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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. Agreed. You have to make sure the parts you buy are compatible with your system. And older systems are alot harder to find compatible parts for.
  2. I just fired up my gog copy of empire at war recently. Playing the Rebellion side of the campaign atm, and am rather enjoying it. I forgot how much fun this game was.
  3. You should be proud, I wish I had that creative spark I see alot of others with. Have a rep!
  4. My own haul this year. Got a Bluetooth Millenium Falcon speaker, something you just sit on a surface and play music through. Got 2 pairs of slippers, 1 wookie feet that are supposed to have sound come out of them (batteries were dead), and 1 regular pair of slippers. Got a Hess Truck, got one every year since I was born. Got a new alarm clock, with a USB charging port. Got a Star Trek wall clock. And Socks, lots of socks.
  5. I'm glad there's another introvert who isn't considered shy. Most folks assume i don't want to talk to them, because my mind simply goes blank when trying to think of a reply or a topic of conversation. And quite often, I'm off in the corner. If anyone's ever watched TNG, you can think of me like Lieutenant Barclay.
  6. FF8, but I've never actually beaten a Final Fantasy before. Whats your favorite...Holiday Movie?
  7. I worked for 2 days with an Extrovert IT guy. he wasn't a bad guy, but he was loud. I couldn't take 8 hours of dealing with him, so I left the company
  8. I guess it'd depend on the options. I need my symbacort to breath, so unless I got the ability to heal, I don't think I'd want to be in any of the novels so far. Assuming my health was somehow made perfect by the process, then I'd def choose the wax/wayne time period. I've always loved the idea of the old west. The ability to just head out, and make something else of your life at the drop of a hat. Though I freely admit, that if I was just dropped into that time period, with no idea why I was there. I would first hunt down a kandra (even if I had to go to their homeland), and try to contact harmony through them. If only to find out This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules was going on. I might not survive that, but that would be my first goal.
  9. I'm quiet, shy, don't talk much to people I don't know. And I hate to be the center of attention. You'll never catch me at a social gathering with alot of people. Smaller gatherings, more laid back, thats where you might find me. Though I am trying to get out, and meet new people. Make new friends. I use meetup to find groups I like, and I do my level best to get out at least once a week. More, if I can. Edit: This describes me fairly well. Thats not the result I get when taking the quiz (thats the advocate). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but the description of the advocate doesn't sound like me.
  10. My birthday was Sunday. Saw Rogue One, that movie is really good.
  11. It was a great movie. Only weak part, to me, is the characterization.
  12. meh, still thats where my thoughts go to. the old N64.
  13. Whenever I head sly cooper I think of my N64. I think that was a playstation game, but its in that generation.
  14. My pet peeve is when people say one thing, then do another. Its gotten to the point where I words are basically meaningless to me. Just as an example of what I'm talking about. My brother in law used to say how he would like to join me on a few groups I was in. So I got approval from the group, and invited him 3 times. Every time he would cancel at the last minute. Now I have no trouble with us not being friends, but don't say you want to hang out then avoid it. Be straight forward with me, and I'll do the same.
  15. Tough call, but I guess the one in the lost fleet. Whats your favorite...video game (of all time)?
  16. Rather un-creative, but I'm quite partial to breakfast cereal. Whats your favorite...game genre?
  17. Big game companies not screwing over customers with pre-order dlc nonsense. The devs of No Mans Sky continuing to improve that game. Donald Trump proving to actually be a good president. I'm sure I'll think of more later
  18. I miss those days of spending 20 degree weather next to a fire. Its not so much fun to do it on your own. Enjoy it BriarKing!
  19. Internet Forums! This'll be interesting.
  20. One of my pet peeves, is people saying one thing, and doing another. My sisters fiance is like this. He'll suggest something to do, to hang out. Then I invite him to a thing I'm going to he's said he's enjoyed, and he'll cancel at the last minute. If you don't want to hang out, that's fine. But don't say you do, then cancel at the last minute. That annoys me to no end.
  21. For me, it really came down to what I enjoy doing. Computer networking has always been fun to me, though I did need to refine that a bit. Took an HTML programming class in high school and really enjoyed it. I would finish my given projects inside a week, and be left to browse the internet for the remainder of my time. And I just aced that class. Then all but 1 college rejected me. That was a bad school choice, but it got me interested in networking as a whole. Then I just pursued that goal doggedly, and we are here right now.
  22. My new SSD for my Lenovo G505s just arrived. Still need the USB cable to clone my laptop's current drive to it. But I'm so excited to finally speed up my laptop! The bottle neck of that thing has been my hard drive so far. I might need to max out the RAM with another 8 gig stick, but even still. Mushkin 1TB SSD, if anyone's interested. + 2 year replacement warranty.
  23. Okorania of Time, Whats your favorite...fictional character?
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