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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Welcome to the Forums Also, you can check out the Kelsier page on the Coppermind - but beware of spoilers if you have not yet finished the rest of the published Cosmere works. On the Wiki, the information is mostly in prose form, but annotated with links to the appropriate reference (WoB, Annotations, Chapter(s) in published works, etc.). Also, if you have not yet done so, check out the Annotations to the Era 1 Trilogy are a great source for what the author was thinking at the time he wrote those novels, including character motivation, reasons for author decisions, etc. Hope that helps
  2. Exacty, which is why I believe you have to both know that Atium is affecting Fortune (even if not in those terms - Atium is allowing you to change the immediate future) and Intend to use the information you glean to do the same - adjust the immediate future. . .
  3. I think that splitting the Shadow without your own access to Atium (via reaction) requires both knowledge and intent. Similar to how Wax didn't sense the coppermind medallion until he both knew it was a medallion and intended to sense and access it. Also how Wayne didn't sense stores in the Bands when he first "traded" for it because he didn't realize the spearhead was the Bands and had no intent to sense or access their power (whereas Marasi "realized" what they were - supplying knowledge - then formed the intent to use that information to acces the Bands). In Vin's fight with Zane she had to: Know that Atium was in use to change Fortune Know that using information from Shadows allows somebody to change those action(s) Intend to react only to what she learned by Zane's access to Fortune Not reacting to his movements per se - but how his movements indicated the information gleaned from the Atium
  4. TFE Ch 13 Initial Explanation of Atium Note: it has been repeatedly said and shown that Era 1 metalborn have a flawed understanding of most metals - especially Atium. What is shown to happen should weigh more than what is said about it. TFE Ch 14 Vin using Atium to get passed the squad of soldiers inside Kredik Shaw. Note: the obvious near-zinc like emotional effect that is happening simultaneously with the increased mental acuity, mental speed and physical reflexes. BS has said a number of times that most metals (investiture) have req'd secondary effects that enable them to function (such as F-Iron) TFE Ch 30 Another example showing that reflexes move toward the level of "muscle memory" that can function without conscious control under the influence of Atium. HoA Ch 60 Note: the obvious physical effect of Atium - described as "he didn’t have the grace of pewter or the knowledge of a warrior, but he moved just right" My conclusion: The alloy known as Atium in Era 1 has an obvious mental, emotional, and physical effect (I would not be surprised to learn it also had addictive qualities) and that the temporal vision is a function of time, not speed (Inquisitor steelpushing the caltrops she sees the shadow even before the push because she saw them in the time needed to block with the book, Likewise with the arrows, she saw when they would affect her, regardless of status as fired or not. This implies that the shadows show what will happen (not intentions, not decisions, etc.) - likely based on Fortune, and likely with an EPR (error probability ratio) somewhere > 75% likely - and only somebody with access to Fortune (such as burning Atium - or knowledge of how burning Atium affects the future) can change aspects of that future. e. g. The arrow was where she dodged it, because the arrow was always going to be where she dodged it - not because a random guard decided to fire on a Mistborn standing on a roof (he was always going to fire at unknown people on the roof) - unless somebody with access to Fortune changed that aspect of the future and split the atium shadow to a new possibility
  5. WoA Ch 4 Vin discusses Thugs vs Atium with Ham
  6. Just so we have references for context: HoA Ch 44 Atium allows Yomen to follow the movements of the Pewter burning Eland Ch 60 Yomen sidesteps - not leaning back, not moving back - lateral dodges. . . Ch 60 Atium is shown to also have an effect on body movement - not as much as Pewter - but certainly more fluid than an untrained person fighting. WoA Ch 47 Vin clearly shows a certain mindset - to allow muscle memory and instinct to guide her action - then uses the information in Zane's flinch to change course. Zane clearly shows that with the split atium shadow he could still have blocked her - but he chose the wrong shadow to counter.
  7. This was so painful to read - and I usually skip most of the chapter on re-reads; but I do think it serves a purpose in that: It really shows how little Tyn cares about others (allies, enemies, neutral) It shows how much Shallan is still swayed by peer pressure and/or what she perceives as "required" Tyn's teaching her, so she "needs" to do as she's told It does become the "gift that keeps on giving" as it is referenced later in the series. . . I found it to be neither funny nor a "good first interaction" - but it was good to finally see Kaladin through somebody else's POV.
  8. Or make it happen faster because you are constantly holding large amounts of investiture. . .
  9. Sometimes it's the fault of the browser (or site) not the user. It's always good practice when making a new thread to return to the Forum list and check that it was only created once. If there are multiple identical threads, simply open them and on the first post, click "Report" and in the Report message let the mods know it was an accidental duplicate post. They can then sort it out (simply delete the extras if there have been no replies, or merge them all if they all have a reply). In thread you can avoid double-posting by learning the quote and edit tools in this forum's design: Hope that helps.
  10. But they have had contact. Even the Alloy of Law Broadsheet showed: Not to mention the incidents related in BoM (where the Hunter was met in the mountains years before the Allik's ship crashed. There were probably more random incidents in the previous years (like the incident above and similar to random encounters with natives and vikings in North America in the centuries before Columbus was even born). I would imagine that since both continents lost 75+% of their population and that hundreds or thousands of miles separate the settled areas of North and South, 300 yrs seems a short amount of time to rebuild infrastructure, regrow population, innovate technology and explore the new/unsettled areas. SA Spoilers:
  11. You must have really misunderstood. The Sovereign came to them 12 years post-catacendre - and in that 12 years, they lost an unspecified significant portion of their population, and suffered a near-collapse of their entire society. They started with what is the current map. HoA Ch 82 Unless you meant we don't know where on the map Khlennium was located - that is true. Coppermind
  12. Please keep all TLM material in the appropriate spoiler section. The Southern Scadrian territories are not warmer than the Elendel Basin, nor the Southern Roughs. Remember, they need the firemothers to make bronzemind medallions just to survive their own territory too. Rashek moved the continents to the poles when he moved the planet closer to the sun. He used ashmounts and genetic changes in the north to keep the area "cool" and help them survive - but he used neither of these in the south. So, over a millenium, the SoScads naturally adapted to a much hotter climate. When Harmony restored the planet to its original orbit and the continents to their original locations; their new physiology is incompatible with the current, normal, climate. WoB: I think it is more like taking somebody from (for example) southern Texas who has never seen snow and letting them visit Michigan in May. The temp will be 50s-60s and the locals will be wearing shorts and t-shirts while the Texan will be bundled in a jacket and still feel "cold."
  13. While the whole work won't be released (see below) you can at least read the collected passages in the Coppermind (ditto Words of Radiance). Words of Brandon:
  14. I don't think it was explicitly stated. . . Presumably, when Dalinar traded Oathbringer for the bridgemen and told them to "bring your things," at least some of the crews brought their bridges so they could travel back to Dalinar's warcamp.
  15. No worries. I'm often told at work that I rarely make sense to anybody but myself
  16. I said: You said: So I was elaborating that, even for a person who intends to only read Mistborn, but never read any other Cosmere works - they should still read Secret History after The Bands of Mourning (at least the first time) because: With the exception that if the person doesn't care about spoilers, then obviously reading order doesn't matter nearly as much.
  17. Emporer's Soul is, arguably, Sanderson's best work of any length (and won a Hugo to prove it) - it is set on the same planet as Elantris, but in a very different location, and with very few connections. It can totally be read on it's own, even if you never read Elantris. Hope of Elantris is a sort-of Epilogue to the novel Elantris. Read after the novel, but not separately (*see below - non-spoiler) From the Hope of Elantris Intro: If you have not read Mistborn Era 2 and Secret History before reading Rhythm of War - than an event/reference/scene in Rhythm of War that may be quite important thay may go unnoticed because you lack the context to think "Wow, that's a BFD." However, I have a feeling that a similar moment will happen when you read Era 2, Secret History, and The Lost Metal. If you have already read RoW, then that event/reference/scene will suddenly "make sense."
  18. Also, if you are thinking of "The Eleventh Metal" (Malatium) - remember that the presense of Atium adn Malatium on the Allomancy table was a change made by Preservation and reversed by Harmony. WoB For Preservation's long plan, he needed the people of Scadrial to be able to use up Atium, and replaced Cadmium and Bendalloy from the "16" metals (since those two would be unavilable until technology and metallurgy progressed enough to refine them). So, the presence of Malatium was already an artificial construct that was reversed by Harmony.
  19. The Fused were not digging under Kholinar Palace (OB Ch 121) And evidently, it was to make room for thier own construction (RoW Ch 14) We don't know that the human magic changed when they emigrated from Ashyn to Shinovar - it is just as likely that whatever happened on Ashyn changed the magic there after the refugees had left. It's also likely that whatever version of Surges they had on Ashyn were different from the ones now on Roshar, since we have no evidence of Spren on Ashyn either way (presense or absense). The destruction there could have been a different means of accessing surges; which would explain why allowing a Nahel bond to access surges on Roshar was considered a "natural limit on the power of surgebinders" and why "Unchained surges" (such as the honorblades) are so dangerous.
  20. Concur - which is why I said possible rather than probable. The description itself also doesn't match (but descriptions can change) since we know by the time Spook was in Urteau he was over 6 ft tall (by Scadrian feet) and Sixteen's description (Ch 75) doesn't match: That said, since we know that Shallan usually uses new aspects of her abilities unconciously (see the whole deserter fiasco), and we know that Lightweavers can also manipulate sound (not just light) - it is possible that unconcious lightweaving was used to direct any noise she was making away from Sixteen. While Spook is unlikely to be Sixteen, I would not rule out the possibility. I would also doubt it to be anybody older than Catacendre - just because of the breadth of powers (and metals) that would need to be known/understood and the amount of Atium aging that would have been needed for it to be a descendent of Rashek or similar.
  21. The problem would then be, if you release the "blade" to recall it, you have also "lost" the handle (and it won't come back). However, if you don't mind "disposable" handles, you would probably easily have a collection of cloth/leather/wood "handles" that are hollow on the inside. A living blade should be able to "congeal" where and how desired, so if it became a chakram with the center post already though the hollow handle you lash that and just try to collect the "empties" after the fight (knowing you'll never find them all). . .
  22. Even if their skin's metallic sheen has something to do with the Godmetal of Devotion/Dominion/Dor, it is unlikely it could block a Shardblade since an Elantrian's skin has been shown to be susceptible to normal blades (and other wounds) and we know Nightblood and Shardblades would not be vulnerable to ordinary steel. But the question is good and has interesting implications.
  23. Unlikely to be a Kandra, as they still need sustenance and would probably only draw this much attention if under-orders Would probably have to, at least, be a Subsumer compounder (or found a way to do so with Medallions or other fabrials - I imagine a "no-need-to-eat-or-drink" unsealed medallion would be quite popular with worldhoppers - and quite expensive) Spook is possible, as we can only confirm that he "stepped down from Ruling" and was over a century old when he did so - no confirmed death (yet) and he would only need a spike for F-Bendalloy to become a subsumer compounder Additionally, if he was already working with Kell at the end of MSH, could he have gone off-world to help solve Kell's little problem? So, most likely somebody unknown (and unlikely to be Terris - due to description) - but possibly Spook.
  24. Not including Warbreaker, which you said you are already reading (you may have already seen how that connects to Stormlight in WoR and OB), I would gauge the others as: Sixth of the Dusk - minor plot implications (and the one story I would definitely recommend pre-RoW as it is short, great and does connect) Elantris - few plot implications, only makes one reveal make more sense (and clarify a certain interaction from OB), but not necessary to understand the event(s) (my second suggestion for pre-RoW) Emperor's Soul - No definitive connection to RoW - but since ES is where Brandon first really started explaining Cosmere Realmatics, having it as the background can help make RoW more understandable Mistborn Era 1 - Minor connections to RoW, and one major reveal - but (as below): Era 2 - No real importance to RoW, except one epigraph reference - mostly important by association to: Secret History - Era 2 through BoM are important to read before SH if you care about spoilers (and it seems you do), SH makes a reveal in RoW more important but that importance could easily go the other way (after reading SH you realize - oh that's what <spoiler> meant in RoW. . . ) Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell - One minor connection in OB and RoW, but certainly not a prerequisite Originally Printed in Shadows Beneath (a great anthology if you like the behind-the-scenes of writing) where Brandon's writing group brainstormed a story for each member and this collection shows, in order: Each Story's final version Each brainstorming session Each First Draft One Edit Draft Excerpts:
  25. I don't think there was ever a name for that relationship; because it was so central to Era 1, and not a contested element (e. g. there was never a real chance Vin would have been with Spook, Zane, or anybody else). You aren't the only one
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