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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I feel like they were swapped, while an interpretation of the current wording is possible, they do make more sense if they were reversed. I've reposted to the Typo thread to hopefully get an official response.
  2. @Firesong made a good point in this thread. Have we confirmed that the back cover text was not accidentally swapped for Navani and Shallan? This: Makes much more sense like this:
  3. Please see my post in this version: Also more quotes are here.
  4. These are great observations Another subtle hint that you can sometimes notice is idioms and/or phrases that seem "disjointed" (such as Zahel's line in this interlude:) A real world analogy might be if I said "Even a monkey can fall from a tree" (which is a Korean Proverb about how anybody can make a mistake no matter how good they are at something); which, without context, just sounds like nonsense. . . I believe Amara is starting with Stormlight Archive, so she would not have yet read the story where we see Zahel under a different name (but it will be interesting to see if she picks him out when she does read that work)
  5. Hightstorms have to be invested, that's how the storms renews Sphere's Stormlight. I thought they had explained the Ardents before this (in Way of Kings) - back when Jasnah was discussing the Heirocracy with Shallan. A few centuries before the events of these books, the Vorin church attempted to develop a Theocracy by claiming visions from the Almighty.* Their defeat is why all Ardents are considered slaves (but not quite typical slaves, as Kaladin had been - they are "owned" and cannot own anything or participate in politics; but they also can only be tasked with religious tasks) and also led to the concepts of the Glory and Calling - making worship more "transparent." The Ardents typically provide education to pursue a Calling, and test for Elevations in that Calling (as opposed the the Heirocracy's "as long as you do what we tell you then you are following the righteous path" pretext). Note: (Theory, not spoiler) What makes you think that?
  6. Most of this is found in the Coppermind and Arcanum:
  7. Just as each book has a focus flashback character, they also each have a focus interlude character. Szeth was Way of Kings (at least one interlude in every set); while Words of Radiance's interlude focus character is Eshonai (at least one every set). Szeth will be in the interludes between parts 3 and 4, and will also appear again in other chapters and interludes. . . Very nice
  8. I took "Feruchemy is about multipliers" to mean that multiplicative properties are inherent to the magic system. Which may mean that is why compounding works in the first place (a multiplicative property of feruchemy being exploited). I did not intend to imply a direct, for example, "double strength becomes 20 times strength" compounding relationship.
  9. We have no evidence they were created by the Radiants - and it is far more likely to have been developed the same way people post-Recreance learned that affixing a gem to a Shardblade allowed the user to "bond" it. ^This^ Because during the Recreance, that was the shape of the helm when it's original Radiant broke their oaths. While subtle things like adjusting size to fit the bearer are still possible, fully altering the helmet shape is either no longer possible, or would require Command and Intent (and therefore impossible for modern Alethi who don't realize such changes may be possible and therefore never try). Because without it you can't breathe While I expect the breathe answer was sarcasm. . . There is also a world of difference between "not airtight" and "enough airflow to sustain combat." For example, take a winter full-face skimask, put it on backward and try running on the treadmill. Even though the weave is air permeable, many people wouldn't last a mile as breath is impeded enough to increase lactic build-up and decrease aerobic function.
  10. It sounds like you will be satisfied with how this subplot resolves. Including Spoiler (Ch 34 - do not read before Ch 34):
  11. The more I think about this, the more I think neither of these interpretations are exactly correct. There are Words of Brandon that support both interpretations (see below). Let's reason it out together. . . far the sake of discussion (and avoiding complexity by using Breaths, since that could imply Awakening to people reading this later) I suggest we simply use the notional "Investiture unit (IU)" This implies to me that the metalmind filter really is nothing more than "instead of Allomantic IUs you get Feruchemical IUs" This implies to me that the amount of Ferchemical IUs released is related to the amount of metal burned. This implies to me that your understanding and Intent of how compounding will function can impact how that ability expresses itself. This implies to me that "multipliers" can be a part of the "Ferchemy filter" applied to a metalmind acting as allomantic fuel This implies to me that different Ferchemical attributes (metals) may behave slightly differently depending on how that F-Attribute is impacted by your Spiritweb and Cognitive Self. Therefore, some of those properties become part of the filter. This also implies to me that the amount stored in the metalmind has at least some impact, since it implies that TLR had to store more and compound more to get the same result. If 1 allomantic metal IU of F-Atium only ever resulted in 10 IUs of Age when burned, it seems TLR would have run out of compounded age long ago or quickly gotten to the point where all he could do 24/7 was eat and burn Atium since the smallest IU of age would be insufficient to roll back centuries of age. Note: Where BS has "<health wrong>" I noted he probably meant age - since compounded health should never turn you into a child, but duralumin burned compounded youth might. But it still implies to me that the amount of stored youth matters to the compounding. If that was not the case, then a duralumin burned Atium-mind could never result in a enough youth, when burned, to age back to childhood. ***** My Conclusions: At its most basic, Compounding changes the metal's filter from Allomancy to Feruchemy - but part of that filter is the multiplier quantity of the attribute and is also spread across the qty of IUs of metal. Since burning (without duralumin) is a small release over time (that can be increased by "flaring" - but with a maximum cap based on allomantic strength) any qty of feruchemical storage in a metalmind would be divided by the IUs of allomantic metal in the storage before being multiplied by burning the IUs into feruchemical investiture. A notional "100 multipler" burned into "1000 times F-Attribute" isn't really possible, because a metalmind storing "100 times attribute" would be too large to swallow and burn - and any shavings from said metalmind would, by necessity, be a relative fraction of the starting "100 time attribute" worth of storage. Intent, and (implied) command are also a factor of how the effect is expressed. So, the amount stored matters - the size of the metalmind matters but both are simply variables in the total equation so it is not as simple as "any storage is that same as full storage" nor as simple as "qty of storage x 10." Ideas, thoughts, conclusions?
  12. I understand where you are going with the idea but: If it is limited by metal; it, by-definition, is not unlimited A metalmind storing 100,000,000 hours of double strength would be the size of a house (or larger) and you would use all that strength just to move it for a minute or three. Metalminds are not, of themselves, unlimited storage. That's why Keepers had metalminds of varying sizes (earrings, rings, bracers). Sure you could fill multiple metalminds, but you could not have them all on your person all at the same time, so it's still not "unlimited." Which doesn't mean that it isn't an obscene amount of power - TLR shows us that. And you can always make more, given enough metal and time. However, at any given time the amount of ability you could tap does have a limit for that time and that situation (either bounded by the amount of digestible metalminds you have with you to burn allomantically, or the number of filled metalminds you have on you to tap).
  13. You are noticing something - but not necessarily the same something in all three cases. In this case, it is similar to something you have seen before: TWoK Ch 9
  14. Here's the Coppermind Page See my post above, please. You'll see threads around theorizing "Reverse Compounding" - but, if it exists, we do not yet know how it would work to use Feruchemy to store Allomantic ability (and therefore tap that ability in the multiples allowed by Feruchemy, but not normally found in Allomancy) Brandon has RAFOed all questions on Copper Compounding. Ditto and of the Spiritual Quadrant metals Storing Age makes you older for a time, tapping it makes you younger. Therefore burning it you "gain" 10x the youth that was stored.
  15. So, in Feruchemy the metal is a key to a given ability, but the power comes from your own body (or, more technically, the attribute is stored as investiture in the metalmind, then that Investiture is tapped to release the stored attibute). In Allomancy the metal is a key to a given ability, but the power comes from the Spiritual Realm (burning metal being the action of "converting" metal into investiture based on the "key" of the metal. In Compounding, a Twinborn stores an attribute in metal - then burns that metal Allomantically. This converts the metal into investiture powered from the Spiritual Realm. However, because the metal burned was a Metal Mind, it still has the Feruchemy "key" (rather than the allomantic key for that metal). The result is the Compounder gets (roughly) 10x more power out of the metalmind than what was stored. That output can also be stored into one or more new metalminds. The Twinborn is essentially making a new Allomantic metal only that person can use. (Very rough) Example: *Note: none of the numbers in the example are accurate, they are meant only to describe the process
  16. Awesome, thanks. I was thinking more along the lines of transport (minerals as part of larger digestible molecules moving though intestinal walls) than at the atomic level; so I go hung up on the uptake (kind of how salt in a brine draws the water out of the meat, then as water moves back in the salt comes with it).
  17. Maybe there's an MD that can weigh in; but I doubt, for example, you would get similar nutritional Iron from a nail that you do from spinach. Also, half of the Allomantic metals are alloys that wouldn't, in any form, be considered "nutrition" with or without F-bendalloy; and some that are elemental metals (like cadmium) are definitely not nutritious. I don't know if you checked out the link I posted (wikipedia) but basically, the only allomantic metals that are also nutritional trace minerals are copper, zinc, iron and chromium. TLR would not have been able to store durlumin or the other 11 metals even if F-Bendalloy could store those four. This dialog leads me to a separate question(s) though. . . I wonder how often a Lurcher becomes an iron-deficient anemic through burning off their nutritional iron before it can be digested and incorporated into making blood. Similar deficiencies in copper, zinc, and chromium could have other health issues (such as chromium deficiency glucose intolerance). I feel like the Cosmere answer would need to be that nutritional trace elements are slightly different that their Allomantic equivalent - so while trace amounts of allomantic metals (like Vin's brass and pewter in Book 1) can come from eating utinsels and such, A-Iron need some in-world fundamental difference from nutritional iron to prevent Lurcher Anemia (and similar effects). Even if that difference is just "intent" (no known examples of somebody eating spinach with the intent of Lurching).
  18. It's likely a combination of multiple elements. You can have lingual migration (especially vocabulary; over grammar/syntax) without population migration. Sometimes it's the "common root" causing similar derivations and sometimes it's cognates being incorporated into language (and possibly altered/shifted). Examples: Tea - In dozens of languages of the eastern hemisphere the word for tea (chai, cha, jai, etc.) is so close in pronunciation it can often be understood between languages. Many of these languages do not share a common root (e.g. Mandarin, Pashtu, Hindi, Nihongo are all different language families) but the similarity could come from vocabulary sharing and cognate drift Kindergarten - A direct German cognate, but so assimilated into English that a large percentage of the population no longer recognizes it as a word with a foreign origin (unlike jalapeno or samurai which are similarly incorporated, but still recognized as cognates) Succotash (a reverse cognate) is an example of a local vocabulary being incorporated into a migration population; with usage spreading backward to the migration origin. It's accepted by most English speakers as a non-cognate, despite originating with American Natives and drifting backward to Europe. I would imagine that it went something like:
  19. Portions of the unpublished Aether of Night were used in Mistborn, but changed significantly when moved over to The Final Empire trilogy. Some worldbuilding details were also used in Warbreaker. The Aethers themselves have changed a few times. IIRC the canon version that eventually appears in published works (and cameos in Oathbringer) is the third or fourth major revision of what Aethers are and how they work. Which also means that while there isn't much "spoilery" about the Aethers in AoN, you also won't learn much that applies. I have not read any of the Secret Project spoilers, so I can't comment on how much impact reading AoN would have there. . .
  20. Adolin certainly received some much-needed character development in WoR. For me the highpoint is Ch 66 (spoiler - so you may want to wait and come back to read this when you get that far):
  21. Subsumers do store nutrition, but it is unlikely that they could store organic essential trace elements separate from the calories (or hydration) in which they were ingested. Even if trace metals(minerals) were stored as part of the calories or hydration I doubt it could store non-metabolized minerals. Also, there is no guarantee that, for example, organic copper matches Allomantic Copper (as the former would have impurities as a biological component; while the latter has to be elementally pure)
  22. I think this is the key. Breath is Connected to your Spiritweb and Identity, but isn't part of your Spiritweb. In the example given, Miles might heal A-Gold because the ability to use A-Gold is part of his Spiritweb, so that "hole" may be healed. Once you endow your breath to somebody/something sentient, the Identity keyed to the breath changes; it's no longer Connected to your Spiritweb, but there is also no gaping hole in the Spiritweb to be healed. WoB: That may change in the case of Hemalurgy stealing Breath, since that would leave a hole to be healed. . .
  23. The Aon has to be corrrect at time of activation. For example, Galadon notes in Ch 7: So, an Aon on a physical object does nothing until an Elantrian "triggers" it (on or off) - which implies that if the Aon were marred or changed too much, then it could not be triggered in the first place. . .
  24. I noticed, right after RoW, that Seons seem to use Rhythms. The discussion didn't go very far - but if the Seons and Skaze can tap into Rhythms, then that would also create an avenue for the various Selish magics to learn of, and use, Rhythm. Dakhor may already do so, through their use of Chanting. . .
  25. Since this is the Mistborn forum, please don't forget to spoiler tag references to things from other series. . .
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