioden is stated to build the evil librarians about 500 zears ago, while Alcatraz I. was much older - something about 2500 years. Also, Alcatraz I. didn't look murdered.
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