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Darkness Ascendant

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Darkness Ascendant last won the day on May 1 2017

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About Darkness Ascendant

  • Birthday 10/07/2001

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  • Member Title
    6 feet under
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  • Location
    6 feet under
  • Interests
    pp v big

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  1. tumblr_ohlr9fF0B31vwflsfo1_500.png


    That is what darkness Ascendant means. Bettering the darkness
    and ascending to your place in the stars
    don't fear the night
    for it contains who you are
    what you were
    and what you will become
    I've always wondered
    why I called myself that
    I had a bunch of retarded names before this one
    but then, I thought of Infernal Amalgamation
    I loved that name for some reason
    then it came to define me
    an amalgamation of all things horrible
    Then one day 

    I came back to the shard

    (I had been away for 3 months)

    and I renamed myself

    Darkness Ascendant

    I didn't know what it meant back then

    It was just a cool name

    to me

    but now

    It is who I am

    I was forged in the night, raised in the night. Soon, it will be my time to shine with the stars.

    1. Rage



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