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Darkness Ascendant

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Status Updates posted by Darkness Ascendant

  1. I'm a lion trying to hide

    but now you know it

    that I'm at an all time

    low low low low low low low low low low low low

  2. They
    Say that
    is the
    of Healers
    As every
    passes by
    Pain grows

    1. Jedal


      Dude ur real edgy xd

    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      I haven't gotten any sleep whatsoever...

      And I was yeah...edgy is a good way to describe me last night...

      I had panic attacks and crap.

  3. Too Many times

    Have I been


    Advantage of

    Too many times

    Have I allowed

    Myself to be

    Used by them

    My Sanity slips

    My Noose tightens

    My Smile fades

    All Good things

    Come To end

  4. I have acid rain in my brain and it’s killing the flowers in my heart.
  5. tumblr_olh224hxTn1w0xfuko1_500.jpg

    :) saw this and reminded me of you

    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Ok. That probably did sound a little creepy. But it was in relation to your relationship problems. eh.

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Thank you so much! This really did help. ^_^ 

    3. Darkness Ascendant
  6. Daily Inspiration

    “Finding is reserved for those that search.” - Jim Rohn

  7. Happy Birthday Aman my amian man!

  8. tumblr_ohlr9fF0B31vwflsfo1_500.png


    That is what darkness Ascendant means. Bettering the darkness
    and ascending to your place in the stars
    don't fear the night
    for it contains who you are
    what you were
    and what you will become
    I've always wondered
    why I called myself that
    I had a bunch of retarded names before this one
    but then, I thought of Infernal Amalgamation
    I loved that name for some reason
    then it came to define me
    an amalgamation of all things horrible
    Then one day 

    I came back to the shard

    (I had been away for 3 months)

    and I renamed myself

    Darkness Ascendant

    I didn't know what it meant back then

    It was just a cool name

    to me

    but now

    It is who I am

    I was forged in the night, raised in the night. Soon, it will be my time to shine with the stars.

    1. Rage




  10. Primal Scream

    She said I’m just another scarecrow junkie

    I said she’s just another thing to please

    She burned my eyes with embers

    I threw away her keys

    But because of all the fighting,

    We failed,

    we failed to see

    Our son’s been hanging since September

    in the hollow trees.

  11. Don’t be angry. There’s far too much to do with the years slipping through the sands of your glass skin to waste on a futile emotion.

    Don’t be sad. Tears waste energy that can be spent listening to others, learning, growing.

    Don’t feel regret. Too many dreams remain unfulfilled, and you are in a race with time to make this life useful. Don’t allow limiting thoughts to diminish your dreams.

    Don’t simply grow older, but wiser, stronger, enriched, and more alive than ever. Strip off all your layers and dive into the ocean fully naked at midnight. Feel the danger on your skin and find delight in the unforeseeable risks.

    It’s time to live fully, wildly, quixotically, exotically. There are no regrets in a life lived richly and loved fully.

    Now is your time.

    1. Rage


      You have become... a philosopher.


    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      I'm sharing these amazing things which I stumble upon in my internet draugr stumbling

    3. Rage
  12. Daily Inspiration 


    1. Rage


      I agree!


      I like pain.


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