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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Mistborn: Secret History definitely has spoilers for Era 2 and the author recommends waiting until after Bands of Mourning to read it. Another factor is how much (if any) other Cosmere books/series has the individual read? If Mistborn is their first (or nearly first) work by Sanderson or in the Cosmere, then the ton of Cosmere references and information (Shadesmar, Ire, Connection, etc.) will not make much sense and will have far less impact than it should. For all of my friends that I have recommended Sanderson (and Cosmere) I have never recommended they read MSH after HoA. I just warn them that they could do so, but it is not recommend as it spoils things down the road and will make less sense unless they have read, at least, Warbreaker and Elantris after HoA and before Alloy of Law. I usually only recommend reading it with Era 1 during a re-read of the whole Era 1. Integrated Timeline: I also created a reading order for integrating the chapters/scenes of MSH with Era 1 (advised only for re-reads of all 5 works) and I also edited my epub so I have an integrated ebook for Era 1.
  2. Brandon has said that Scadrial is the most Earth-like in its technological path, so I always took this as just a background detail to show that Scadrian science has developed faster in cases like metallurgy (a similar 1800s Earth setting wouldn't have flat metal sheets to try indoor firepits - it would all be fieldstone fireplaces), but lags behind in other cases (such as radio and internal combusion engines).
  3. At restaurants, I made ordering the meal into a game - Can I place the order in such a way that the server has no questions to ask me? Typically, when ordering there is a bunch of back and forth (Soup or salad? What Dressing? Which sides? etc.) so by focusing on all of the possible questions they might ask, and by answering them up front I'm able to concentrate on the menu and the order rather than the fact that I have to talk to somebody. Example: Can I please have the Lasagna with roasted broccoli side, side salad, Italian dressing and unsweet tea - no ice - to drink I "win" every time the server walks away without asking me any follow-up questions. . .
  4. Click the "Eye" icon then type in the spoiler box Vin's earring was described as bronze with a light silver gild (mostly worn off), implied to have been on the "stud" not the "post."
  5. So, based on this broadsheet ad: Some friends at work and I were discussing possible Metalborn Professions for Era 3 and beyond. I thought we could all share some conjecture: Pulser: Nurse - Keep patients alive while waiting for a specialist/equipment/medicine, help families wait out that tricky surgery with less time worrying, etc. Subsumer: Culinary Scientist - testing food, designing product Gasper: Free Diver - Wrecks, recovery, pearl hunting, etc. Seeker: Casino Guard - watch for cheaters
  6. I'm specifically referenceing this section in Ch 36: For somebody like Marasi, who sees the legal system as generally good for teh people (despite its flaws) - though this and other interactions, I just had the impression that she was incompatible with "secret society" life.
  7. I felt some of the name drops-were too blatent (and frankly annoying). For example: Why actually say "Kaise" or the Arelish pronunciation of Shai's name? The brother/math reference was more than enough for the former, and the stamps were fairly conclusive for the latter (or would be speculation fodder on a different female Forger being involved). The bloody missing/extra Coinshot Spike (already debated in other threads). The lack of mention about the Noseball league in Allriandre's Epilogue. They even mention "a few holdbacks," that "Wayne set aside for other things" - would it be so hard to confirm the Noseball league here? I actually found it very beleivable. It's the same day as the events; tensions are high and she's still reeling from finding out that the GBs knew about the Set's plans in the works (at least some of it) and because they kept it to themselves a disaster nearly occured. I could have conceivably accepted a "let me sleep on it" stall measure - but to feel betrayed by a hero is crushing. I expect that's how she felt and was kind of surprised her response was as calm and rational as it was (as soon as she discovered they had data on where the Set was hiding and what they had been up to, I was already sure she would never join them).
  8. First you said "Seeker" - then copper. . . Did you mean bronze or did you mean Smoker? We do have this WoB:
  9. I don't think Siri would want that, and I doubt that Susebron would either. I don't think Siri would enjoy outliving her family and everyone she knows that isn't Returned. Especially if they come to know what was revealed in the Ch 55 annotations: So while I can see Vivenna wanting to outlive her past, and wander around learning to be herself; I would expect Siri and Susebron would want to govern and enact reform for a while, then retire together and finish their lives quietly together. The known sequel won't have them in it; though it may have a cameo or just information about what is happening with them. WoB:
  10. I would also imagine that, if Seons are Splinters in the same (or similar) manner that Spren are Splinters; then the Dor filling the Selish Shadesmar may be the root cause so many (all?) Seons are in the Physical Realm instead of Shadesmar. In fact, it may be why they can be in the Physcial Realm more fully than even a bonded Spren (and the Bonds they form with their chosen mortal may be a Selish Variant of the Nahel Bond, further allowing their PR presense).
  11. Are there any books/series you have not yet read? If not - you could easily see all known information on the Coppermind page Harmonium (Ettmetal) has no known uses yet because nobody could survive trying to ingest it. Otherwise, the Allomantic effects of the other Godmetals are unknown. Yes, the metal they knew in Era 1 as Atium was a Atium slightly tainted by Electrum. WoBs: (edited) So, we know that Preservation messed with the 16 metals as part of his long con to Preserve Scadrial. Cadmium and Bendalloy were replaced with Atium and Malatium (which allowed Allomancers to burn off Ruin's power), and Harmony fixed that when remaking the world. True Godmetals would be burnable by anybody (like Lerasium).
  12. I always took it as: If a spren is already interested in/following you then you might get access to Stormlight as the Nahel Bond forms but before swearing any ideals If you hope to become a Squire (to any order) and attract a spren (but do not already have one watching/following you) then you would need to express the first ideal through words or deeds to gain access to Stormlight
  13. I wish. . . Closest I can recall is when I saw the allergist (way back in the 80s - I was 9-10ish) I reacted about 90 of the 108 samples tested. Environmental allergies? Check. Seasonal allergies? Check. Food allergies? Check. The easiest summary is nearly every plant pollen (trees, grasses, flowers - and things made from it like candles and perfume), the usual mold and dust, animal dander (cats are the worst, but I even have some reaction to my two GSDs and need to wash after touching them), shellfish, fish oil and some berry/seed oils (like strawberries, raspberrries, etc.) The weirdest is when I react to something like perfume or candles and I can't quite smell what's causing the reaction, but I can feel it in my eyes and sinuses.
  14. Hello all. I'm technically a Seminole Irish German American (just American for short) who has lived in Korea and Japan and also travelled to about a dozen countries. I try to learn at least the greetings for each place I visit, as well as some food recipes for each country (Kabulli Palau. . . Mmmm). I've formally studied Spanish and Korean, self-studied Japanese, Tagalog and German (and some Tangential Chinese - but just reading and writing and mostly as Hanja and Kanji). From Wiktionary: Good call OtU. I'm a big fan of Garner's and other resources (like Wiktionary, Omniglot, and Ethnologue (before the paywall)) with connotative distinctions of synonyms, etymology and other linguistic nonsense. One of my prizes is an "Asian Super-dictionary" I purchased at Kyobomungo in Seoul, Korea in '99(ish). It's organized like a traditional Chinese dictionary (Radical and stroke count), but for each entry it has: Chinese Long Form Chinese Short Form Japanese/Korean forms if different than the above Bopomofo Pinyin Korean (Hangul) Japanese (Hiragana) English The definition is, of course, in Korean (so I often need my Kor-Eng dictionary to read this dictionary) Depending on mood, I most often just look up and name the first thing I see (sky, light fixture, airvent, ceiling tile, roof, etc.) Pronouns without antecedants are annoying, at best; but I think that gives the Listener license to interpret it how they want. I usually just think of a random McGuffin, then state it's means of locomotion as an aswer - if they didn't want to be understood, then I don't have to be either. . .
  15. I beleive that a major character would have had that in the description, just as Dox's half-beard was repeatedly mentioned. I also beleive that, at least for the first book, TLR discouraged facial hair (see below), so facial hair was less common overall, and significantly less common within Luthadel. Breeze Ladrian was a noble afterall, and even after TLR fell, most nobles maintained the lack of facial hair (since it was considered unfashionable). TFE Ch 22 TFE Ch 24 WoA Ch 26 So, we can see that Breeze always stayed "fashionable," what was fashionable was larglety set by TLR, and after TLR fell, it was notable that King Venture bucked the still-stagnant fashion when he deicded to grow a beard. All of that said, if you want breeze to have a mustache in your head-cannon; I have no problem with that. It is simply not supported by the text (including the various Portraits of him in Era 2).
  16. Please do not multi-post. In case you were not aware: Also, please avoid discussing unpublished material outside of designated spoiler areas.
  17. So, in the last hour my forum (on PC) changed to a weird no-column "everything is huge" display that I think might be the mobile version (even though I am on PC). I tried signing out/in and deleting history/cookies; but it's still stuck looking weird and annoying. Is this an intended change? Is there a button to select which site version we see? Win 10 Pro - 22H2 Browser: Brave (Chomium) - Version 1.45.133 Chromium: 107.0.5304.141 (Official Build) (64-bit) Edit: Is the format controlled by screen width/pixels? I've continued troubleshooting and after inspecting the page and resetting all sizes while changing the size of the browser window - the format changed back to normal.
  18. Well, when a perpendicularity forms, ir pierces the realms. The Spiritual Realm has neither time nor space, so having aluminum around he physical aspect shouldn't affect that (there is no "around" or "surround" in a realm without space). So, it's possible that the physical aspects (sensed with Heighteneings or Bronze) would be blocked int he Physical Realm; there would probably be no effect to the perpendicularity in the Spiritual Realm. Since the Cognitive Realm is weird, there will probably be inconsistent effects depending on factors such as: Was the investiture put there for the purposes of hiding it? Do other's know about it? If yes, are they aware that it was meant to be hidden? Is the "box" manifested (or partially manifested) in Shadesmar? e.g. Scadrial Shadesmar - where we see the Well of Ascension as a beacon of power that can be seen through the misty Cognitive aspect of the Kredik Shaw cavern; but as we see when Kelsier manifests the sack and other objects, they have a more physical presence in Sadesmar. etc
  19. When you are no longer avoiding spoilers, the best resource will probably be The Coppermind, which has the information in prose-ish wiki form and annotated with references (which book chapter, and links to the Arcanum Q&A/AMA Words of Brandon. However, since the wiki pages draw from all available sources, it is best to wait until you have caught up to avoid spoilers (but they have a spoiler free mirror when new books are released for six months so if you haven't read the lasted (in this case Lost Metal) you can continue to use the Coppermind before you do read it. Example: The Shards of Adonalsium, or Shards for short, are sixteen pieces of the power of creation.[2] They are each named after a specific characteristic or ideal that represents the Shard's primary purpose or motivation. A person who has taken up the power of a Shard is the Vessel of that Shard.[3] Mistborn: Secret History part 3 chapter 2 Hero of Ages Q&A - Time Waster's Guide— Arcanum - 2008-10-15 Mistborn: Secret History part 5 chapter 2 That said, besides what was already referenced above, the number "16" was first dropped in HoA (Mistborn Era 1), as well as the name Adonalsium (in the epilogue). Vessels were hinted at in HoA; since we see Vin Ascend, and see the bodies of both Vin and Ati fall to the ground in the climax. Rhythm of War and Lost Metal are the most Cosmere-aware books so far; with the former being slightly in the background and the latter being the first "official" book where that aspect is in the foreground of the book.
  20. Well, if you had enough investiture to start a Perpendicularity, then used it in a magic system; it may not be free to form a Perpendicularity any more. WoB: So, in your example, it would probably matter if the investiture use in awakening remains on the physical realm, or is it inhabiting the Cognitive aspect while "awakened." ALso note, Nightblood (even after taking a bite from Odium in RoW) either doesn't have enough investiture to pierce the realms - or the investiture used in Awakening doesn;t natually pierce the realms while an object is "Awake." WoB While it is not directly relevant, there is this WoB, as well:
  21. Welcome to the forums, but please do not double-post. If you were not aware, this may help: Hope that helps. You may be right, but that is not at all the impressions I had from the books: Interpretation and context are important (one of the great things about reading as a medium as opposed to film/TV) but this is what I get out of those references: When it comes to treating anybody (slaves or otherwise) like he does in this scene; it implies that the person no longer considers the abused to actually be people. I don't think a slaver could abuse, malnourish, and murder the slaves in their charge if they didn't, on a fundamental level, stop thinking of them as people - and only consider them to be cattle/product. It's the same documented mindset of sociopaths and psychopaths that engage in physical, mental, and/or emotional torture. To go back on his word and undercut Kaladin for revenge, and the small possibility of better sales for being seen as "honest," these spiteful tactics do not seem like a "good merchant in a bad situation" to me. I'm fairly certain that if Shallan had been Darkeyed (or if Tvlakv had had the materials to fake a slave contract) in this scene, he would definitely have turned Shallan into a slave. Only the fact that she was Lighteyed and "might be missed" saves her here. This just reinforces that even after they have been traveling together for a bit, Tvlakv is still contemplating how to resolve the situation to his best benefit. If he had decided that meant killing her and taking the trunk of goods or faking a slave contract for her, I have no doubt that is what he would have done. Again, that is all how the character and those interactions felt to me. Tvlakv didn't really feel "malicious" as much as eternally selfish and pragmatic. Whatever situation would be best for Tvlakv is the path he would choose. As for his debts - that's WoR Ch 15: The snake oil is dripping off of Tvlakv here. And just because we find out he has debts that are forcing him into a slave caravan route to/from the Shattered Plains does not mean he was a previously great merchant who is now "having it rough." For all we know, before his debts maybe he ran one of the slave pens in a larger city where he could do more damage to more people (slaves/wares) in the name of bigger profits. At least, that's the impression I had - he had no qualms with the morals and violence of his slave trade, just with the fact that his caravan route wasn't very profitable for the high amount of time spent. Compare to Vstim for how reputable Thaylen merchants behave. Glad you are still enjoying it too. She should I'm not sure she had anything in mind. . . Shallan seems like a "talk first, plan later" type to me (especially in this book)
  22. Have you read any of Brandon Sanderson's other works? As far as The Way of Kings - You will probably enjoy it if you like: Epic Fantasy long books (each around 1000 pages - give or take) Hard Magic with rules and implications to/from physics and the natural world More explanation is required, but the logic and implications are great Non-Earth-like geography/ecology/weather For example the world of this book has no axial tilt, so "seasons" are entirely unlike what you expect that word to mean Multiple viewpoint characters - with each done as limited third person narration That said, if you are new to Brandon Sanderson; while you can technically start with any series, this is not the series with which I normally recommend to friends for starting. I would normally recommend them to start with either: Elantris (if you prefer intrigue, drama and puzzles) Mistborn Trilogy (if you have a preference for action)
  23. Sometimes it is the fault of the browser, not the user. Simply click "report post" on the top of each post and list the reason as "Duplicate post" and the mods can sort it out.
  24. I thought that was what you meant, but I wasn't positive; and so I felt that verifying was better than assuming. . . Thank you very much.
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