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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. I watched the angry joe reivew of it after I first saw it. And I have to say, he's right on the money. It was like my little sister wrote this movie, every joke was just "It would great if he said this" and then half a second later he said it. It was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. I'm going to try and get my friends to see it with me this weekend.
  2. Maybe, someone did heal from a grievous wound using stored health... Edit: and they weren't a savant, at least not as far as I can tell.
  3. Yep, I play once in a while with my friends. Its fun to play once a month or so. And I wish I was playing both parts on my own. No, I play on easy or medium
  4. what is, the badly written dust cover? never judge a book by its dust cover.
  5. See now, in that series the reasoning explained for the red/blue shift is something moving toward or away from us. Anything moving toward us is slightly blue, and anything moving away from us is slightly red. This is in the scene with the car on the road btw, in case you wanted to look it up. And since everything in the sky is moving away from us near the speed of light, we see everything as slightly red. Not very red, only slightly red. One would assume that the speed at which something is moving toward or away from you is the key to a red/blue shift in color. Unless the discovery channel, in cooperation with Mr. Hawking, got it wrong of course. Lets face it, TV channels aren't exactly known for their fact checking. I'd get you a video link, but I'm at work at the moment
  6. But...ceramic armor. *sigh* thug in shardplate. What is shardplate anyway?
  7. Away from the things of man, by Abney Park. And Since I've been playing guitar hero 3, I've had Through Fire and Storm by DragonRiders stuck in my head.
  8. I remember those days on my N64. One of the best games ever made, and its not just nostalgia driving that opinion. As to what I'm playing atm, I just beat mass effect 1, and started in on 2. I've never played a run start to finish, from Me1-3. And Certainly never played a run as a biotic the whole way through. Being a biotic in 1 was interesting, and kinda fun. Throwing folks up in the air, and keeping them there was a blast. In 2, I think I may have chosen the wrong class. Cause now I'm all about closing the distance with my enemy as fast as possible. Then destroying that enemy as fast as possible. Its defenitally a shift from my ususal soldier class. But its not as fun as throwing people around with my mind. So I may restart the game, and re-choose my choice in class.
  9. or maybe ceramit plate. No metal to push on, just dried clay. Lighter then metal, and just as strong
  10. I was under the impression that you only saw that red shift when you were going near the speed of light. Given that everything we see, when looking into the night sky is only slightly red. And those items are traveling as fast as possible (IE, speed of light). Though take my post with a grain of salt, as my understanding of these things comes from the discovery channels short series "Into The Universe by Steven Hawking". Edit: corrected the series name
  11. part of any good disguise is the ability to think like the character your in. Most folks pick disguises close to what they are, in order for them to have an eaiser time of thinking like the character they are pretending to me. I go the impression that wayne just has so much practice dressing up, and acting like others, that he can assume a new id at the drop of a hat.
  12. And getting him to like going over house finances. We musn't forget that. That was a great scene, seeing her guard down and actually swearing at him for finding the last error before she did.
  13. Sure, but I'd feel bad about just up and and saying "Hey, look at this!" with a link to this thread. Are there any threads out there, that people don't mind you doing that, or where that's just considered acceptable?
  14. ha! thanks for that link. I'll have to parouse it, and see what possibilities there are.
  15. Oh, from a different series! I thought there was another character I had missed in this series.
  16. I only have the audible versions of the books though. Edit: I'm trying to think of some way to make meresie more usefull in combat, and I can't think of a way her powers would be helpfull in that way. She might be able to advance time really fast around her. So she could (in theory) travel forward in time that way. If she gets really good at brawling, she could hold someone in a fight while her friends get close around her.
  17. I don't remember any vulgar language sticking out in this book. When was wayne especially vulgar?
  18. who was the first with a soda addiction?
  19. I'm not really sure what other powers there are exactly. I only know about lurchers from wax and push/pull. Hm, how about resin bladed dueling canes? That way, wayne could actually slice a guy up, without actually being vulnerable to allomancy? what other powers are there?
  20. Very nice, but what about the other powers? There aren't just lurchers and coin shots out there.
  21. Sorry sorry. Wasn't thinking when I typed that
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