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Darkness Ascendant

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Status Updates posted by Darkness Ascendant

  1. Do I HavE to go to training tonight? 

    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant


      I twisted my ankle ...2 minutes before we ended.

      And it was bad for a bit. Then I got home (painfully). and it was better.

      Never, walk up the stairs normally with a rolled ankle. never. I did and nearly collapsed.


    2. Darkness Ascendant
  2. *wants to continue talking about Roko's Basilisk\

    *sadly can't because Dad's kicking him off his laptop

    Goodnight all!

  3. tumblr_oooqb8ubok1vwflsfo1_500.jpg

    This hurt my eyes to read.

    1. Zennix


      This is an Ophthalmology patient's worse nightmare. 

    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Depends. But yeah I can see that heh :P 

  4. What genetically modified plant should I do for my assignment?

    I can't pick >>

    1. soyperson
    2. Assassin in Burgundy

      Assassin in Burgundy

      Venus fly traps. Recreate the Little Shop of Horrors for extra points.

    3. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant


      Ended up finding a website which answered all the stipulations for corn heh. 

  5. So many assignments to do in 2 days XD

    School's gonna be fun

  6. So after a shitty day.

    I wrote alot of words :D heh

    Wrote about 6K today :blink: I'm suprised. 1K in that adaption, 4 and a half in SongWeavers, and more in a lil autobiography that I'm now writing >>

  7. I would respond to all your support as I don't have much time as of now.

    But let it be known how much I love you all :wub:


  8. Reading @Queen Elsa Steelheart's old posts be like.

    "Have you read Steelheart?"

    "Have you read Steelheart?"

    "Have you read Steelheart?"


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      It was a troll...

      i was so pissed when the author wrote those last few paragraphs...

      i was getting really into it. It was well written as evocative...then those last few paragraphs gah.

      Suicide shouldn't be used a joke like that and shouldn't be romanticized >>

    3. Jedal


      I mean, I can see it from your point of view, but the way that I read it was more of, "this is my cross to bear. No matter what I go into death alone. " It was almost hopeful, and yet twisted, as though she knew he had a future and that she was just dragging him down with her. But now I look at the comments and realize how its just a horror spoof. I thought it was legit.

    4. Darkness Ascendant
  9. Miss Flamiel: 
    What is the meaning of the word "procrastination"?
    I'll tell you tomorrow.
  10. *closes shard

    *turns off internet

    *starts typing

  11. and after a strangely decent day. I bid thy all goodnight!

  12. I am really hyperactive right now for some reason (the hyperactivity only extends to me typing tho for some reason)

    i think I may go to sleep.

    good night you wonderful people

  13. Daffy Duck quotes are the best.

    "Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice"

    "Nobody move, I just lost my damnation mind"

    "If you're going to be two faced girl, at least make one of them pretty"

    and here's one which I found had minor swearing.

    "Oh...I'm being mean? That's right, I don't remember taking my I give a rust pills this morning"

    many favourite one has to be.

    "The greatest lie I ever told was to myself"

  14. image.jpgWent shopping with family and bought these for myself. 

    @TwiLyghtSansSparkles do you approve?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      No pugs hunt laps :ph34r:


    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      They also hunt pizza. And hamburgers. And hot dogs. They stalk them and everything. :lol:

    4. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      But the thing hey crave the most is affection.

      bruce is lucky to have you :P 

  15. Happy Birthday!

    1. Felt


      Thanks mate! :) 

    2. Jedal


      Happy belated birthday!

  16. My jokes are ironic

    My depression is chronic

    I got a whole pint of gin

    but not a drop of tonic.

  17. Bleh. I've been awake far too long.
    Imma attempt to take a nap.

  18. I imagine Hoid playing this music when telling the story of the Wondersail :wub:


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