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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Very impressive. Certainly seems plausible. Don't forget you also need the shape to generate lift. Your "wings" couldn't simply be cloth (flat on top and bottom) since lift is generated by having more surface area above the wing surface than below the wing surface (ref your "angle of attack" image), so the cloth would have to be double surface area that folds back on itself to present the rounded section forward (splitting the air stream above and below). Birds have the bone structure up front to create this effect. Also, a bird's "flapping" motion is not simply up and down, but a scoop motion (that should be part of the visualization - think of a swimmer using the "butterfly" stroke). You covered Aviation Pitch (angle of attack*) and Roll (bank angle) but did not account for Yaw. From Wikipedia: Ailerons, Elevator and Flaps are also instrumental in these motions for an Aircraft, but birds obviously achieve these effects biologically - so you would also need a way to "spread" the wing's trailing edge to simulate flaps, simulate the tail to effect the pitch and yaw changes in conjunction with wing angle.
  2. That would have been cool, but Kaladin is too much a Soldier and already has his orders. He also doesn't trust Lighteyes enough yet to ever Surgebind in front of them yet - and Elhokar's reaction will only make that worse.
  3. Yes. When I said "Skyscrapers (by modern Earth standards)" I qualified my comment to show I meant hundreds of floors and thousands of feet - as oppossed to the hundreds of feet the organic Singer towers rose (with a possible few extra hundred for the heavenly-one towers). And it's not to say that they might not come up with their own architectural solution to go over 750ft (like Scadrial).
  4. I'm sorry. That's why I said it was "not a wish fulfillment." But Adolin's reaction(s) to what just happened pave the way to what you anticipate. And you get to look forward to one of the best Kaladin/Adolin interactions ever in Ch 66 Apparently Sanderson can also be a jerk. At least one of the interludes is Lift (some of the best interludes in all of the books) so you'll get to meet her for the first time. And you'll get more Szeth!
  5. Interesting theory. Soulcaster is also the term for a person using the Fabrial. (more in Oathbringer Interlude I-4)
  6. Did you listen to the whole video? In a capella "instrumental" interlude is where they really shine.
  7. Please no. . . . . . Maybe Pentatonix (Wikipedia) style - but more like their Bohemian Rhapsody (YouTube) or Imagine covers.
  8. Probably in the Stormlight 5 previews somewhere. We do have these WoBs:
  9. Looks like you found your messenger There are reasons. So what and why she is questioning could be important. Also, as mentioned here, you're almost there (make sure to have enough time for both chapters in one sitting. . . )
  10. No worries I was replying to the OP rather than your post, so I didn't intend any of that as a comment on your theory. But to comment on that theory now, I sincerly doubt that a Spiked Ferring would see any benefit in in storage rates or qty. You still only have so much of an attribute to store, and you are still storing a percentage of it for a certain amount of time (maybe, possibly, you could "dig deeper" and store a higher percentage without dying). The Diminishing Returns of Feruchemy comes with Compressed Tapping. Because it costs investiture to draw an attribute faster than it was stored - if there were to be any effect on Diminishing Returns due to being Spiked, it would likely be the tapping efficiency (a bit more time at the higher Compression ratios - or less wasted Energy to reach those ratios - the effect would be the same).
  11. I think you'll be happy with the direction this takes in the coming chapters and books. PS: did we answer your Cosmere Lore question from last Monday?
  12. Allomancy is End-Positive, Feruchemy is End-Neutral. Allomancy can increase in power when spiked with an ability you already have because it is End-Positive. If a Ferring received a Hemalurgic Spike of the same Ferring ability, about the only real benefit would be the ability to access stores created with the identity of the person killed to make the spike. It may be possible that some of the diminishing returns on Compression Tapping would be reduced (see WoB below). Having the doubled ability might also make it more feasible to become a Ferring Savant (which is rare without Compounding).
  13. I think Adolin provides a perspective we can't see anywhere else. I like his character and I enjoy his chapters. I would not mind at all if every chapter with both Shallan and Adolin were an Adolin chapter instead of a Shallan chapter. That said, I don't think Adolin's chapters are detracting from the stories of Szeth or anybody else. Less Adolin =/= more <character>. We don't get more from those characters (Lift, Szeth, etc) because BS isn't ready to expound on what is happening there. I also think that his interactions with Maya (and Deadeyes) will be important, and he has the only viewpoint that can explore that relationship. I can understand that wanting Szeth (Lift, Dustbringer, Truthwatcher, Renarin, whoever) and getting Adolin can feel like a let-down. But if BS were ready to explore those characters we would already be getting more of them. It's not Adolin's fault (or his fan popularity) that he has the screen time he does. Do you really think Sanderson would warp a story that much for . . . fanservice? Sadeas' stunt at the Tower was nothing more than Plausible Deniability. Jasnah's Prologue shows that the Alethi have nothing against assassination and murder - as long as you don't get caught. Killing Sadeas the way he did wasn't Adolin's anti-Alethi move, admitting it was. . . And Sadeas really needed to die (both narratively and in-story).
  14. Dusk never uses a compass in SotD. Unless you mean the device Vathi had that was specifically used for finding Aviar. The only Compass reference in the story: And, if the compass came as a gift from the Ones Above, there's a good chance it was designed to point at Investiture rather than Magnetic Fields anyway. In other Cosmeree worlds there are compasses designed to do just that.
  15. The Lord Ruler was also psychologically and emotionally tortured by Ruin during the course of his 1000 yr empire - and more than a few of his decisions were manipulated by Ruin to be "bad." It is mentioned in the Fadrex Plate in the storage cavern, by Sazed in the Epigraphs and final letter to Spook, and also discussed in WoBs:
  16. The animals on-screen or discussed in Era 1 are: Cow, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Deer, Horse, and Dog. "Exotic animals" are mentioned in a few of the ballroom scenes (carved pillars and stained glass) implying that more earth-like species were known, but extinct in the final empire. Sazed also mentions restoring them as he Ascends to become Harmony
  17. Well, with both Sandmastery and Sprouting, the Luhel bond is exchanging water for control over the investiture's manifestation. That then begs the question of whether the Lehel bond is defined by the exchange, the control, and/or the types of entities in the bond. Nightblood is a rather special case, in that wielding Nightblood is not quite the same as the bonds he forms. For example, in Warbreaker Vivenna never wielded Nightblood unsheathed; but he still had a bond with her, spoke in her mind and read her thoughts. Does he use a type of Luhel bond? Possibly. But it's such a corner case that I would expect that the bond(s) Nightblood forms are a different type of Connection.
  18. I don't think Shallan understood that. If you recall, she started very nervous (frightened?) about the coming storm and the whole concept of the bar. But, as you have already seen, if her inner artists gets fascinated by something. . . The Emperor's Soul. A one-story Novella set on the same world as Elantris - but not connected. We mentioned it just a few posts ago. . .
  19. Also, it is unlikely that Odium had any "magic system"; prior to the Fused and (possibly) Voidbinding. From the Coppermind: So, when a Shard Invests in a world/system (which may include creating an Avatar in that location), by using their power to affect the world, their power creates the magic systems associated with that investiture (can be either deliberate or accidental). Since Odium was moving though systems while deliberately Not investing in them, he was also not creating any magic systems powered with his investiture - until Honor bound him to Roshar and he had no choice but to invest in Braize - which started the process of creating Odium's investiture systems there and on Roshar. Just because Cohesion is the only surge we have evidence of Singers using before the arrival of humans does not mean that was the only surge to which the Dawnsingers had access. From what we know of pre-Emigration Ashyn, the Magic was already present (possibly Honor/Cultivation, since they were already in teh Rosharan system; but also possibly remnants from pre-Shattering) - Odium was just messing with people like Ishar to tempt them into creating the destruction that eventually occured. Words of Brandon:
  20. I think it's likely that the Luhel Bond is also what is happening with Aviar and Purelake Fish. Where the Nahel Bond is between two Sapient individuals (Spren and person/Singer), the Luhel bond may be a bond where at least one side is Sentient, but not Sapient (or is seeking sentience/guidance). It also may be possible that the Mandra Bond for a Chasmfiend or Larkin is, technically, a Luhel Bond rather than a Nahel Bond.
  21. RIght, I would say that AonDor is able to manipulate surges - but I would not call AonDor a form of Surgebinding. They are similar - with differences being more about the culture and biology of the Surgebinders than differences in the Magic systems. Though, Voidbinding may be a tiger of a similar, related, or different stripe. Well, since Stormlight is a thing of the Highstorms (which is a thing of Roshar); I, personally, am more comfortable referring to the pre-Emigration Magic of Ashyn as Surge Manipulation. The lack of Spren and Light, to me, indicates enough of a difference to warrent a variant term even if they are working with the same forces. At least until we learn more (which is unlikely to happen until we get to Taln's or Ash's book in the back 5).
  22. So that WoB, plus the ones I posted, plus this (Sel Spoiler): Tells me that some magic abilities (Lightweaving - the power of Illusion; Elsecalling - the power of Translocation; Bondsmithing - the power of Connection) are abilities that are inherent to many magic systems, and can use the same terminology; but may differ in specifics. Sel Spoiler
  23. Do you mean these WoBs? What I meant was the part where he says "Different Magic Systems, same principals"
  24. Since the Dor is a combination of the investiture of both Dominion and Devotion - I've always felt that Dominion was expressed by the Spiritweb Connection to a country/geographic region/culture (only Aonic "peoples" undergo the Shaod - and Dulas or Teos have to be in Arelon to be taken); and Devotion is expressed by who is selected (at least during and post-Reod). Not that we have anything near a significant sample size, but looking at some notables for whom we have enough information: Raoden - Devoted to the people of Arelon Galladon - Devoted to his farm so much he built his house by hand Taan - Devoted to Sculpting Shaor - Does Narcissism count as Devotion to herself? Karata - Devoted to her family and the Children Saolin - Devoted to Eondel and the Army Mareshe - Devoted to Artistry and Craftsmanship etc. It could be that the "Fabrial" is the Five Cities' Aon Rao helping channel the Dor to select people with enough Connection to Devotion (based on thoughts and actions) and Dominion (based on the Connection to being Aonic) to undergo the Shaod.
  25. Well, we know that before the devastation of Ashyn, they manipulated Surges. Part of the definition of Sugebinding is the "binding" and we know that they didn't have Spren or the Spren Bond on Ashyn*. We also don't know if it was the same 10 surges, less or more than 10, or just a different set altogether. Both systems might legitimately be called Surgebinding. But it's mostly semantics to say either they are the same system or possibly related systems (or separate branches of an over-all system). I, personally, consider them to be different, but related, systems of Investiture. My personal opinion, based on current known information, is that it was a version of Microkinesis that caused the devastation. That may have been the only Surge they could manipulate, or just one of multiple surges to which they had access. We know Khriss considers Microkinesis to be related to, and much stronger than, Cohesion. We also know that, at least in the unpublished material, Microkinesis was able to cause a fission reaction pre-Shattering. Something like that would fit with what we know of the event(s) on Ashyn pre-emigration. *Note:
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