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Darkness Ascendant

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Status Updates posted by Darkness Ascendant

  1. Apparently can access the shard from school o_O, maybe it's time to get back into SE...

  2. Has anyone else seen the storming soundtrack for this movie?

    I want to watch it so badly just based on the songs and the people they have on board, sincerely is so awesome seeing them all together.

  3. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

    1. Modal Seoul
    2. Tesh


      Bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison.

  4. It's alllll damnation true.

  5. I have come around
    Life is ocean,
    we were just travellers
    In the bayou
    In the bayou
    That we outgrew

  6. Heart that pounds like a stereo

  7. I'm not a Libra, but this is good song. Yes good.

  8. Tune into Radio Darkness for more eclectic jams.

  9. Thank you for listening to Radio Darkness.

  10. Happy Birthday!

    You haven't been here for a while...but your name is by far one of the most memorable I know heh

  11. Been like 4 months :( Missing you.

    1. Walin


      I agree with Darkness.

  12. I thought this guy was me because he had the same pfp I did a while back. melkor ftw amirite?

    1. Kairos


      Pretty much. I didn't realise it was Melkor when I first saw it, but that just made it better. 


    1. Modal Seoul

      Modal Seoul

      Am I supposed to feel fear or delight after watching this? Cause I just feel confusion.


    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      A true story of the Korean War.
      Of the Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines.
      Of the surprise attack by the Chinese Communists.
      Of sacrifice and courage.
      15,000 US Marines.


      120,000 Chinese Soldiers.

      78 miles fought.
      98,000 refugees saved.

      One of the most heroic feats in history.

      Also cool art. 

  15. Welp I forgot my shardsversary xD

  16. Remember not to share your hemalurgic spikes kids (or metalminds for the matter). Don't want to get those MTDs

    1. manukos


      i would never 
      i stored all this wormth  myself


  17. Hey now you're an all-seer

    get your game on, go pray

    Hey now you're an all seer

    get your show on, go....keep the spirits at bay.....!

    1. C. M. Hayden

      C. M. Hayden

      Hey now, I see you >_>

  18. Daily Trax by DJ Kalad(in) and Slim Sylphrena

    I, I, I'm waiting for the afterlife
    To show me a good time
    baby, somebody save me
    I just want to be loved

  19. I love how we all talk about Brandon like an old friend.

    1. Rage


      How do you know he's not?:ph34r:

  20. Oh nice name!

    1. QuantumSpren


      Thank you! Sorry I didn't respond sooner but I just saw your message.

  21. Lol you guys see this Fyre festival crap?


    and on that note I should sleep 3:30 am XD

    1. Jedal


      its 1:00 p.m. here in the US. I'm in history class lmao

    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      The sky's awake. So I'm awake....

    3. Jedal
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