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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. This Scene? WoA Ch 17: It can take a bit of practice visualizing the three-dimensional orchestration of the fight. On my first read through, I think I backed up and read this passage a second time (same with the fight with Shan in TFE) to make sure I was following the action. For me, it also helped to visualize the Keep: So, you may recall from TFE when Vin attended the Ball at Keep Hasting, the Keep has a hexagonal shape with a tower at each vertex and the Keep's tower is in the center. Walls run from the vertices to the center, rather than along the perimeter. The action takes place mostly near two tower walls and the three towers that form the points of the "open bottomed triangle." Visualizing the structures really helped me to visualize the described action.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if the physical manifestations of the Evil is Fain - but since a Splinter may be composed of a mixture of investiture from two or more Shards, I wonder if the entity "Evil" is actually a Splinter that is comprised of both Ambition and Odium's investiture. Coppermind:
  3. I would quibble some semantics, but it's a decent general spoiler-free overview. I'll supplement with some definitions (especially the easily confused ones). Also spoiler tagged so you can decide if you would rather know now or RAFO: Note: Some terms are used incorrectly by characters in books (unreliable narrators) because, like we-the-audience, they are also trying to figure out what the storms is going on.
  4. What if part of the effects of either Silver and/or Aluminum is dependent on whether the Investiture is Static or Kintetic? Another possibility, Silver affects the ability of Investiture to cross realms (e.g. Shades mostly reside in the Cognitive, so Silver is repulsing/reversing their effect in the Physical)
  5. It could also be Hoid's poetic reference to Fortune - the Spirit Realm Mechanic - being anthropomorphized.
  6. I also thought Fort was Rock for a while (SA): But then as we find out the food isn't bad because it's the dregs; but because Fort is a horrible cook (even if the best on the crew) I realized Rock would never be that bad at serving food - no matter the ingredients.
  7. I'll answer this in a spoiler tag, so you can decide how much you really want to know (many of the answers span this book and Oathbringer) Tidbits on the Shards are doled out in most Cosmere books, with Stormlight Archive having the most information on them We don't know much about Adonalsium - first mention was Mistborn book 3 - Hero of Ages We are just starting to get information on the Aethers - you can request a copy of the unpublished non-canon Aether of Night here, but it is old and not canon. Many peices of it were moved into other Cosmere works, Still cool, but much has changed since Sanderson wrote this early draft 20ish years ago The nature of Investiture is in every series (even if the characters in-story don't use that word). For example, Surgebinding is an expression of Investiture on Roshar. A lot of information here comes from the Ars Arcanum from each book/series. By Series: Then, of course there is the Coppermind and Arcanum. Once you are not worried about spoilers, much of these topics and concepts are explained in the Coppermind Wiki, with links to the Arcanum when a source is one of the Words of Brandon from an event, signing or Q&A. (links should go to something non-spoilery for you now) One topic I can possibly shed some light on, since it almost exclusively comes from Q&As and doesn't really spoil any of the individual stories, is part of the nature of Investiture: From Wikipedia
  8. How much of the Stormlight Archive have you read?
  9. Depends on what you mean by "modern." Do you mean "will they have the combustion engine and airplanes" or "how would a Fabrial version of modern automobiles and airplanes function?" For example, I doubt they would ever have Skyscrapers (by modern Earth standards) due to the Highstorms or combustion engines (high oxygen environment means a Stormlight driven means of locomotion would probably be both safer and more reliable).
  10. I imagine even if you could put somebody else's Identity in place after blanking your own, the result would be like a fun house mirror: A distorted identity laid over a warped and deformed spiritweb (i.e. changing identity wouldn't repair the spirit web deformities since ID is only 1 "node" on the spirit web, rather than your spirit web being a component of your ID).
  11. But also, Re-Shephir doesn't seem to be the only source of Midnight Essence on Roshar. TWoK Chap 19:
  12. Spoilers for Mistborn Era 2 - including TLM So the events of Tress have to be significantly later than Mistborn Era 2. I also think the "audience" is on First of the Sun - and the timing is either shortly before or shortly after the events of SotD. Also, the mention of the Iriali may imply Which places the events of the story at least 300 years after the events of the Stormlight Archive
  13. I thought that Ulaam's appearance was because (Sel) I actually bit off on thinking that was his origin until it became obvious he was a Kandra
  14. The trees had been dying and dehydrating for months under the ashfall. . . . . . but let's just agree to disagree since there seems to be no way to confirm either of our theories until we get a WoB that says what AU distance the planet was under Rashek's orbit.
  15. Amira - For context, those spoilers are in reference to the events of Kaladin and Szeth meeting again and the aftermath. Agree with @Frustration - I liked Szeth through TWoKs (slightly less in WoR). Echoes of Crying Freeman aside, I was always looking for more info on Szeth's backstory.
  16. It would be prudent; since, at the least, it tells people who have not read the work that portions of the work may apply to how Aviar powers work. . .
  17. But the 30% Albedo calculation doesn't account for earth's atmospheric affect on temperature, since the same calc (1367 * (1-0.3) / 4 = ) would give only ~239 W/m² and would far short of actual temperature at surface (about 14C). So, if 14C worth of solar energy is adjusted and regulated by the atmosphere to create the diverse temperatures and environments we experience - then a similar ratio appied to a similar atmosphere at the orbital location for Venus would get somewhere in the area of 77C as a daytime, equitorial temperature. But this is all tangential to the idea that the TFE orbit was < .75 AU, which still has no evidence other than a skewed artistic rendering.
  18. From which source do you get this figure? Just based on distance from the sun, and discounting the atmosphere entirely, it would have a surface tempurature of ~200 degress in sunlight (based on "Venus is nearly twice Mercury's distance from the Sun and thus receives only 25% of Mercury's solar irradiance" where Mercury's averge daylight surface temperature is 427 °C; 800 °F in equatorial regions). While I concur that the trees bursting aflame skew the perception, I doubt that raw temperature is the only factor (since they were also "modified" by Rashek to live in the low radiation environment provided by the ashmounts). Full Spectrum light + raw temperature + possible dehydration of plant tissues would all be factors in that occurance.
  19. Good catch. Ch 21 (line 61 in the xml) The first sentance has the Fort class for text (<b class="fort1">), but the second does not (<b>). Not even sure why it breaks there, it's not like the period is exempted from the bold tag. I checked my version and just removing the separation fixed it (del "</b> <b>" and add the space back). Update 20220109: New Kickstarter update email says the downloads have been reworked to fix some of the errors and typos described thusfar.
  20. Ch 7 - PDF pg 65 - Page 45 - epub line 37: Boring is duplicated. Boring jobs? Boring lives? ePub Ch 49: Extraneous symbol - ">" Calibre 6.11 should be out (not that it makes much difference in this instance). I noticed the .kepub actually has a double file extension (.kepub.epub) so I think Calibre automatically converts it to epub3 when the book is added (but i noticed that adding the .kepub to my device, then inspecting the device library in Calibre - it showed as an inaccessible file extension - the same way DRM objects display). I updated my post above with the changes I made to my Calibre epub to make it display correctly on my device. Now that formatting is "fixed" I'm reading the story (finally) and looking for any issues I may have missed.
  21. It's deeper and uglier than that. <slight spoiler described in-text soon> Hmmmmm, possibly. . . <grin>
  22. Even with a spoiler tag, the post would violate spoiler policy for this location tight now: Spoiler policy: So, no data on that novel outside of its spoiler area for 6 months - thereafter, no spoiler tags needed in its dedicated section or the all Cosmere section; but spoiler tags required in all other sections. Advanced posting basics:
  23. AFAIK, the closest we get is the admission that the Scadrial system is closest of all story-relevant Cosmere worlds to Earth. So, in the absence of contradictory data, we should expect that the Pre-Rashek/Post Catacendre orbit is 1AU around a G2V class star of approximately 4.8 magnitude.
  24. No amount of Ashfall is going to make up for those temperatures (at .7AU). Sure, some of that is atmosphere, but you still are way above any compensatory temperatures. Venus temperature is due to runaway greenhouse effect of its atmosphere. It's 96% CO2 that traps heat inside. And it's around 100 times denser than Earth's atmosphere. Venus might have been in Sun's habitable zone in the past, when Sun was dimmer, but right now if Earth was in Venus orbit, the oceans would boil. Exactly my point - even discounting atmospheric effect, at .6AU a planet is no longer in the goldilocks zone. The Ashmounts would not have been able to compensate that much. This implies that the picture in Arcanum Unbounded was exaggerated for artistic effect, which implies that attempting any temporal calculations based on an orbit period that matches the artwork is dubious at best.
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