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Darkness Ascendant

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Status Updates posted by Darkness Ascendant

  1. Haven't seen you in a while mate

  2. I will take your place Twii


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rage


      What is the elusive twi?

    3. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Oh, @TwiLyghtSansSparkles. She's one of the main Sharders, if not a goddess among them.

      She's top of the popular rep thing, and I was making a joke about overtaking her.

    4. Rage
  3. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rage


      My favorite is S.A.O. (Sword Art Online)

      I live in East Wenatchee. You?

    3. Rage


      Also how do you guys do the hidden message thingies.

      I cant figure it out.:(

    4. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      You mean spoilers? just click the eye button on the taskbar.

      I live in Sydney, Australia. I remember loving FMA. I love Pokemon too


  4. You might want to make an introductory post, and also, folowing all the threads will become a pain in the nari soon if you don't stop.

  5. Happy birthday Zatoth my man!

    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Just realised I had never followed u, huh.

  6. Welcome to the shard my man!

  7. All of your good is mine....

    All of your good is mine....

    All of your good is mine....

  8. Did I read that right

    Twi's multicoloured Sidekick??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Ah yes The Kid Sidekick, or are u the Tagalong sidekick? Or perhaps the chessmaster sidekick?

    3. soyperson


      The Robin to her Batman. Except without the ambiguous gayness. 

      Well, not without the ambiguous gayness, but in separate forms.

    4. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      heh. That made me smile.

  9. No way ur in Sydney too! mad!

  10. 2 things

    where did u get ur profile pic?

    and AIM is Advanced Idea Mechanics. Not avengers.

    1. soyperson


      1. @dead-moth, talented as she is, drew it for me. C'est moi

      2. Eh.

    2. Darkness Ascendant
  11. The Shattering was an Inside Job

  12. Happy birthday fellow sharder!

  13. Welcome to the shard death moth! I reckon u should make an introductory post because I would never have heard of you if it hadnt been for your awesome artwork! 

    Good to know there are more fellow artists joining the shard each day :)

    1. dead-moth


      thanks so much! i've been meaning to make an intro post. i'll do that now. 

      nice to meet you!!

    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

       Nice to meet yoy too!

      Have a cookie!

  14. Well there goes all my rep from that meme I posted in Sanderson memes...

  15. My sisters watch this show lol

    1. The Honor Spren

      The Honor Spren


      but the fanbase is kinda insane.

  16. There are two things in this world


    and things that are not potatoes

    1. Doxis


      So much wisdom... 

  17. HOLY SHIVS BLEEDER. Do you have a life??? Your starting to rival Twi, and you post waaaay more than her. Yeesh.

  18. I just realised I haven't been doing quote of the day :/ I promised myself to do it, to keep y'all entertained

    ((--------...------------<<_=-_=_-+***Quote of the Day***+-_=_-=_>>--------------...-----------))

    “Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain.”

    -John F. Kennedy

    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Did I mention it was random? Yea they will be random.

  19. ...Scadrian Waffle Cook

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darkness Ascendant
    3. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      STILL A damnation WAFFLE COOK. Dw Oversleep, I shall protect u from the waffes

    4. Darkness Ascendant
  20. ((--------...------------<<_=-_=_-+***Quote of the Day***+-_=_-=_>>--------------...-----------))

    “Shall I teach you what knowledge?
    When you know a thing, say that you know it;
    when you do not know a thing,
    admit that you do not know it.
    That is knowledge”


  21. ((--------...------------<<_=-_=_-+***Quote of the Day***+-_=_-=_>>--------------...-----------))

    God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.

    -Jacques Deval

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