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  1. actually both, i am done with it because at this point i see so many things i would need to change from a mesh perspective and texture resolution that i would be better off starting over. but i value your comments and would very much appreciate and welcome your comments.
  2. thank you, it is much appreciated!
  3. Here is my final renders of the axehound. I have really enjoyed making this and hope that I have come close to Inkthinkers and Brandon’s design of it or at least close enough for them to approve. I did make some changes from the sketches and I would like to let everyone know the story I used to create this “elder” axehound. I have often been told that when creating something you should have a story behind it. Many may not know this but this project has been my first completed solo project ever. I have been learning 3D on my own now for about a year in my spare time. [Merchant] what do you mean I should take this down, do you have any idea what this…this thing has cost me? [Townsperson] you are scaring the children, here you have a pet that many of them and you have it mounted on your wall like some kind of trophy. It isn’t right.. [Merchant] that my good person is NOT your average axehound that these children play with. I believe it is an elder axehound that came out from the wild or some dark hole. [Townsperson] you are a fool, elder axehounds are children’s tales they do not really exist [Merchant] Let me tell you my good man the story then you will see I was bringing back a caravan of goods when we made camp for the night. I had 6 armguards along with me and my normal caravan crew. Later in the night as I was sleeping and this thing must have stumbled across us or hunted us or whatever, it really doesn’t matter. I was awakened with the screams, I immediately went out to investigate and found my slave just standing there. Still amazes me how he could have stood there with all that screaming, always wearing that pure white and all. Anyway he told me that the guards had heard something moving around in the dark and went to investigate. Next thing I knew, well this beast of a thing comes strolling into the camp. One of the cooks went to try and catch it and it tore him limb from limb. It had this look in its eyes like it was mad. I mean look at it, you can still see those eyes and I knew immediately something was wrong. It didn’t have any antennae’s and the way it looked around hunting for something. Well it found me and I knew it was coming, I screamed for that blasted slave of mind to do something. I looked around for him and when I did he was looking at me like I was crazy or something. I told him if he wanted to live through the night he better kill that dam thing. He had this god awful grin but I commanded him again to kill it. I don’t know what it was everything happened so fast…… I swear it looked like the camp was suddenly darker and that slave I don’t know but I swear he was glowing. Like light was seeping out of him, that creature noticed it too. It just stopped and starred at him and didn’t move. I screamed again at that slave to kill it and it must have done something because that beast jumped at me then. Right before it got to me it suddenly dropped to the ground like all of its life was taken. The slave had a dagger of some sort and then it just disappeared. I know, I know all this sounds crazy and it might be the fear I had in me that night. You want to know the craziest part of it all… do you….. I looked at the slave and he had a tear, a tear I tell you but I don’t think it was for me. I think he wanted that beast to kill all of us or something….. and you want to know what else…. The body didn’t have a mark on it Anyway I wasn’t about to let that beast go to waste, but it was too heavy to pick up. So I cut off its head and had it mounted. //END\\ Anyway that is the story I had come up with and while I know it doesn’t make too much sense it did help me to work on it. It also helps to explain why it doesn’t have antennae’s. I did try and create them but could not come up with anything that I thought matched the design. Also if for any reason anyone would like a higher resolution image of this just let me know and I can render one out. This is only a 1K X 1K but I can do a much higher one if need be. Thanks DomainWalker
  4. thanks! still working on the antennae, i will have that posted along with the axehound with color. still working through the colors. havent found any i like yet.......
  5. So I have been working on this thing on and off for a while. I decided to go with what I would consider and elder axehound that has gone mad or maybe blood thirsty. The base mesh I was working off of just seemed to plain and slick. So I put a lot of age into this axehound and tried to show that it had been through a lot. This is the finished mesh and I am working on adding color to it now. Please let me know what you think…… Thanks DOM
  6. so i spent some time on the axehound this weekend. i added some bulk to it and made some other changes. i will not be able to get back to it until next weekend. so i thought i would post the work and get some feedback on it. please let me know what you think so i can make it better.
  7. i hope to be able to work on this sometime this weekend and be able to post the changes. been real busy with work and havent had a chance to work on it. thanks for the comments!
  8. thank you for the reply inkthinker! and yes i would love to get it as close as possible to your design. i will make some changes to the mesh in a day or so and post the updates. what was your thoughts on the eye color as you created this? also i added the nostrils because it looked empty to me in that area as i was building it, what are your thoughts there? what colors did you invision it? DomainWalker
  9. First of all hello everyone, this is my first post here. I did a few posts back on TWG and then it was gone  Finally ran across this forum and have been lurking for a while. I came across the pictures of the axehound and thought I would give it a shot at modeling it in 3D. I feel pretty good about the way the model came out but when I went to add some textures and color to it……. I just could not remember the details from the book. “Need to reread it’ So I thought why not post it and get feedback from the group? So how about it, anyone want to submit idea’s or facts from the book and I will try and get this thing finished in the next few weeks? And please if anything just doesn’t look right about the model please let me know, I want to be as true to the book as possible. “this is my first try at any type of animal”
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