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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I also checked the Author's Site and Coppermind, and since the information was missing, I sent a "contact us" message suggesting they add the languages and publisher information to each book's synopsis page. Hopefully a future website update will make it so that people can easily find which publishers released with language editions for each story - either no the Sanderson site, the Coppermind, or both.
  2. From the annotations to the Warbreaker prologue: I think any commands that would work <20 breaths would have to rely heavily on the "shape of life" and "body focus" aspects of the magic. Possibly, if a person had accumulated a few breaths (but not enough for the first heightening) and made a doll with body focus (maybe use hair as the doll's wig?) they could possibly get away with some simple commands when Awakening the doll. However, most things you would want such an awakened object to perform would probably be too complex for few breaths (even with the help of the shape and focus) since the prologue also mentions: It's too bad we don't know how many breaths that command used on the straw man to estimate how much less breath it might take on a well crafted doll using a similar focus. Also, from Ch 46, we have: So, possibly a doll with body focus could make use of the "Grab something" and "Hold something" type of simple commands with 10 or less breaths. I could see a craftsman using such a construct to help hold tools while doing a job, for example.
  3. Normally, I would agree. In this specific circumstance, however, The Court of the Gods is only buying about 25 breaths per week and only from children. I would think that a random adult would not get a similar price outside of the Court and could not sell to the Court. Also, a random adult is unlikely to pay that much outside the court for a breath for which they may not even know the providence (adult/child, healthy/sick, etc.). It's absolutely a good baseline, but I'm just suggesting we consider it's more like gems - collectors pay a premium for exceptional quality - but that doesn't set the current market value for just a normal gem. Too bad we don't know how much money Dedelin sent to Lemex as a way to calculate what he might have paid for the breaths Vivenna "acquired." Edit: The more I think about it, the more I think the gem comparison might be an angle. Instead of a gem's 4Cs (Cut, Clarity, Color, Carat) a breath might be measured by Age, Vitality, and possibly other criteria - with the culmination of those attributes determining buy and sell prices.
  4. That might not be the cost of breath on the street. The Priests overpay specifically for vibrant child breaths (nothing's too good for their gods). Also consider that their food supplies are unlikely to be of similar cost to manufactured food items consumed by modern Americans. Example: Enough flour to bake bread all year is less expensive than buying 52 loaves of Wonder (assuming 1 loaf/week) - when the cost of manufactured bread includes labor, processing, packaging, warehousing, shipping, advertising, etc.
  5. The collected description (from all books) on the Coppermind is: No writing or glyphs noted.
  6. Also, it was never 16% are Mistings - it was more convoluted than that. In Hero of Ages it is: 16% of non-innoculated/non-snapped people in any given event became sick 1/16th of those died (technically - 1/16th of each 'misting group' died) 1/16th of the survivors each became a Misting of a different metal Also, we know that Harmony changed how Snapping works, so it is likely the percentages changed as well.
  7. Did you peek? Though maybe not the way you envision, and it is one of my favorite chapters in this book for other reasons. The whole section around Spoiler (check after chapter 42): I would almost consider this a spoiler, if the chapter name itself wasn't already a spoiler. Still, just in case, I think the chapter you are really looking forward to is:
  8. Yeah, my favorite duel was the one in Ch 29, but this next one sets up the awesomeness that is Ch 56/7. Best part of Ch 37 though. . . It's just the casual way the thoughts play out that makes it so funny. I think without the Adolin viewpoints he would come off as a more malicious lech, but with his viewpoints it almost becomes humorously oblivious in nature. True, and it's set up similar to a classic comic crossover - nobody likes or trusts the others: Adolin distrusts Kaladin because of the Tower in TWoK Kaladin distrusts all lighteyes (and Shallan's boot-snatching doesn't help) Shallan is just fish-out-of-water since what happened with Jasnah and her uncertainty of the Alethi
  9. On the one hand, Shallan finally found somebody with whom to match wits; unfortunately, on the other hand, she also alienated him and stole his boots. . . very minor spoiler:
  10. More specifically, for each book that Isaac's name appears in the Acks - he spells it differently (usually with one or more non-standard characters) In this case, it's actually the character ʫ (02AB - Latin l z digraph - found on PC in the Character Map Row 31, Col 18)
  11. From what I saw, backerkit had 4 downloads: Kindle, Kindle #2, ePub, and ePub #2. I'm guessing the "#2"s were download mirrors, in case one link fails - so they should be the same file (but I have not confirmed they are the same file). I just downloaded the second ePub and one of the Kindle versions, so I can compare the CSSs. I also just noticed - the h2.green is only defined in the ":root" section and has only the #019d78 color property.
  12. Which download link did you use? And were you on Calibre 6.10? I also use a Kobo (Forma), and have so far seen the same formatting issues on the device and in Calibre 6.10 on PC.
  13. Am I the only one for whom the epub is . . . oddly formatted? For example: PDF Layout (expected ideal - I think) ePub layout (50% size) There are other oddities, such as the Table of Contents running the "Part" titles to the edge of the first chapter in the list (or slightly overlapped - depending on "em" size). I opened it in Calibre, and found some discrepancies. Such as tags that are missing from the style sheet. I've also noticed that the images are a ton of white space (making large files) rather than using the XML to correctly place the data on the page (the chapter number images are 2754x1452 px in size - with only 466x466 px of usable image) - which I think is why it displays in Portrait with the numbers running off of the right edge. I haven't read the story yet, but as I fix the CSS and XML, I'll update this post with the changes I made to my copy, in case others need to "fix" some formatting. Update1 (20230102): CSS changes and additions: Chapter Code: Also, it really bothered me that the altered Chapter Start text was an arbitrary number of words, and inconsistent from chapter to chapter, so I changed that to: Result: Now the first letter is sized appropriately, and the whole first line will change to fit the chapter (and adjust for smaller devices, so it is always only the first line. . . ) Not quite where I want it to be yet, and I'm sure I'll find other things that need a fix as I go (such as the missing "ch-img" class that I replaced above) so more updates may follow. Update 2 (20220108): I think I have it mostly solved (at least for my devices). The Multiple Div tags ended up being unnecessary, but I did need to define some img classes and experiment with making the images display correctly in both portrait and landscape on the e-reader. CSS: Chapter html/xml: I added the .bodytext class for the paragraph tags because I was finding some errors and was trying to eliminate the source(s); so I don't think that class is strictly required. I added the img classes for portrait and landscape to make sure it scaled tall images and wide images differently (and correctly) Please let me know if you find something I missed, if something here isn't working on your device, or if you need help making changes (once i had it mostly worked out for Ch 1 and image, I used find/replace to enact teh changes through the rest of the book - just note which images need the landscape class instead).
  14. My version (but not an arbitrary 10 word limit - no idea who Jello is. . . or why it matters to the Cosmere): Elantris: 8/10 - Good world-building; liked the chapter triad layout. Great magic system. A bit too DEM in the ending. The Final Empire: 8/10 - Great world-building and characters. Good story and reversal. Ending a bit off. The Well of Ascension: 6/10 - Agree with @cometaryorbit - I love that this book tackles subplots normally avoided and a good "politics" contrast to Elantris and Warbreaker The Hero of Ages: 7/10 - Great conclusion for the trilogy, but missing some "meat" and some character choices seem off. Warbreaker: 5/10 - Not bad, and I like Awakening; but this book was mostly saved by Lightsong and a very well done villain reversal. The Way of Kings: 9/10 - Great world-building. Good characterization and well portrayed mental illness. Shallan's best book. Words of Radiance: 7/10 - Good continuation. Less world-building but better character development. Kaladin's best book. Oathbringer: 4/10 - Loved Dalinar's flashbacks; disliked almost everything else. Especially Shallan's arc starting in this book. Rhythm of War: 6/10 - Started feeling disjointed (first real time skip in SA), and felt very unstable across the board. Great easter eggs and finally some Fabrial background. White Sand: 4/10 - I understand why BS felt Sand Mastery would be good for a visual medium, but the lack of some explanation hurt the story. Omnibus will fix most of this, I hope. White Sand (Prose): 7/10 - The additional explanation really helps the world-building and understanding what is happening throughout. The Alloy of Law: 5/10 - Middle of the road across the board - world-building, character arc, etc. Wayne saves this from a lower score. Shadows of Self: 6/10 - Better example of what Era 2 could be, but still a little disjointed in that some character decisions/motivations don't mesh. Bands of Mourning: 7/10 - Good to see that Era 2 isn't just Elendel, but it felt a bit unfinished.
  15. I've always thought of Nightblood as a nonbinary neuter. Why would a sentient object have gender? As seen by Vasher (male pronouns) and Lift (female pronouns), pronoun gender is in the mind of the person, not Nightblood. . . I don't think Sanderson has ever confirmed this, but I'm fairly sure the term "Nimi" was inspired by the Korean Suffix "Nim" - which is an honorific given to somebody of either gender (e.g. SeonsaengNim (선생님) = Honorable Teacher). At least Szeth's use of the term is very similar. . .
  16. That's a highest ranking bureaucratic official from another series. Congrats, you're a bureaucrat now Specifically Mistborn, which I believe you said you once started. . . So much to look forward to. . . . . . While not a wish fulfillment, Ch 56-57 will be a solid step in the direction for which you are waiting. And I, for one, cannot wait to hear your reaction to that sequence.
  17. Dalinar has decades of practice, training and experience in both fighting and leading armies Kaladin isn't just raw talent, it's thousands of hours of fighting and spear practice** and dozens of "battles" practicing reading combat situations. The main characters are talented. But it is a talent sharpened by practice and honed by experience.
  18. Thanks for the WoB. It confirms my point (in different words: A-Gold is fast burning because peeking into the SR is investiture heavy) It might be worth confirming with Brandon in a Q&A if, for example, A-Pewter and C-Pewter burn at the same rate. However, I think Pewter is a poor comparison. Vin's cuts and broken ribs took 3 months to heal with A-Pewter (still faster than an unaided person, but nowhere near Miles/Wayne). I'd imagine the investiture/burn rate for C-Gold is more akin to (SA) You'd get a lot of health out of that short time, but I doubt it would burn slower than A-Gold. Unless the theory that how full the metalmind has been stored affects the rate of burning it allomantically.
  19. But you implied that there would be gold left without a feruchemical charge that would burn allomantically. That's not the case**, since the charge is dispersed throughout the metal (think of putting a few drops of food coloring in water - it will diffuse throughout the volume - not just a portion of the volume) so when the gold runs out, it's because it was a small amount of gold and it all burned away. That WoB is one of the reasons I think the amount of compounding is at least related to how full the metalmind has been stored. If you recal Vin's Gold Experience in TFE (and Miles in AoL) - gold burns rather quickly (almost as fast as Atium). I'm not sure if the full metal mind would burn slower (as previously proposed) or just offer a larger exponent of released health (as also previously proposed). There are WoBs that discuss how a broken metalmind still has investiture in all of the pieces - but in some cases (like a Coppermind) it might damage or destroy the storage.
  20. Shouldn't that be "appreciable mass?" After all, we already have confirmation of Axi in the Cosmere and the Makay-im are able to use the Surge of Cohesion to intermeld the Axi of their bodies with that of solid objects, without either being "broken."
  21. I think this touches on something. Don't forget that IRL we also have energy states - photons (light), electricity (free-flowing unbound electrons), and plasma (ionized gas): Sel Spoilers: So, it's possible that "contained" Stormlight is in an energy state similar to the visible spectrum of light - drawn out it converts to a gaseous state while not contained - then returns to an energy state while in the surgebinder's body (Kal speaks of feeling energy coursing through his blood and muscles). Leaking investiture from a sphere is emitted as light while leaking investiture from a person is emitted as a gas. At no time does it seem to change from Investiture to Matter or Energy; but investiture seems to have states that mimic the states of both matter and energy. Wikipedia: Since electrons and ions both have mass, Investiture in those states would also have mass. Photons are considered massless, but that assertion is being challenged by the scientific community. Since we have this WoB (Taldain), it would appear that Investiture does have a confirmed photonic state that is potentially massless: So, I guess the question somebody would have to ask Brandon/Peter during a Q&A or AMA is: Is Light trapped in a gem in a Photonic or Plasma State, since either could be emitting visible light as the investiture leaks from the gem? If the former - then light in a gem is potentially massless until it converts to a gaseous state; if the latter, then light in a gem would almost certainly have an imperceptible, but measurable, mass.
  22. Why did you think it was the wrong spren? Was it because Eshonai said "angerspren?" The spren was named in Interlude 4 (stormspren), when Eshonai said "this is wrong" she was referring to something else (but related) that will come up later in the book. . .
  23. @Frustration and I have slightly different interpretations (and we could both be close, or both be way off base - there just isn't enough information to nitpick the details yet), but here's my primer (using the notional IU): Given (notional) 1 gram of Gold can Allomantically burn for 60 seconds Further, lets say that it releases 10 IU of investiture (manifested as Gold Shadows), or 1 IU every 6 seconds Given (notional) a 1 gram Goldmind (maybe an earring) can hold 5 IU of Health when full. Because that 1 gram of gold is Feruchemically charged, when a compounder burns it, the Investiture Key is to release Feruchemical power One possibility is that the amount of Feruchemical charge doesn't matter - that 1 gram Goldmind will always produce 10 IU of health This could account for the origin of the "10x" referenced by both Sazed and Wax - if a 1 IU metalmind created 10 IU of feruchemical power If this is true, then power could be wasted if the metalmind was "full" because you would have "spent" 5 IU to make 10 - only 2x return Another possibility is that the amount of charge does matter - but then the question becomes how It may be exponential (as considered above) - in that Feruchemical charge times ten dived by the burn time (a 5 IU metalmind burns as 50 IU of feruchemical power dived by the number of seconds to burn the full metalmind) This would then be bounded by how much can be stored in a metalmind that is still small enough to swallow and burn - knowing that we have WoBs that state that if a metalmind is broken after filling then power is lost (and with some metalminds - like Copper - possibly all of it is lost). So you may not be able to simply fill a huge bracer and break it into a few hundred chinks to burn later It may be proportional - where a full metalmind would release an exponent charge, but a less-than-full metal mind releases less than 10x change This would account for the WoBs (above) that imply the amount of charge matters - and that's why TLR was running out of time where he could continue to stay alive by compounding age ("). Example: 2 IU of charge in a 5IU metalmind is 40% full - so that would burn at 4x (40% of 10x) or release 8IU of feruchemical charge divided bu the seconds to burn. It's also entirely possible that more than one option is possible - because Command and Intent may change how the compounding is expressed for the individual. The main problem is there is an inconstancy in the Words of Brandon implying different "solutions."
  24. I feel like they were swapped, while an interpretation of the current wording is possible, they do make more sense if they were reversed. I've reposted to the Typo thread to hopefully get an official response.
  25. @Firesong made a good point in this thread. Have we confirmed that the back cover text was not accidentally swapped for Navani and Shallan? This: Makes much more sense like this:
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