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Everything posted by queensteph

  1. My top 3 suspicions if I had to pick from anyone would probably be: 1. Kipper 2. Phattemer (where is he???) 3. Maybe Alvron None of these are solid suspicions because I literally don't know how to tell if someone is an eliminator since I am not experienced, and they almost all based on gut feelings. Also, Kipper, I saw you tryna sneak in PMs, why'd you delete your message? Wyrm said not to delete(or edit) PMs, and just because you may have accidentally messaged after the night cycle was over it seems like you could've cleared that up easier than deleting it. Plus you are a pretty experienced player and I wouldn't expect you to make a mistake like that, unless you are an eliminator and are used to being able to PM your traitor buddies 24/7. I had almost convinced myself that you were loyal until this happened. Edit: The message Kipper sent wasn't even an important one in terms of plans or info, it was just a question. which makes it even more strange that he would delete it. Also did Lopen get scanned last night and if so can someone share the results? Edit#2 I'd like to add that I'm not worried about being the HI's #1 suspicion seeing as how he keeps suspecting dead loyalists... but on a more serious note, I would like to know his reasoning behind his suspicions.
  2. Hooray! Great job mistborn. I'm glad we didn't have any loyals die this cycle. It seems strange that the eliminators wouldn't kill anyone though? Unless it would've given away information leading to them. What are some reasons that eliminators wouldn't kill someone when they had the chance? (asking for better knowledge of SE and it might be helpful in finding the eliminators to look at it from several angles!)
  3. I'm going to vote for Lopen to calm my flippyflop suspicions of him. If not him, then my second choice is Kipper . I don't really have anyone I think who should be killed right now so I'm not going to place a mistborn vote. I do wish biggoron would post though since it'll be sad to lose my kin unless he's an eliminator then mistborn his butt.
  4. Sorry for not posting again in the last cycle! (Busy with the holiday) mainly my vote on Kipper was because of his PM (previously mentioned) because he was trying to make me reveal Lopen's role, and said him and Lopen had made a bet that Kip could or couldn't make me spill. Anywho, I asked Lopen if Kipper knew his role and he said no, so when Kipper had told me that he DID know Lopen's role I thought Kipper was being shady. When he told me about their wager that I'd tell him then I asked Lopen to see if it was true, but he didn't get on until the night had ended. So I mostly wanted them to clarify in thread for me so I placed the vote. But it's been cleared up now since Lopen confirmed that they were just messing with me. I'm still going to keep my eye on Kipper though, with there having been at least 3(?) Feruchemists, according to Ada, then it seems likely one of them is probably an eliminator, and now that we know PK was loyal the choices are narrowed
  5. This is my first game, and so I don't always know what to post or exactly how to analyze people so my suspicions usually aren't that great yet. The reason I posted more towards the start of the game was because I had a lot more free time so I actually had time to analyze things to the best of my abilities. I haven't used PMs very much either except for with a few players which I will name: Adavantos for the most part, and then last night I talked to Kipper a bit, and Lopen quite a bit since he's my bro and he tries to give me pro gaming tips . I have PMs with a few others but nothing of importance. As for my suspicions right now I am leaning towards Kipper because of our PM last night, and maybe also Lopen, but I feel like Lopen is probably good. Edit: Also! Happy Thanksgiving!! F.Y.I. I probably won't be on much for the rest of this Day cycle because of the holiday. Plus I wont have access to a computer until tomorrow evening. I edited Kipper's name in red. I'll retract my vote on Kip if he gives me a reason to, but for now I'm leaving it there. Edit 2 For some reason I keep being suspicious of Lopen and then being like "No I think he's good!!" I keep changing my mind and idk which to believe. If you have any reason to be suspicious (or not) of him that you've noticed please come forward with your reasonings, my mind needs a rest. I'd aslo like to know why the HI seems to believe that Lopen is good. For all we know the HI could have turned already. (Just a reminder)
  6. Ok so let me get this straight, Alfa is a hemalurgist but was forged into a kandra?? I'm a bit confused. Also, I don't understand why everyone's voting for a hemalurgist?? unless he's a traitor hem. of course. He doesn't really seem that suspicious, he's barely even posted, has he viewed the thread a lot and just not posted? (Sorry if you guys have already answered these questions I'm just tryna get up to speed.) Tryna get a read on Bort but he posts so much I'm too tired to read them LOL I'll post again later w either higher suspicions or lesser suspicions on him.
  7. I think Araris was saying "he lost his forging powers" as in he lost the role that he had been forged into. Edit: Ninja'd by Araris himself. I don't really see why Alfa has so many people suspicious of him? What did he do? I've read all of the posts up until now and I didn't notice anything very suspicious. Of course, I've read the posts throughout scattered times so that I could catch up, so I haven't really pieced stuff together very well, but I'm going to have to review his previous posts before I give my thoughts on him. Bort was my first suspicion this game because of the first lynch train, but I'm going to review his posts as well before I start placing votes. Also.... something about Lopen makes me feel uneasy idk what it is....... I will post better explanations of all of my thoughts once I review some posts. (hopefully I'll have time before the end of this cycle)
  8. Since a feruchemist changed a vote to Shallan, does that mean that they're possibly evil? Ok, so, several people (Adavantos, Burnt Spaghetti, and Hellscythe) have all voiced their suspicions toward me and I don't understand why. If it's because I voted for Adavantos to be scanned, I wasn't trying to jump on the bandwagon. I would have voted on him whether anyone else had or not. I have already trusted him with my role in PMs and I really just want him confirmed good so I know I can have someone to trust. If you've any other reason to distrust me go ahead and ask me and I'll try to explain any action you may have found suspicious. and Also, on the note about Adavantos being a Mayor, I really don't see how he has been that way at all. Sure he's been a leader since several people trusted him, but I see nothing wrong with that. If anything he's been extremely helpful to me as a new player and has also increased the fun for me since he's helped me understand how to play the game better. I'm going to vote for Orlok because it seems strange that he'd keep trying to turn people against Ada, when Ada has done nothing but analyze, state his own thoughts, and propose ideas which he never forced on anyone.
  9. Hey guys, sorry for not posting at all yet this cycle, I've been busy and haven't even had the chance to read anything (I haven't even read the captains writeup) and I'm probably going to be off until close to the end of D4 because I'm going to be staying at my sisters and I won't have a way to get on.
  10. Are you saying you want to scan Kaid, or do you mean you want the mistborn to target him? (just checking, since purple is the color Adavantos said was for the mistborn targets) Also, I don't really see how scanning Adavantos is that different then if Kaid is loyal since either way the eliminators will be glad we didn't find one of them. I do kind of think Ada has a higher chance of being loyal, but I think it'd be good for us to know once and for all that we can (or can't) fully trust him, which is why I have my vote for scanning Ada.
  11. I also want to add my kandra scanning vote on Adavantos. Lots of people seem to trust him (Myself being one of them) and I'd really like to be certain that he's loyal. As for who the mistborn should attack, I really have no idea and wouldn't care if they didn't attack anyone at all unless of course they have reason to believe someone is an eliminator. I really hope that the kandra is loyal, and also hope that they actually are a kandra. It'd be bad news if we just kept getting fed false information.
  12. On Day 2 I said "My thoughts on Possibilities as to if the Suregebinder is an Eliminator or Loyal: Eliminators motives: Said "Wilson did it" to shift more suspicion on her so that we would try to lynch her, which could mean they want her dead since she's a good player, but maybe they can't kill her so that could mean that she was a Voidbringer(?) , OR Wilson is an Eliminator and this is part of a plan which I don't know what their motive could be." I now know that this theory was incorrect, but hey, I'm proud I said she was maybe a voidbringer even though it was totally a guess.
  13. Wilson. I didn't really have very big suspicions for Wilson but I didn't really talk to her much in PMs so I was just going off of what she said in the thread. But now that we know she's an eliminator I'll be putting in my vote. (Can I get a ribbon for participation? ) Also, Am I the only one that sang Wilson's post out loud? Mulan is the best.
  14. Started reading the thread at 1;00 and now 50 minutes later I am caught up and proud of myself for reading and trying to analyze everything. Ok so I am going to vote Creccio. Almost everything you've said and done in this game so far has been suspicious. Why would a loyal tell every bit of info they have in the thread? Yeah, sure, we can use it, but so can the Eliminators. It would've made more sense to confide in someone in PMs the last cycle with what you already had learned. Also, Lopen, I would like to know how nothing that Creccio has done has made you suspicious? IMO Stink just made a mistake of getting on Wilson's suspicious list and she was reaching for things to suspect him of and you believed it. Now, Stink might be an eliminator, but based of of the info that's in the thread I don't think it's enough to condemn Stink. Creccio, if you are loyal I apologize for suspecting you, but nevertheless your posts seem fishy to me and I want to vote on who I actually have suspicions on rather then learning nothing from this turn.
  15. If what your talking about was Adavantos' idea about scanning stink then looking at it from his point of view. He supposedly has some peoples trust and so some have probably claimed to him. If he knows a kandra then he could easily have them report back to him whether or not stink was loyal. He could then give us the info on stink in the thread without revealing who the kandra was. (This is all assuming that in this scenario both Ada and the kandra are loyal.) It does of course have flaws since we don't have any proof of who to trust, but I trust Adavantos somewhat, and want to see what he has further to say on the issue. (I know you're sleeping Ada, but please respond when you get the time) Edit: Ok, Go to sleep Ada...Edit2: Hope you can sleep soon Ada... Also, based on any evidence we have, Stink and Wilson aren't even that suspicious, so I think the reason Ada proposed this idea was because he doesn't (and neither do I) want to lynch someone who could possibly be a forger (Stink) based on some suspicions that are pretty far fetched. While I do agree that there are a couple sound accusations, none of them really seem strong enough to make us need to lynch one of them.
  16. I was going to mention this in my earlier post, but since it took me so long I forgot to ask, @Kas What is tunneling? also, what do you mean when referring to the "meta"? I've seen several people say something about like "meta-gaming" this and that and just wanted some clarification. Edit @Araris I see what you mean, and I guess I'm for it, but only towards the inactives that haven't posted at all (which I know you mentioned earlier in the thread). Since just in the past 30 or so hours of this cycle, many people have probably been asleep/at church(as I have already seen several people mention)/busy elsewhere, I don't want to target them as "inactives". Because they most likely do have a real reason for not being on.
  17. How are they a waste? I do agree that they might speak up now that their death is being discussed and also that the less people there are the closer we'll get to knowing how many Eliminators there are, but you could say that about just blindly lynching people as well. The lesser the number of players the lesser chances you can be wrong at guessing. That's just simple facts of counting. I'm not ruling out your idea I just simply want to know how exactly killing inactives is an effective way of winning.
  18. Could you PM me the next Night cycle to discuss why you trust Kipper? I am trying to find someone I know I can trust and any information you can give me to link me to someone that is pretty positively loyal would be great. Could you elaborate on how "he was pretty convincing" ? To me the fact that you were "joyous" upon receiving information doesn't strike me as suspicious because I would be happy about it too, whether I expressed it or not, but the reason that you are suspicious to me is the way you keep alluding the question of how/when the acclaimed forger exposed himself to you. It's not like you giving the information puts him/her in danger because we aren't asking who it was. I agree with this statement and I put emphasis for those that are too lazy to read the whole thing, but want to know what I agree with. How are you certain that you were scanned? (Not trying to raise amounts of suspicion, I'm genuinely wondering how you could know that someone scanned you.) I agree that we should wait on the whole lynch Stink thing since there isn't yet major evidence against him and we don't want to lose a loyal if it's unnecessary. But I do think we should keep our eyes open for any other suspicious people because while I do agree on scanning Stink (and Wilson for that matter) I have no problem with another lynch so long as there is a just cause and suspicion. I don't agree with just killing off people that are most likely loyal, but I would like to hear from them at some point. The reason that I do not agree with this is because the more people we get rid of the closer the Eliminators will get to outnumbering us. So why should we lessen our time of weeding out the eliminators by killing our own? Why do you trust him already? One night of talking has cleared all possible suspicions? Seems fishy. Ninja'd by 5(?) people while writing this Edit: In reply to one of the ninjas. @Kipper as Ada mentioned I don't think it was wise to say that you think her role won't be much of a loss, but at the same time I don't think it's too much of decision-changer to the Eliminators since it's only what you think and not what you know. Even if Wilson does not have a major ability, she is still a good player and it would be sad to lose her if she is loyal. Side Note: Can someone make up a list for me of what Abilities are the most important to what ones are the least important? I am still just a baby at this game and I would like it just for my own personal knowledge.
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