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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. well, I'm glad those were only minor spoilers. Even still, it seems someone added the spoiler tag to this thread, and folks are starting to talk about things I haven't come to yet. So, please keep this thread going. But I'm out until I get farther in the book.
  2. Knowing Steris as I do now, I think thats a very nice conversation all in all. But at the time (in my first reading of alloy of law), she definitely struck me as the last act of a desperate man choice. And Meresee was the one I would have thought to be the emotionally right choice. I'm actually kind of glad she was written the way she was. She definitely grows on you as the series goes on. At at least she did me.
  3. Hidy ho all, I'm not done with the book yet, I picked it up yesterday, and am up to chapter 12 in the audible version so far. But I have to say, I love Steris in this novel now. In Shadows of self, she was starting to get out of her shell, but you really start seeing her come into her own here. Does anyone else love Steris now? Or am I the only one?
  4. I got the impression, whatever what happening was more mental then physical. Though I freely admit to my potential wrongness. Just, the way she started the process, it seemed to me, to be more something in her mind then something in her created body
  5. Hidy ho all, I came to this forum to discuss the Alloy of law books. And I've had some great discussions based off those novels. But my main hobby is video games. I know, your shocked. A forum go-er, who likes fantasy books, plays video games. I'm breaking out of all the molds with that sentence. /Sarcasm But it is true. I picked up a gem of a game a while back called consortium, and enjoyed it far more then I probably should have. Story based on the players actions, living universe where things happen even when your not there. Characters who are funny, and memorable. Dialog choices that had me laughing hard at character reactions. This game had just about everything you could want out of a game. Now the same company is making a sequel to this game over on Kickstarter . Its gotten some great press from Rock Paper Shotgun, The Escapist, Kotaku, and a few others. But it could use some more support. So, I'm asking everyone to go take a look at the Kickstarter page. And, if you can, throw them a few bucks.
  6. oh I hope that means we get to see some steampunk esque inventions then. I've been kinda sad how the elendelians (thank you posters) seem to have skipped right over steampunk and right into diesel punk.
  7. We know uncle ladrian said her kidnapping was a mistake. So I don't think she has any powers.
  8. Thats a good point. I just read that scene, and it never said a grimace of pain showed on him. I don't know anything about nerve endings, or pain receptors, but could it be his sense of pain was dulled due to years and years of feeling similar pain over and over?
  9. Didnt he have that list at the end of shadows of self?
  10. Well, I'm going through the alloy of law again, and I just came across a bit about Miles' abilities. The quote is something very close to "He didn't feel cold, and didn't feel pain". This is just after Mr. Suit assigns the two known as push and pull to Miles' crew, and right before he leaps down into the pit where its men are setting up the machine for robbing cars, and his leg tries to break on impact. So its a part of that super healing ability of his. You were mostly right kroen. Its not a perk of his abilities, so much as it is part of his abilities.
  11. Really? I would think something like that would be common. A way of identifying where your from inside your country. Though, given how large the us is, it could be only larger countries do this. Or it could be something only we Americans do, I'm afraid I wouldn't know, as I've never been outside the us. Except to Canada when I was 10.
  12. Oh, Being from NY, I would have never known that. Thanks for this. I always pronounced it el-en-del, But I got the pronunciation from the audible version of the novel. So, take that with a grain of salt. This is alot of ideas for saying your from enelndel, thanks for these ideas all. Any others?
  13. good point on that account. One of the biggest issues is that we don't have many accounts of people suffering gunshot wounds over and over and over again. Miles did. Maybe he found a mental exercise to help block out the pain? Edit: could well be thats a perk of the condition though. I only know of this universe from alloy of law, and shadows of self.
  14. I belive the quote is something along the lines of 'The metal from the spike is not one harmony os aware of'. I only read the audible versions so I'm not 100% on that quote
  15. you may not be able to stop feeling pain, but you can get so used to it, you don't notice it. Same with any feeling. How aware of your tongue are you? You get used to its feeling, and forget about it.
  16. I had an odd thought, no idea where it came from. But every city has its way of describing its citizens. People from New York are New Yorkers, Chigago are Chicagoans, Bostan folks are Bostanites, Seattle folks are Steattleans. But how would you say your from Elendel?
  17. If memory serves, didn't wax only see bloody tan in passing? Also, didn't MeeLan say Bleeder was damnation good at transforming? Less then TenSoon, but only slightly less. Something about her having a rust load of experience from being the emperors pet.
  18. Hidy ho all, I just started going through the alloy of law again, curious to see what I'd notice, given my recent read of shadows of self. And I did notice something. Right at the beginning, when we first meet lessie, bloody tan is holding her with a garrot wire. and, as she was blinking her signal to wax of when to fire, tan was able to use that exact second to pull her in front of the bullet. The way it happened in the book, was just that. As she signaled wax to fire, tan pulled her in front of the shot, then wax fired. So my question is, do we think bloody tan was a kandra as well? Or do we think bleeder helped him out, but pushing herself in front of the bullet
  19. Tt might be a funny side story to meet this gentleman jack. If wax has turned into a legend, why can't jack be the same?
  20. I think hes going to head to more snowy parts of the globe (hence the cover art). But I think it'll be more to get away from the city, and maybe even get away from helping harmony. These bands of morning will come up in the novel, but I think they will be more accidently come up then anything. Wax is hunting baddies out in the wild, and stumbles upon the baddies true plan of finding these bands of morning. Then takes them for himself. I think wayne and merresie stay in the city, and try to handle things there. wayne teaching merrisie the finer points of detectiving, and merrisie becoming like wax, only with city skills instead of roughs skills.
  21. I thought the spikes were neutral. Not associated with any particular higher power, but higher powers would have the ability to interact with/through them. So, while wax would be talking to harmony through his spike, the other higher power could (in theory) be listening. Mind you, I have no idea where I got this idea. Its just the impression I had. Now god made spikes on the other hand, I could see those being higher power specific.
  22. When Wayne walked away from Steris at the party, I felt like someone should have picked him up, and sat him back down next to her. Especially after how she was actually entertaining wax at that party, and even got him to laugh at a couple of her jokes. Clearly, there was something between them. Though, since Wayne lives with Wax, he might have seen how Steris comforted him at the end there. I just hope, he warms up to her a little. I also hope Steris doesn't disappear for 2/3 of the next book. She may not be able to handle a gun, but she might be more usefull in the higher echelons, then not. Finding out information, helping wax to navigate around social obstacles with the wealthy and well to do crowds, ect. I got the impression that MeLann and Wayne were instant best friends, but that was all they were going to be. Unless he figures out where Ranette's interests are, I don't think he'll stop having feelings for her. But I could see him and Merisee having a potential future together, if she grows up, and he manages to level out a bit.
  23. Allomancy in space, now that would be interesting. also, are we sure there will be some sort of conflict between the northerners and southoners? Or is that just something thats been hinted at.
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