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Everything posted by Weltall

  1. I think that even setting aside the fact that the Heralds have to be more highly Invested than the average human (they're immortal after all) which would make forming a bond difficult, there's the whole 'betrayed their oaths and left one guy to suffer for thousands of years in their place' thing. I'm pretty sure that's something of a bar to gaining power from the anthropomorphic personification of honorable behavior. So I have no problems seeing why there aren't any spren trying to bond these people even if they could form such a bond to begin with. And on the Honorblades, yeah, I'm certain there's more to them than 'Spren-less shardblade that grants surgebinding'. Kalak thinks of them as something beyond the power of a shardblade and at that point in time, having a shardblade and having surgebinding were linked so there's got to be something more there. And the fact that we were explicitly told the blade vanishes if the Herald dies and they had to be left behind to break (or not, seemingly) the Oathpact feels like it should be very important.
  2. It would still have to actively do something to get those invested bits metal on Scadrial and there's one moment where Paalm is speaking telepathically but not to Wax. Either she was talking to herself and messing with Wax's head or she was in communication with the Shard. Makes it hard to buy that it could be the 'Hiding' one in some sort of passive role. Plus, active or passive, messing around with what's probably the most powerful entity in the Cosmere right now is conducive to neither hiding nor necessarily surviving, even if Harmony isn't dangerous in the same way Odium is. I can't really imagine what motive a Shard whose stated interest is to essentially find the deepest hole to hide in and stay there could have for doing anything so attention-getting. Which is why I'm back to discounting it as a possible source for the new metal.
  3. Yeah, but what we know of it is basically 'it wants to hide and survive' which is pretty much the opposite of what's going on with Scadrial so I'm not even counting it. And if you want to get picky, we may know of two unnamed Shards since we have WoB that Odium splintered a fourth. Assuming it's not the 'hide and survive' one (and it would be very Brandon to be sneaky like that) there are two out there we know of that could have been included. But I don't count that one for the rather obvious reason that if it's splintered it's not in a state to go about creating new god metals and making trouble for Harmony. So we're really down to Odium, Autonomy or the two working together.
  4. Might indeed be, though we haven't really seen the Cognitive Realm anywhere but Roshar so far. IIRC we're told that the Duralumin+Atium combo gives you a peek into the Spiritual Realm but we have no idea what something like a god metal would look like Cognitively. At least until someone in SA brings an honorblade to Shadesmare or something, that might give us an idea.
  5. He's said it directly and it comes up in the Ars Arcanum as well. Hemalurgy is considered very interesting Cosmere-wise because of the potential interactions between it and... everything. And Brandon has explained that it's the reason he came up with it, he wanted a universally applicable magical system. So even if Harmony wanted to somehow remove Hemalurgy and could actually do it, he'd still find himself thwarted by the God Beyond whose name is Sanderson.
  6. I also recall Brandon mentioning there might be some sort of Cosmere guide to help people catch the connections (and include stuff not in the books) once the series is mostly done but I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it. Though I do specifically recall there was a WoB that when the time is right (ie, probably when Fourth Era Mistborn starts), we'll get a star chart. I think it was in response to somebody asking about a patch of bright stars that can be seen from both Roshar,and Threnody and confirming that they're seeing the same thing.
  7. The southern peoples are a distinct group. We have several WoB on the topic confirming it and Harmony mentions them as a separate group in the present tense when he's berating Wax (and himself) for the failure of the Elendel Basin population to advance as fast as he thought they should.
  8. This actually seems like it would be entirely within the bounds of Autonomy's Intent. 'Please do this thing for me (that you might have done on your own anyways) but you're free to decide exactly how you do it'. And as noted, Shards can act outside their Intent at least for a while (as Vin does when she first takes up Preservation) and any agents they have aren't going to be bound as strictly to the intent as they are, if at all. Humans on Scadrial have innate Investiture from both Preservation and Ruin but they don't have the same difficulty in acting that Sazed/Harmony does, who is those things.
  9. Wasn't there a WoB (maybe an annotation) that what we got in the original trilogy was the least-destructive interpretation of Ruin that Ati could work out? Or at least it began that way before he became so molded by the intent of the Shard? Anyhow, since we have WoB that the mystery metal is from a Shard that we know and it's really hard to conceive of Sazed not recognizing his own metal (because Harmonium will be A Thing at some point) I think the most reasonable interpretation of the response to 'how many Shards are on Scadrial' means 'It's just Harmony, before someone else came knocking' and that someone can't be one of the six or so Shards we know absolutely nothing about. Ergo, it's almost got to be Odium or Autonomy since all the others are splintered or busy on their worlds and messing around with Scadrial doesn't fit with what we know of them. Me, I'm pretty certain it's Autonomy.
  10. Right here And we knew from WoB that they're still around even before Sazed brings them up in the present tense in Shadows of Self. Apparently he's more impressed with their technological development than with the Elendel Basin crowd.
  11. Weltall

    Copper Twinborn

    On the topic of compounding Copper, someone asked that at the SF signing. He said that he'll reveal it eventually but added that "not all compounding does cool stuff". I'd settle for being a Twinborn, the trick would be picking the coolest combination. Or possibly a Pulser with allomantic Duralumin granted via hemalurgy, so I could speed up time between book releases.
  12. Fullborn is an unofficial term for someone who is both a Mistborn and a full Feruchemist. For the second question (Cosmere spoilers including Shadows of Self) Here's a WoB confirming that this is the case
  13. While you can approximate the abilities of a Mistborn with enough spikes, what you'd get would really be less a Mistborn and more a very spiky Steel Inquisitor. Kind of a problem if Harmony decides he doesn't want more of those and if the Set knows enough about Hemalurgy to create one, they're probably aware of that little flaw. (SoS spoilers) So unless there's another method we're unaware of, a descendant of a Noble hiding out there that doesn't have much/any Terris ancestry in their recent bloodline or more Lerasium, if the Set wants a Mistborn I suspect they'd be going for a long term breeding program. Which of course doesn't prevent them from experimenting with Hemalurgy or using it to create Mistings/Ferrings with desirable abilities. Unless Brandon changes his mind about what he's already told us about plans for the (now) third era, we know we're going to see Mistborn in the next series. Well, we haven't seen all the possibilities of a Mistborn yet because of the metals that weren't used during the Final Empire era but yeah, in terms of cool possibilities I agree that Twinborn offer more options for cool and creative effects, especially since the Ars Arcanum posits that each combination results in a unique trait over and above the mere combination of one Allomantic and one Feruchemical ability.
  14. No, I'm pretty certain you've got it right. Within the limits of our understanding of Steelpushes and Ironpulls, someone firing a gun shouldn't be capable of using Allomancy to significantly alter the trajectory of their bullets after they've been fired. Pushes and pulls are directed at the center of mass so while Wax could make a bullet go faster (or slower if you imagine he can use Iron for purposes of argument) he couldn't alter its path in any other direction. Okay, we know you can push/pull 'off-center' because Kelsier does it but IIRC you have to be a Savant to manage that and even if you were able to, trying it with a bullet you fired wouldn't do much more than make the thing wobble. In order to use Allomancy to actually adjust a bullet mid-flight you'd need someone else standing in another location who could apply a force at an angle. That could nudge a bullet sideways but it would probably do some funny things if it hit owing to the lateral motion. Problem is, that requires the pusher/puller to be standing in just the right place. You could probably do some interesting tricks with snipers if you had a well-trained team and a Slider to help the Coinshot/Lurcher with the timing (one of the members being a Spinner would help too) but that sounds like the kind of thing for the third era, maybe.
  15. MAG is short for Mistborn Adventure Game. I'm not terribly familiar with the ins and outs of it; I have the core book but haven't read all of it and I don't have the Terris and Alloy of Law supplements. 3. You've got it, Word(s) of Brandon. I think it might have been derived from the site TVTropes using 'Word of God' as shorthand for 'things the creators tell us but which aren't in the original material'. Or it could have been devised independently, dunno. I'm new too. 4. I'm just wondering in this case because the whole point of his copperminds to begin with was to preserve the knowledge and pass it on. You'd think giving someone knowledge of the history of the world as he used to know it (not even taking into account anything he's learned after becoming a Shard) might fall under a permissible level of interference, especially if it might nudge people in the direction he's trying to get them to go. I can just see him now: "Hear me oh follower, I will teach you about a culture that once lived in this time and place... and by the way this is the secret of their agricultural success, hint hint."
  16. Except that when Renarin describes his symptoms to Kaladin, not only does he describe a condition that Kaladin can recognize as epilepsy via questioning but, well, Renarin straight up says that it's been happening to him since he was a child. His being a proto-Radiant can account for some of what we see in Words of Radiance but it doesn't explain his illness since he's had it for far longer than he's had a shardblade.
  17. Chiming in to suggest that while there's a decent chance that if she bonded with a new spren Eshonai just got stuck with some new Voidbringer form, we don't know enough about the Radiant!Spren to be 100% certain it's not one of them. Like, there might be some type that could have been attracted to her because her original self was fighting Odium's influence from the inside, albeit unsuccessfully. If I had to pick one right now, that sounds like the kind of thing that might fit with the Stonewards. But we really know too little about so many orders and especially about their spren to say. Also, I'm pegging Rlain as a future Radiant.
  18. Wax's original earring started as at least part of a spike, yes (source). His new earring has a description very similar to that of Vin's earring. It may just be a coincidence but I like the idea that it's the same, so if it's got enough of a hemalurgic charge left to grant Allomancy then it means Wax now has at least some abilities as a Seeker. Which might be useful for him to have in the future... In either case, can't be Harmonium since I'm reasonably certain that Sazed wouldn't approve of anyone murdering people with his metal to create a spike out of it, among other assumptions required for that to be the metal used.
  19. Ahh, that's what it was. I'm almost positive he needed to flare his metal in order to spot it but I don't have my book handy to check right now.
  20. Even if no Archivists survived the Final Ascension (save Sazed who was busy being God) that doesn't necessarily mean there weren't any full Feruchemists among the survviors, or people who carried the necessary sDNA for full Feruchemists to be born afterwards. It just means that there wasn't anyone around in the immediate aftermath with Copperminds containing knowledge of Terris so they had to record their history the old-fashioned way. As for whether any exist in the Alloy of Law era, who knows? I don't think we have a WoB that none exist so if there's a population with sufficiently little contact with non-Terris bloodlines maybe it's possible. We know that there were still Mistborn after ~1000 years and they started out with a really small population (all of ten) so... Randomly, does Harmony do revelations? Because you'd think that a modern-day Copper Ferring could learn a lot if they asked Harmony about the extensive contents of his own copperminds.
  21. What's that you say? Little Timmy fell down the well? Sorry, had to be done. Extreme denial, Wayne somehow having a Ranette-shaped hole in his understanding of people, Kaymyth's idea that it's 'safe' for him to be hung up on her, or he knows deep down and just likes annoying her because he's Wayne.
  22. Glorious counter to the Aquaman is Useless argument. Anyhow, I think that Feruchemical Pewter would be even better for a Hulk-esque superhero if Sazed's use of large amounts of stored strength is any indication. And Freuchemical Steel for any superhero who needs to move fast a la The Flash. Now I'm trying to imagine the Fantastic Four as metalborn since I loved them growing up. Kind of tricky given that most of their powers have no good analogue. So I'll say Reed Richards gets to be a Sparker to reflect his brainpower, Susan Storm gets to be a Slider/Connecter (if storing Connection makes it harder to notice someone) since that's the next best thing to invisibility I can think of. Johnny Storm gets to be a Coinshot for flight and a Firesoul just for the thematic connection. And of course Ben Grimm gets to be a Pewter Twinborn.
  23. I'm pretty certain you could say the same for horses too and they survived so it's likely that whatever Rashek did affected more than just humans. Alternate possibility: We know Brandon really doesn't like seafood (it's in the annotations to Warbreaker and all over the book itself) so he went mad with fantasy power and had Rashek allow all the fish and shrimp and other sundry seafoods to die, mwahaha! Edit: Ninja'd.
  24. Actually, I'm almost positive that Wax did that in Shadows of Self in order to 'see' where Bleeder's spike was. Or maybe it was for those creatures. Either way, pretty certain it was done there.
  25. The distance thing might have a workaround (Cosmere spoilers) As for Elantrian immortality being taxing, I wonder if there's something Spiritual or Cognitive about it, or if it's just that being a constant pipeline for godly power takes it out on you after a while. We don't get enough of a chance to see things from a fully transformed Elantrian's perspective to get an idea what it might be. Though now we might have a better understanding of why they would use the pool and why it was important enough to make a mural of.
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