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Everything posted by Evil_Reptile

  1. You know you're a Sanderfan when you're constantly considering what kind of spren you would be attracting at the time.
  2. The Fall, by Imagine Dragons. What's your favourite Norse God?
  3. Perhaps the Desolations made things desolate.
  4. I love Bionicles! I've got so many of them lying around. I don't actually have any of the original Toa, but I have several of the Toa Hordika, a couple Toa Metru, two Bohrok Tahnok, and a Bohrok Tahnok-kal. I've also got two Rahkshi. Personally, I reeeeeally like the Bohrok . My favourite mask is either Kraahnak or Crast.
  5. Well, since Hoid wrote a letter to Frost, and as far as we know, there's even less evidence for worldhopper mail service than that for us having seen Frost, I think we may have actually seen him. Presumably on Roshar, since Hoid's letter was in The Stormlight Archive, Yolen may well be Roshar. So, to start off, Frost said that he took an oath of non-interference, so we have to find somebody who doesn't interfere in Voidbringer-related stuff.
  6. Alright, since the instructions for my origami models would take up eight gallery posts, at a suggestion by someone who will remain nameless for his (or her) own protection, I've decided to make a topic for it instead. Please note that all of the spoiler tags will contain about eight attachments. As I make new instructions, I'll edit them into this post. Axehound Aon Aha
  7. Well, of the top of my head, I can think of one (Non-human, mind you) female Big Bad. Sister Reverence from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, despite only being in book ten, pretty much ranks among Big Bads due to multiple end-of-humanity-related offences. Mab, from the Dresden Files is a sort-of villain. A bunch of the Taken, as well as the Lady (sort of) from the Black Company series are female. EDIT: Oh, and Cersei Lannister, but that might just be me.
  8. Hunn Raal, from Forge of Darkness. If you've read the book, you know why. I'm getting angry just thinking about him.
  9. I'm beginning to wonder whether anybody actually looks at the gallery.

  10. Despite not being an avid emoticon user, I, the Vizier of Malevolent Lizards sign this petition.
  11. Sorry for the double comment, but having said that, the instructions are four pages long and I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to make eight uploads as part of the same thing. Since I don't want one file that takes up 12 computer screens, I'm leaning towards doing separate pictures. If I'm not allowed to make separate uploads for the same thing, somebody let me know, please. If nobody answers in a few days, I'll post them separately anyway. Thanks! EDIT: Alright, the problem has been resolved. My instructions are on this thread:http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/41844-cosmere-origami/
  12. You just blew my mind. That means that all the heralds running around and dying outside castle walls may have also been at Gavilar's assassination, which means they probably knew the significance of something, which is probably the Parshendi doing anything, yet they didn't tell anyone until they went crazy, but by then couldn't get anything across.
  13. You know you're a Sanderfan when there's an Alethi alphabet cipher sitting on your desk.
  14. In keeping with the theme of the origami whitespine, I decided to take a shot at making an axehound. This one uses the same base as the whitespine, but only uses one square of paper. I will eventually make one in actual origami paper, but for now it'll be in printer paper. As always, if you want to see how it's made, or make your own, I can make a diagram for it. Hope you like it!
  15. Pretty much this^ I enjoy Big Nate too. I haven't really read that many super hero comics, though.
  16. I think that the targeting thing swing the other way on this one. While, yes, adults can still relate to these things since they were once teenagers, some teenagers may dislike a book that was written for adults because they don't relate to as many of the things in the book as they would in a teen book, since they don't have the experience of being an adult and relating to different values and emotions.
  17. 1. Return of the Jedi 2. The Empire Strikes Back 3. A New Hope 4. Attack of the Clones 5. The Revenge of the Sith 6. The Phantom Minus-errr, Menace
  18. I've always thought of Sadeas as tall and in good shape as well. I also keep imagining Kaladin as someone who looks like he's in his late twenties/early thirties, which probably has something to do with his temperament. Also, Kelsier is short and has brown hair in my mind.
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