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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. So far, my favorite song has to be wagon wheel by darius rucker. I've heard many good country songs over the years, but that one always gets me dancing and singing along (in the car, with the windows rolled up).
  2. I just watched suicide squad, and I rather enjoyed it. No real spoilers in my impressions. I was most worried about Harley Quinn, and joker. I'm not too familiar with any of the other characters, so they were fairly blank slates to me. I liked the movies portrayal of Harley Quinn. But I didn't like how joker came across. He was a supervillain, in the same vain as Lex Luther. He just didn't feel like joker to me. That said, I want them to put out more of him, in a future movie. Flesh out his character more. With all that said, I did like the movie. So I highly recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in superheros/villains
  3. I played for a bit last night (when it came out). And I was enjoying myself. Its a lot like Subnautica in space. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I love Subnautica, and when its out of early access, I'll be playing that game pretty religiously.
  4. Nope, I have no idea what y'all are talking about most of the time. But I know how easy it is to get into one of Mr. Sanderson novels. I just can't wait till the next alloy of law book, and metal bending in space. That right there, will be an amazing concept. Besides, I'm either in here, or in the alloy of law sub forums. I don't go anywhere else on this forum
  5. Yep, I know. I didn't know what I was getting into with alloy of law. I figured it'd be a western esque, steampunk novel. Never even heard of mistborn till I read that novel. I haven't read anything else by Mr. Sanderson though, just the Alloy of Law series.
  6. I'm kinda in and out of the Olympics. I just watched Germany take home the gold in rapid fire pistol shots, and France take home the silver. I didn't see where the US was eliminated, but I'm kinda glad they were. God forbid, the US get a gold in an event that involves guns. The internet would think less of us. That said, I'm glad Germany was the one to bring home the gold in that event. That guy from France had a top notch form too. I also just saw suicide squad. I liked that movie, but there were some plot holes. How Harvey was able to fight so well, given how she was a psychiatrist in her past life, being the biggest. But I did like how the actress portrayed Harvey, I do think she was spot on. I didn't like the joker though, at least what little there was of him. It didn't feel like the Joker from the shows/movies/comics. He was way too obsessed with Harvey, when shes just been a tool to him in the past. And he seemed too much of a gangster, not much of a batman villain. More Lex Luthor, less Joker, imho. I would like to see more joker in the future, expand on his character in these movies.
  7. I bet. Trouble is, I don't wake up till 4 in the afternoon, and go to sleep at 7AM. So actually taking a class, is out for me.
  8. So, I picked up the first novel in the dragon age series. EA contracted out some authors to help flesh out the universe. And the first book is pretty good so far. Anyone else read this series?
  9. I know I'm posting back to back, but this is the rate I consume audio books. So I finished the legacy fleet trilogy. And I would recommend it to anyone interested in scifi. The story line got rather convoluted at the end, but it was still a good series. I learned about some dragon age books, contracted by EA, to expand the universe (and squeeze some extra cash from the series). And the first book is oddly compelling. Its about how King Marrick got this throne (everyone who played origins knows how he lost it). I'm not normally into fantasy books, or games, so thats why its odd to me. But dragon age is the exception in most things it does, so why should this be any different?
  10. As with most folks in the world, I've been playing some No Man's Sky. That game is fun on the bun, so far at least. But then again I also enjoy games like Subnautica. It is not a single player Elite Dangerous. It is a single player exploration, and crafting, to explore and craft more game.
  11. I picked up the second book in the legacy fleet series the other day. Its an interesting series so far. Anyone else read it?
  12. Picked up a few songs from amazon, along the lines of techno swing. Started a new overnight job, and I have nothing to do for most of my nights off. So I'm thinking of starting to learn swing dancing, from youtube videos.
  13. Checking in from a long absense. But I've been playing dragon age origins. So I can import the save game into DA2. Maybe even DA3 (when I buy it). And this game is fun. I'd forgotten how much fun it was. I might want to start up a new game after this, and play a wizard. Though I don't know if I'd want to be a healer, or a damage dealer. Or both! Death magic looks like it'd be fun to specialize in. I pre-ordered no mans sky on GOG. Looking forward to that game. I'm rather hoping it'll be a single player elite dangerous.
  14. My experience with this universe is from alloy of law and on. So I don't have as clear an understanding of these magical powers as most of the folks around here. But I don't really see why this couldn't work. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But it all makes as much sense as anything to me.
  15. No, bow ties and fezzes are cool. Masks, outside very specific circumstances, are weird. At least i think so.
  16. I started going through the 'I am pilgrim' audio book. Its a little long winded, as most spy thriller books are 10 or so hours, and this one is 20. But its interesting in its own right. I did try to go through the star carrier series, but I was very turned off by that first novel. I was waiting for something to happen, to make me like something about that universe. The society, the technology, character attitudes, main character, secondary character, love interest. But I'm 2/3 of the way through the book, and I haven't found anything to latch onto. Talked with the person who recommended it to me, and we came to the conclusion, that maybe audio books aren't the best format for that novel series. So I picked up the ebook last night, and started going through it. We'll see how it does in print form over the other form.
  17. I was playing Elite for a while, but that always on internet thing started giving me problems. I would go to drop out of ftl onto a random encounter, or to dock at a station, and the game would lock up on me. It would sit there for 10-15 minutes trying to load the area from the servers. And I would have to kill the process and fire it back up again, just to play it. So I stopped, and started getting back into mass effect 3. I'm really enjoying the DLC of that game, the Armax arena is very fun so far.
  18. I was actually hoping Wayne grew up a bit, and started going after Marasi. But wayne ending up with Melaan, kinda makes sense. In a wayne sort of way. I can see Marasi and Alik ending up together. They spent enough time together, to get some feelings forming. But part of me hopes that Marasi finds someone, who doesn't wear a mask most of their life.
  19. Just saw this in I can haz cheeseburger: http://cheezburger.com/8763577856/throw-yourself-off-that-imaginary-cliff-too-after-telling-this-joke a sheep, a drum, and a snake fall off a cliff Bah-Dumm-Tss
  20. Hidy ho all, I start this game, have trouble with the first bit of combat it throws at you, and put it down for something else. But I always liked this game, so I'm curious if anyone else likes this game as well. So, has anyone else played The Void/Turgor? If so, what did you think of it?
  21. One last thing I remember. And this might have happened in 3 as well. The magical women who hate men (I think they wear red cloaks) had captured the hero. idk why they did this, but I remember it happening. Though I don't remember anything past that plot point.
  22. Why is six afraid of seven? What did the policeman say to his belly button? Whats red, and bad for your teeth? My grandand has the heart of a lion What did one hat say to the other
  23. Right, one other thing I remember. There were a group of people from the other side of the sea. They would enslave anyone with that weird magic power of theirs. Using some kind of magic bracelet and collar. The hero managed to chase them off their landmass. Book 3 as well?
  24. The obolisk is in the middle of a city. And I may be mis-remembering it. Some sort of giant black tower/strong hold, that has withstood attacks time and again. In the middle of a city. This is the first time we meet that odd group of warriors, with the women fighters who constantly try to live on the same floor as the hero of the story (forcing him to constantly move up a lvl).
  25. So I read an article regarding the Xbox One. The article was concerning microsofts new one store for everything. How, you could buy games on the win 10 store, you'd have access to those games on your Obox One as well. But I gleaned some interesting insights into the One from that article. The fact that the operating system the one is running on, is a version of windows 10. And the fact that the console is using PC processors. Here is the article:http://www.cnet.com/news/the-xbox-is-finally-becoming-a-windows-pc/. Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas?
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